Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1375: produce

"Fujian!" Bi Xue sang suddenly.

"Subordinates are here." Fu Lin appeared immediately, kneeling respectfully before Bi Xue.

Fu Lin has been very good lately. It is really that his master has been too horrified recently. The suffocation and murderous intentions in his body made him dare not approach.

"Bring all the demon soldiers, and go to Hongmeng Purgatory with the emperor." Bi Xue narrowed his eyes narrowly.

"All the monster soldiers?" Fu Lin was dumbfounded, wasn't there a monster soldier guarding Hongmeng Purgatory? Why would you want to bring the monster soldiers over? All ...

"Did you hear?" Seeing Fu Lin not moving, Bi Xue's bloodthirsty eyes swept again.

"Yes." Fu Lin dare not neglect, and ran out quickly, and within a short time, summoned all the demon soldiers, and even the demon soldiers guarding the fairy world, the demon world, and the ghost world gave instructions to let them gather in Hongmeng Purgatory .

Hearing the movement, Mo Yan and Jin Fengjiao also ran out.

"Where is this going? Is it going to the Demon Realm?" Looking at the demon soldiers who moved out of the nest, Mo Yan was immediately excited, thinking that the blood was going to take him to the Devil to take revenge, "Ben Jun will also go."

Jin Fengjiao frowned, but did not think that Bi Xue would lead them to the Devil to take revenge so kindly.

"Where are you going?"

"Hongmeng Purgatory." Bi Xue glanced at her, his tone softened, "You stay in the palace until the emperor returns."

"Okay." Looking at his red triangle eyes, Jin Fengjiao nodded uncontrollably.

Since getting along for more than a year, she has become more and more inseparable from this man, and this man is getting better and better with her. She never goes to other women's rooms without saying anything, even more to her. It's also good for the children.

The most important thing is that he seems to be getting more and more manly. The whole body of suffocation and killing not only did not scare her, but also made her love him more and more.

Recently, his cultivation is also advancing by leaps and bounds, such a man is worthy of her Jin Fengjiao's man.

Leaving Jin Fengjiao in the Demon Palace, Bi Xue took Mo Yan and all the demon soldiers to rush to Hongmeng Purgatory together.


"Xian Zun is not good, Bixue took a lot of demon soldiers to Hongmeng Purgatory." As soon as he got the current report, Yu Fan rushed to report it.

Zi Xiu's eyes lighted for a moment, and there was a flash of killing in the indifferent eyes.

"Bring all the immortals and go to Hongmeng Purgatory with the deity."

"Yes." Yu Fan responded, and hurriedly arranged.


Long Yue, who was left behind by Mo Beichen, also received the current report, and quickly convened all the magic soldiers to rush to Hongmeng Purgatory for rescue.

Demon world.

All the fox clan in the demon world felt the powerful blood of the fox, all gathered together in unison.

"Is the princess's fox blood awakened?" A white fox asked Bai Shi.

"Maybe the princess gave birth. Didn't you say the princess was pregnant before?" Said another Baihu.

"It's very possible that the bloodstream of the princess was reborn before the princess was reborn, and it was impossible to wake up so quickly for a while, so it should be birth." Shiraishi analyzed carefully.

This time, the blood of the Sky Fox is extremely pure. It seems that the little prince or princess will inherit the powerful blood of His Majesty.

"Not good, Your Majesty took all the demon soldiers to Hongmon Purgatory to rob the princess." Jun Yan hurried over.

"What, how can this be done, the princess has just given birth and must not let Bi Xue rob him."

"Also the little prince and little princess must not fall into the hands of Bi Xue."

"The blood is so cruel and hard-hearted that it can appear in the Sky Fox bloodline, so that our Sky Fox bloodline must not be allowed to succeed."

Underneath, everyone in the Fox clan was in a hurry, and in their opinion, the recurring Sky Fox bloodline was the only hope of their compound.

"Jun Yan, you have to summon all of your Majesty's old ministries, let's save the princess and your Highness." Shiraishi also knew the terrible relationship among them, and said in a sinking manner.

"Yes." Jun Yan responded, and hurried to convene the horse.

The former Baimao ’s diligence and love for the people won people ’s hearts. After all His Majesty ’s suffering, there are still many ethnic groups willing to follow their fox family. Unfortunately, the fox family was suppressed by the snake family so that even the tribe was gone, so they wanted to find Princess, recreate the blood of the Sky Fox and revive the Fox family.

Although Baiji has disappeared for thousands of years, Yu Wei, once the demon emperor Baiji, is still there, and the blue blood is not a climate at all. Therefore, other races who learned that the blood of the fox reappeared responded to Baishi's call and followed Baishi Hongmeng Purgatory.

The demon, the immortal, the demon, and several people were all set off, and all rushed to Hongmeng Purgatory.

The **** in Hongmeng Purgatory is already in the pain of production.

Just now she was still excited about her surge in cultivation, but she didn't expect that she would break out at this moment.

"Beaver ..." Mo Beichen was so anxious that he was holding the **** and had no master. He didn't know what to do. "I'll take you out."

"It's too late." Baici shook her head hard, and patted Mo Beichen's shoulder. "Put me down and give birth here."

"Oh oh." Mo Beichen quickly put Bai Ju down, took off his clothes and put on Bai Ju, and then carried her to her clothes.

"How do you feel?" Mo Beichen clutched Baiju's hand and trembled, he was not delivered, and now he has no idea what he is going to do.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I helped Xiao Xuaner deliver them all before, and I can do it myself." Seeing Mo Beichen's six gods without masters, the **** put up with pain and quickly comforted him.

Although Baitan said so, Mo Beichen still couldn't remember.

"Help me take off my pants." The **** lay down on his clothes, pained.

"Okay, okay." Mo Beichen responded, helping the **** to take off his pants.

The bright Yin Hong touched his hand, and Mo Beichen's heart shook with it.

"The raccoon has a lot of blood, isn't it painful?" Mo Beichen couldn't care about the blood in the first hand either, and rubbed her sleeves with sweatshirts in pain.

The **** smiled weakly: "Don't worry, it will definitely bleed if you have a baby. It's okay."

While **** comforting Mo Beichen, he secretly exerted himself.

These little guys in her belly are so obedient that they will give birth with force.

Mo Beichen was so anxious that looking at Baiju's painful appearance, she could not wait for her to suffer the pain.

"Have you seen it?" Baitan asked, gritting his teeth.

"Not yet." Mo Beichen glanced even more anxiously.

The cold sweat on Beaver's head grabbed the clothes under him and tried hard again.

"Ah!" The tear-like pain finally couldn't help but let the **** scream.

"Beaver!" Mo Beichen held Bai Beaver in his arms, red eyes, and kissed her forehead painfully, "After we have given birth to these, we will never give birth again."

"Okay." Knowing that he was in pain with her, the **** replied easily and vigorously, and suddenly felt something slip out again.

Mo Beichen looked dumbfounded when he looked down.

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