Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1345: Baitan, are you looking for death?

Zi Xiuran covered Beaver's eyes with one hand, and then went over the cabinet in the house with one hand.

It seems to say what cabinet it is.

However, there are too many cabinets in this room. Zi Xiuran turned a few cabinets and found no blue potion.

The **** cut open Zi Xiuran's big hand, and made a gesture, meaning she went to help find it.

Seeing that her mind was finally out of the war, Zi Xiuran nodded in agreement.

The two split up over the cabinet.

The **** was looking for it right away, because the cabinet she turned over was full of indecent medicine, what drug, love medicine, **** medicine, all kinds, only you can't think of.

No matter what medicine, the **** habitually wanted to take it all, but the thought of being unable to change his body, without going around, the storage ring could not be used, and he could only hold it with both hands.

After a while, the **** was full of small medicine bottles under his two paws and two small arms.

Baici used his chin to open a small cabinet door and finally saw the blue potion.

Beaver was so happy in his heart that he immediately reached for his hand, but forgot that there were still two bottles of medicine under his creak nest.


The medicine bottle shattered, and the **** subconsciously held his breath.

Zi Xiuran was also shocked, and the action of turning the cabinet was also an instant pause.

But the sudden noise still shocked the tangled snake on the bed.

"Who!" Bi Xue instantly turned into a humanoid shape, and the **** triangular eyes shot in the direction of the beaver.

The **** was frightened and did not collapse, showing his original shape directly.

Seeing the little red fox that suddenly appeared out of thin air, Bi Xue was shocked and happy.

"It's so easy to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to go." Bi Xue came down from the bed directly, staring at the **** with a dark look. "You, the beaver, are looking for death."

He was worried that she couldn't find her, so she brought it to her own door. He would never let her run away again this time.

Looking at the triangular eyes that came towards her, Baitan didn't care so much, grabbed two bottles of the little blue potion and jumped into Zi Xiuran's arms.

Zi Xiuran took over the **** and showed up.

Seeing Zi Xiuran, Bi Xue's expression changed instantly.


The three snake women on the bed also yelled, pulling their shirts.

The **** narrowed his eyes with a black line.

What's it called? As if anyone wants to see them, Master didn't even glance at the bed.

"Leave the beaver, the emperor let you go."

In the end, Bixue is a bit of a purple stain. Before he was not injured, he was not his opponent, not to mention he is still injured, and even less likely to be his opponent.

However, he will never let the beaver, even if it is to lose the life of the entire demon world, he will kill the beaver.

The **** was annoyed when she heard the triangle eye and wanted her idea again.

She stuffed the two little blue medicine bottles into Zi Xiuran's arms: "Master, hold your breath."

Zi Xiuran didn't know what she was going to do, but she obediently closed her breath.

The **** looked at Bi Xueyin with a smile. The triangular eyes were so kinky, that just made him taste the medicine.

The **** smiled evilly. First, he found the bottle of medicine, opened the bottle cap, and scattered it to the blood. "Then."

The **** shouted, and the **** ghost sent out his hand and took it.

The white powder drifted into the tip of the nose, and the blue blood closed his breath subconsciously, but he was still staring up.

This is his special medicine. She can fascinate an elephant with just a little, and she dare to sprinkle him so much.

Looking at the blue blood that had turned upside down and not forgetting to rush at her, Bai Tan's eyes became cold, and she picked up a bottle of love pills and lost it.

Another layer of white powder flew towards him, and the **** fans glared and forgot to hold their breath.

The strange scent drifted into the tip of his nose, and his body suddenly became hot.

How could Baitan let her go like this, smirked, and threw three more medicine bottles at him.

The white medicinal powder diffused like smoke instantly, not only was the blue blood, but even the three snake women on the bed could twist the body uncontrollably.


Seeing everyone in the room going crazy, Zi Xiu frowned and was leaving the beaver.

The **** was having a good time. When he saw that he was going to take her away, he was unhappy: "Master, wait, my medicine is not finished."

Wherever Xiu Ran cares about her, hug her and fly out of the window.

The **** was anxious, lying on Zi Xiuran's shoulders, and plucked away all the medicine bottles in his arms and threw them into the room.

"Hahaha ..." The **** was still gloating all the time, all over the demon palace.

So many sentimental medicines, this time the blood may have suffered, just as he also likes to give people medicine, then just taste the taste of being medicined.

Zi Xiuran rubbed her head petulantly: "The next time I am naughty, I will save you for my teacher."

The **** laughed, holding Zi Xiuran's neck, and said, "Master will definitely save me, and then, that's what he wanted to catch me first, and I didn't use my own medicine, he was self-eating Bad results. "

Seeing that she had a blame for the fallacies, Zi Xiuran reluctantly hugged her back to the immortal world.


When Mo Beichen came out of Mo Youming's study, it was already dawn.

After working on his business, he went to the iron house again.

Inside, the iron chain that originally locked Mo Yan was loose and Mo Yan was gone.

Mo Beichen frowned frantically.

"What's going on?" Fat Lin and Shougui were frightened. "How could he run away?"

The key to this chain has always been on them. No one has entered the iron house at all, and the iron door has not been opened. How could he run out.

Mo Beichen frowned and looked at the edge of the iron cage. The iron chain on the ground was cut off, and the lock on the iron chain was always open. After he put the raccoon before, he never closed the door.

Mo Beichen entered the iron cage and jumped down into the pit full of spikes.

There is only a spike below, but the outer circle is flat. Mo Beichen stood on the flat for a while, and quickly found the office.

Mo Beichen patted himself on the top, and the flat ground under his feet moved away instantly.

Fat Lin and Shougui standing on top of each other were shocked. It turned out that there were still organs below.

Mo Beichen jumped, and Fat Lin and Shougui also followed.

The three walked from the secret road to outside the imperial castle.

"Surely someone came to save him." Looking at the open grassland, Shougui stomped angrily.

This must be a long run, which is also to blame for his carelessness. He didn't even find a secret passage below.

"Will he be rescued by Bi Xue?" Fat Lin frowned.

Mo Beichen was silent for a moment and said, "Check to see if the woman is still in retreat."

He wouldn't think that Bixue had the intention to save Mo Yan, after all, no one would risk a waste.


As soon as Shougui's eyes lighted up, he went to investigate immediately.

Mo Beichen and Fat Lin returned to Mohuangbao, and they broke the channel with one palm.

"People fill this out and see if there are other passages in the fort."

"Yes." Fat Lin responded immediately.

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