Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1343: Father and son

Recalling the past, Mo Beichen's eyes grew colder and colder.

He squeezed Mo Yan's neck tightly, almost crushing his neck.

Mo Yan's head is getting bigger and bigger, and breathing becomes more and more difficult.

He chopped Mo Beichen's hand hard, trying to keep him awake.

Mo Beichen's red eyes turned to Mo Yan's swollen pig's face before finally returning to God and releasing him.

"Cough ..." Mo Yan coughed desperately as soon as his neck became loose.

Mo Beichen stared darkly at Mo Yan: "She is not a bad woman, and she has not robbed your mother's husband."

After Mo Beichen finished speaking, he turned and left.

Mo Yan looked at Mo Beichen's back and was still desperately coughing.

This pervert was so terrible that he almost pinched him to death.


Seeing Mo Beichen's face cold, Fat Lin and Shougui did not dare to speak up.

Mo Beichen ignored them and left the iron house with his wooden body.

He was in a very bad mood, and he went to the study room where Mo You was formerly terrible.

His portrait was hung on the wall of the study, and although it was painted before his death, it was still so young and handsome.

The first time he saw him was in Gushan.

The mother took his hand and told him that he was his father.

Later he learned that his name was Mo Youming and gave him a surname.

He didn't seem to know he was there, and he was thrilled to hear his mother say he was his child.

He was nice to him, handsome and polite, but he just didn't like him because he made her cry.

He had never seen his mother cry. That was once. He hated him. He hated it!

But his mother asked him to follow him. He didn't want to. He didn't take him away in the end, but stayed in Gushan to accompany his mother.

In those days, the mother was very happy. The kind of happiness that was different from the happiness in normal times was a happiness he had never seen before.

For the first time, he had a slightly better impression of him, who was gentle with his mother, but he still didn't like him.

After all, his mother left him and went to a distant world he could not reach.

None of them cried, maybe they were all indifferent in their bones.

He buried his mother for him, but instead of thanking him for it, he hated him even more.

That annoyance lasted until he took him back to Mohuangbao and saw the woman and Mo Yan.

It was his wife and son, and he did not understand why he still had a wife and son.

The woman acknowledged his existence generously, and would tell her son in a very educated manner that he was his younger brother, but he kept calling him wild seed in the back.

He is not angry, no matter his woman bullies him or his son is making fun of him, he is not angry, because they are insignificant strangers to him, and he will not waste emotions for them.

Although he did not like this place, did not like him, did not like his woman, and did not like his son, he had no other place to go.

In the end, he can only stay. He is very kind to him. He will teach him to practice calligraphy like a mother, and he will also practice exercises.

He doesn't like him, but he likes martial arts. He never talks to him, but he will practice martial arts seriously.

Every time he cultivates for improvement, he will praise him, praise him, and smile sincerely.

At this time his son would always hide and watch them secretly, he saw envy and envy in his eyes.

He couldn't understand it, he didn't understand why he should envy him, because he didn't rarify his praise and praise.

Slowly, he found that he didn't love his woman, at least he never saw him enter her room, and never saw him treat her as tenderly as her mother.

He taught the same rigor to his son, but he didn't seem to be smart and talented, and he didn't get praise from him often. On the contrary, he often heard his growl, and every time the kid would use it Staring at him with hate.

In fact, he didn't know how much he admired him, because he never yelled at him like that.

He asked him if he wanted to be a demon, and he didn't want to. He said that if he didn't become a demon, his women and son would not let him go.

So he promised to work harder and practice harder. Every day he grows up, pleases him, and comforts him.

He announced that he was the next Demon King, his women and sons did not agree, and the ministers also opposed it, but he did not give them any chance to refute, and settled the matter on his own.

He became the crown prince, the heir to the Lord of the Demon Realms, but he couldn't afford the illness.

He never knew how long he had been sick for so long. Perhaps it was after his mother left that he became ill, but he never found out.

His woman and son guarded him every day, as if he was afraid of what he would give him, but what he wanted him, and he did n’t want him at all.

The last night he told him to go in.

His woman and son were absent, and he was not lying down, just sitting there and watching him.

He had said clearly that he didn't like him and hated him, but seeing his skinny appearance, he still blushed somehow.


He called him that way, yes, he always called him that way, but he didn't like it, he liked his mother calling him Amo.

He told him a lot, mostly about his and his mother. He didn't know why he suddenly said this to him, he just listened quietly.

He stopped talking before he asked him, "Is my mother a bad woman?"

Bad woman, this is the reason why he and the boy fight most often, he wants him to say that his mother is not a bad woman.

He got his wish, and said that his mother was not a bad woman, it was him.

He fell in love with his mother, but he did not tell his mother his identity, and the mother only treated him as an ordinary demon. It wasn't until later that his woman came, that his mother knew that he had long been married.

The mother was very sad, but did not hesitate to leave him. Before leaving him, the mother did not tell him about the pregnancy, he never knew he was there.

He said he went to find his mother, but the mother avoided him, and he could not find him for a long time.

He said that his wife imposed it on him by his father, that he did not love her, and that the person he loved most in his life was his mother.

He believed what he said, but despised his behavior. He should not disappoint his wife, nor should he deceive his mother.

Without him, they might be happier.

He also knew he had done wrong, and he confessed before he died.

Until he died, he still hated him so much.

But he took his things, he said he didn't want anything, but in the end he couldn't beat him.

He gave him all his cultivation, and after all he gave him as the Son of Man.

Mo Beichen stood in front of the portrait and red-eyed. It was as if he stood in front of his body, and finally wept.

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