Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1371: How many births

Yu Fan stared blankly at Zi Xiuran's back: "Xian Zun, is this true? Doesn't it matter whether the raccoon girl is alive or not?"

In the past, Xianzun would have been anxious if she heard that the raccoons and sisters were in danger, but now how could there be no response at all.

Hua Yan smiled and patted Yu Fan: "Boy, you are still too young."

Yu Fan blinked for unknown reasons, what does that mean?

Hua Yan did not explain, smiled with relief, and went back to refining medicine.

Without the sound of the piano, Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang could finally sleep quietly.

Zi Xiu dyed back to the room and opened a Kunlun mirror.

In the mid-air mirror, there was a scene of a man and a woman slaying the spirits back to back.

Seeing that Mo Beichen followed, Zi Xiuran's hanging heart fell.

With him, nothing should happen.

Watching the tacit action of the two, Zi Xiuran's indifferent eyes flickered with sourness, then he waved his sleeves and the Kunlun mirror disappeared.

Hongmeng Purgatory.

It took five days for Baiju and Mo Beichen to kill from the first floor to the second, and despite Mo Beichen's wholehearted guard, Baiju sustained minor injuries.

Fortunately, there were only minor injuries, and after five days of slaughter, Baiju's cultivation was much better.

"It's true to be here." Beaver looked at his palm happily.

In such a short time, it has soared so much. This Hongmeng purgatory is really as powerful as the legend.

Mo Beichen gave the **** with a distressed expression: "Have a break and go down to the second floor."

The **** shook his head: "No, it's just some skin trauma. I'm fine."

The **** said that he took out two qi supplements from the storage ring, fed Mo Beichen one, and ate one himself.

"Let's go." Bai Tan grabbed Mo Beichen and went to the entrance on the second floor.

Now that she's improving, she's excited.

As soon as they reached the second floor, they were surrounded by countless ghosts.

Sure enough, as Mo Beichen said, the second layer has more ghosts than the first layer, and the magic power of the ghosts is higher.

But Baitan was not afraid, and he slashed with a wave of Fengming Sword in excitement.

The two stayed in this Hongmeng Purgatory for months, and three months passed.

The two killed directly from the second floor to the ninth floor.

For three months, Baiju's belly had grown big, and it seemed to suddenly become bigger overnight. Seeing that Mo Beichen had been worried that she would give birth at any time.

The **** was not in a hurry. She felt that the baby in her stomach was well-behaved. It seems that since she was pregnant, the baby has never caused her any trouble, even she did not even have a morning sickness.

In the past three months, the beaver's cultivation has improved a lot, and even a tail has grown.

The **** wields a sword to slay those grudges. After the fifth floor, the yin spirit has become a grudge. In addition to being stronger than the yin spirit, the grudge can make people stay. So it was more laborious for them to beheaded.

Mo Beichen guarded Baiju with all his heart, and stared nervously at Baiju's belly.

After beheading the last Wraith, Mo Beichen dragged the **** to sit down: "Take a break."

Baitan didn't rush to the next level this time. Although it is growing fast here, it is very dangerous. If A Mo was not guarding her, she would have died several times.

And the further down, the more difficult it is, so it is better to support the spirit first.

Mo Beichen frowned as he touched Baiju's belly. "How do I think your belly is surprisingly big? It won't be a problem."

Could it be that the yin is too heavy here, affecting the child.

Being reminded by Mo Beichen, Bai Tan immediately thought of the problem of yin, and immediately gave himself a pulse.

The **** was dumbfounded, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he took it carefully again.

Looking at Bai Wei's weird expression, Mo Beichen suddenly became nervous: "What's wrong, is there any problem with the child?"

Baitan didn't answer, and after a while, he looked at Mo Beichen dumbly: "A Mo, in my stomach ..."

"What's the matter?" Looking at Baiju's slurping appearance, Mo Beichen was completely anxious.

"There seems to be more than one." Bai Tan stared blankly at Mo Beichen and spit out a few words.

Mo Beichen also choked.

More than one?

"Is it a twin?" Mo Beichen touched her belly with surprise.

"It doesn't seem to end." Baitan said with sorrow.

"Is it the third child?" The surprised smile on Mo Beichen's face gradually closed. The twins were okay, but the three were dangerous.

"More than that," Baitan said with a terrified head.


Mo Beichen stared straight at Baiju's belly, as if to see through her belly. "How many are they?"

The **** shook his head sadly: "I don't know any more now, it is estimated to be at least four."

Before the child was young, she didn't give birth at all, but now she has a lot of pulses.

No less than four?

Mo Beichen swallowed his mouth in shock, which was too much ...

Thinking of the seven children said in the void of the previous Yueyue Tower, Mo Beichen immediately struck a spirit: "We will go back now."

Mo Beichen hugs him to the beaver, and will go out.

The **** was anxious: "Wait a minute, I won't go out, I won't go out."

While Bai Tan patted Mo Beichen, he wanted to come down.

"Don't make trouble." Mo Beichen almost couldn't hold her, and patted her on the buttocks. "Do you know how dangerous you are now? You may have seven children in your stomach. It's so dangerous here. What's going on? It's too late to regret it. "

Seven children?

The **** stunned for a moment, and finally remembered the words spoken in the void.

That's incredible for seven children.

The **** looked down at his oversized belly, and some were in trouble.

It's only been four months. It's so big. After eight or nine months, the road will not go away, so she will kill a fart.

"Go back and come again after you're born." Mo Beichen said that he would just take her out.

"Don't." Baitan hugged Mo Beichen's neck urgently: "Wait a second, the children are all well-behaved, and they haven't hindered me at all."

She can kill now, how can she go back.

"I myself am a healer, and I know my body best. Believe me, if I feel a little uncomfortable, I must go back immediately." Baitan hugged Mo Beichen and kept spoiling.

Mo Beichen frowned. He knew that he should take her directly and seriously, but watching the little eyes she prayed could not help but soften her heart.

"Then there are two more floors, and there can be no more." Finally, Mo Beichen still compromised, but he repeatedly determined not to let her make more.

The **** narrowed his eyes with a smile: "You can rest assured that I will definitely not make myself okay."

Regardless of the next few levels, she will definitely stop if she is uncomfortable, but if the children are very good, she may pass the customs.

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