Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1348: Just love me again

Mo Beichen flicked with ten fingers, and the melodious sound of the piano rang through the entire Qingqing Peak instantly.

The **** could not help raising his eyebrows, listening to the light voice.

I didn't expect Amo's piano to play so well, this level is almost on par with Master's.

Hua Yan on the side did not expect that Mo Beichen would play the piano.

Having lived with this boy for so many years, I didn't know that this boy played the piano so well. When did he learn to play the piano?

Yu Fan was also surprised, thinking that their Xianzun's piano skills were invincible in the world. I did not expect that Demon King's piano skills were so good.

Xiaobai and Xiaohuang, who hurriedly flew back, heard such nice piano sounds, and thought that Zi Xiuran was playing the piano, but they did not expect to be Mo Yan.

"It's pretty good!"

"Compared to Xianzun."

"For the sake of his playing well, we won't settle him."


The two little butterflies said silently, if the **** knew that they would give her gas because of this renunciation, they would definitely roll their eyes again.

Zi Xiuran didn't expect Mo Beichen's piano to play so well. He lifted his right hand and summoned a guqin again to play with him.

If the sound of the piano of one of them is like the sound of nature, then the sound of the piano of these two people is really bad.

Huayan and Yufan, as well as Xiaobai and Xiaohuang, are all intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

The beaver's attention was not on the sound of the piano, but instead looked at the godlike faces of the two dumbly.

These two people are not so good-looking. In addition, both of them are so versatile. She has a feeling for Mao that they are a good match.

Especially in such a scene, on the Qingfeng Peak, the two were wearing white and one in black, sitting face to face and playing the piano together. The most important thing was that the two were still looking good. what.

The white **** thought more and more like that, and immediately shook his head, hugging Mo Beichen's neck: "I don't want to listen anymore, I won't play anymore."

She is very satisfied with her husband, she doesn't want him to be robbed by others, even her master.

The sound of the piano stopped for a moment, and the two stopped at the same time.

"Don't like the sound of my piano?" Mo Beichen frowned and asked.

Beaver shook her head. She didn't like them playing the piano together.

Seeing her shaking her head, Mo Beichen's eyes darkened.

Does he really play well without him?

"I don't dislike your harp." Seeing Mo Beichen's misunderstanding, Baitan quickly explained, "I think you play very well, just like Master."

Mo Beichen's brow frowned lightly and smiled, "Is it?"

Zi Xiuran's piano skills are very good. Is he really as good as him?

"Of course it's true, it's really nice, don't believe you ask them." Baiju nodded earnestly, not forgetting that La Yufan and Huayao went into the water.

"Really good." Hua Yan immediately took the conversation and squatted beside Mo Beichen. "When did your boy learn to play the piano, he played so well."

He didn't even remember that he had learned to play the piano, did he go to Moxue Society?

Mo Beichen pursed his lips and said nothing.

In fact, he was not good at playing the piano. He learned it from his mother when he was a child. The mother liked the piano very much. Although he did n’t see much like the piano, he liked his mother to laugh, so he also learned it seriously, but since his mother died, he I have never played the piano again, it has been for many years.

"Let's stop playing the piano, let's go to the antidote." Bai Tan looked at Zi Xiuran.

"Did you get that medicine?" Mo Beichen also looked at Zi Xiuran.

"The master and I stole from the demon world." The **** was excited before Zi Xiuran answered, "You didn't know that that blood was still trying to catch me, but I was miserable with the medicine."

Thinking of the possibility that Bixue could not get out of bed now, Baiju was so happy that he wanted to laugh upright.

Listening to Bai Jue's joy, while Mo Beichen's eyes softened, his heart was a little bit sour.

As if she was with him, she was just as happy.

Zi Xiuran glanced at the sour appearance of Beichen Chen, his eyes lightened, and he got up and said, "The antidote deity is already being developed, but I'm afraid it won't be developed at this time, and it will take a few days. "

Said Zi Xiuran, he sat at the stone table again to develop medicinal materials.

Mo Beichen hugged the **** and walked over.

Looking at the two little blue bottles on the table, Mo Beichen frowned.

He doesn't know medicine or pharmacy. I'm afraid he can't help.

However, Huaxi knew the medicine, and helped Zi Xiuran study the little blue bottle together.

In fact, the **** also feels that he understands. If he goes to see it, he should be able to understand it, as if he had learned it before.

But now there are two people, she will not go to make fun, she would still accompany her husband, this has been missing for several hours.

"Are you going back?" Bai Tan held Mo Beichen's neck, and she was a little bit reluctant. She had been reluctant to leave before she left.

"Do not go back for the time being." Knowing that she could not bear to herself, Mo Beichen was very happy, and looked at Zi Xiuran, "I can live here temporarily."

"My dear remembered that I had left a room for you before." Zi Xiuran nodded his head authentically.

The implication was to agree with him to stay.

Mo Beichen's eyes flashed: "Thank you."

Baitan is very happy, holding Mo Beichen's neck unwilling to give up.

Great, A Mo need not leave, she can see A Mo every day.

The antidote was not good enough for a while, and Baiju and Mo Beichen were no longer waiting here stupidly. The two spoke to Zi Xiuran and went out to play together.

In the presence of Mo Beichen, Zi Xiuran did not worry about the beaver, and continued to study the antidote.

"where are we going?"

Flying out of the Qingqing Peak, Baiju was a little excited.

She seems to like it very much. I guess she used to run out often.

Mo Beichen took Baiju to Tianting Lake.

Looking at the turquoise lake in front, the beaver's heart opened wide.

"Wow, it's too beautiful here!"

Mo Beichen smiled and rubbed Beaver's head: "Of course it's beautiful, this is where we met for the first time."

He bathed in the lake that year, not only was she peeked, but she was bitten.

"Ah, this is the place where we met for the first time." Said by Mo Beichen, Baici felt a little familiar.

But I still can't remember the past.

Seeing her expression of pain, Mo Beichen quickly held up her little head: "Don't think, wait for your master to work out an antidote, and you will be able to restore your memory."

The **** pursed his mouth: "What if I take the medicine and still can't remember it?"

Mo Beichen chuckled: "It doesn't matter, I still love you the same, just love me again."

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