Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1338: The murder caused by a beaver

Just as they were going this way, Mo Beichen hugged the white **** and scooped out.

When they saw Mo Beichen rushing out, everyone was frightened.

Shouldn't he have been locked up in an iron house? What happened?

The leading guard glanced at the thin skinny guard, suddenly suddenly, "you ..."

Before the guard had finished speaking, the thin guard sprayed him with drugs.

I have to say that the beaver-made drug works very well. After a while, the guards fall.


The three of them ran out together.

Running out of Mohuangbao all three people stopped.

Bai Tan was holding Mo Beichen's neck and was a little excited: "Where are we going?"

Finally ran out of this broken place, but it really strangled her.

Mo Beichen rubbed Bai Tan's head, but did not speak.

The thin guard and the fat guard suddenly knelt down together: "Please come to the rescue to save the demon world."

Now the two demons and beasts join forces to besiege the demon world. If he doesn't take action, the demon world will be defeated by Mo Yan sooner or later.

Mo Beichen frowned, tangled, and summoned the blue dragon directly.

"Come up."

Mo Beichen stood on Qinglong's back, greeting the fat guard and the thin guard.

The two hadn't seen the Qinglong Divine Beast before, and suddenly they were a little surprised and delighted to see this behemoth.

The two flew up to Qinglong together and felt like they were dreaming.

It ’s not that they have n’t seen a beast, but this is the first time they have sat on an ancient beast like Qinglong.

When they came up, Mo Beichen commanded Qinglong to fly to the Sky Magic City.

Tian Mo Cheng is in the fairy demon realm, Zi Xiuran is not really going to attack the demon realm, so sending troops will only be in Tian Mo Cheng.

The white raccoon lay on Mo Beichen's back, and looked at the fat and thin two guards strangely: "What's your name?"

This is the younger brother. I don't know their names yet.

The two immediately bowed: "Little Shougui, (Fat Lin), have seen ..."

Both stopped abruptly at the same time.

This little fox seems to be the princess of the demon world, and has a close relationship with their monarch, but they really don't know how to call it.

"Prince." Mo Beichen reminded them.

The two of them froze and immediately bowed again: "Little Shougui, (Fat Lin), met the princess."

It turns out that this little Firefox is already their princess. No wonder the king will come to rescue him so nervously.

They thought for a moment and then became afraid again. Fortunately, they didn't treat the princess at first. Otherwise, wouldn't this be dead?

The **** was blushed slightly by them, but he quickly adapted to the title.

Fat Lin, Shougui, is quite appropriate, and this obvious characteristic will not be mistaken.

Qinglong was fast, and the three of them arrived quickly.

Mo Beichen let Qinglong hide in the clouds and did not show up in time.

Underneath, Mo Yan was leading the magic soldier and Zi Xiuran facing each other.

On the other side, Bi Xue looked at the monster soldier with a stunned look.

Seeing Mo Yan with so many magic soldiers dispatched, Bi Xue's eyes flashed, attracting Fu scales.

Fu scales passed immediately.

Bi Xue sat down and leaned into his ear: "Take a few people to kill the **** at Mohuangbao."

Fu Lin was suddenly forced again, how could she kill Baijuer, but there was Mo Chen's abnormality beside her.

"Subordinates obey." Although he didn't want to go, Ke Fulin had no choice but to rush to the imperial castle with someone secretly.

Zi Xiuran over there also thought about it, and secretly let Yu Fan take people to save people.

"Zhu Xiuran, what do you mean?"

Mo Yan didn't know that they had been sent to Mohuangbao separately, only staring at Zi Xiuran.

Zi Xiuran's indifferent eyes glanced at him coldly: "Release people, the deity can retreat."

Mo Yan squinted gloomily: "Mo Yan is my demon, why do you care about our demon world?"

"The deity wants beavers," Zi Xiuran said, expressionless.

He heard his name in midair and glanced down.

Before the three armies, the fluttering white clothes were the most dazzling, and the eyes were more about the person's appearance, which was almost a fight with her Amo.

The **** wanted to look at it again, and a big palm blocked it.

Her hands covered her eyes, and she could see nothing.

The white raccoon blinked and raised his eyes inexplicably at Mo Beichen.

After seeing the sourness in his eyes, the **** understood.

It turned out to be jealous.

The white raccoon snickered, holding Mo Beichen's neck, and printed a kiss on his handsome face.

He was satisfied with the wet lips stuck to his face.

Fat Lin and Shougui, who stood aside, all embarrassedly lowered their heads.

Below, Mo Yan had no idea that Mo Beichen and Baiju had ran out, but he was so speechless.

Mo Yan is from the Demon Clan, but Bai Juer is not the Demon Clan. Bai Juer is the princess of the demon world and a disciple of Zi Xiuran, but he is qualified to send her troops.

"It's not a trivial matter for immortals to start a war. Do you agree to start a war?"

Thinking of the trick of the blood, Mo Yan stopped talking nonsense with Zi Xiu, and looked directly at the old stubborn in the fairyland.

"Why don't you start a war? It's not us who beat each other." Hua Yan took the lead in speaking, but he hated this man so much that he dared to bully Mo and the girl to see him die.

"Yes, let go of the **** soon, otherwise we will start the war."

"Go to war ..."

Unexpectedly, the other old stubborns did not even object this time.

Where does Mo Yan know that Xianzun had a suspicion with Baijuer thousands of years ago, and now they have a chance to make up for it, they will naturally not rebel against Xianzun.

What's more, even the demon world is now sending troops. As Hua Yan said, two fights one can destroy the demon world. Why don't they do such a good thing.

Mo Yan was so stunned that his face was distorted.

"Bixue, are you really going to be against my demon world?" Zi Xiu couldn't make sense, and Mo Yan had to persuade Bixue.

By that time, persuaded Bi Xue, and they worked together to eat the immortal world, wouldn't it be better.

Mo Yan's thoughts are beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

"The surrender of the beaver, the emperor can also retreat." Bi Xue looked at Mo Yan coldly, her eyes full of sarcasm.

Now I know begging him, wasn't he crazy before?

He said that it would make him look good, but he would make him look good.

When he heard it again, Mo Yan frowned suddenly.

Both of these are white beavers. It seems that women are really a scourge.

Mo Yan thought about it, and suddenly had an idea.

"Well, Ben Jun can give you the beaver." Mo Yan looked at Bi Xue.

Give him the **** and they can jointly deal with Zi Xiuran.

Mo Yan did not think that Bi Xueer would cooperate with him after he had cleared away his confidant's confidant.

Hearing Mo Xie was going to give him the beaver, he immediately rejoiced, "You can rest assured, as long as you give the **** to the emperor, the emperor will keep his promise to retire."

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