Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1330: Who will let you retreat?

The **** did not know how long he had slept, but felt that his head didn't hurt so much after falling asleep.

The **** did not know where he was, but he finally realized that something was wrong.

In front of her was an iron rod, with a large iron plate above her head, and glanced at the locked door in the middle of the iron rod, and Beaver's heart stunned.

This was an iron cage, and it seemed she was arrested again.

Baitan doesn't know why she used the word "again", anyway, she always feels that she has been a little bit troubled recently.

"Well, finally woke up?"

A joking voice came, and Beaver turned away alertly.

A somewhat familiar face appeared in front of her, and Beaver could not help frowning.

This face is not ugly, and it can even be said to be handsome, but I don't know why Baitan just can't like it, especially the strange familiarity, which makes her disgusted.

Looking at her vigilant little face, Mo Yan smiled: "Why, wasn't it that the teeth were sharp and sharp?"

He remembered the first time she saw him and scratched his paw to make him bleed a lot.

Mo Yan thought about deliberately reaching out to touch her again, to see if her reaction would be the same as before.

The beaver's eyes lightened, and the whole body's red light rose instantly. Before he approached, the sharp claws scratched.

The back of his hand was almost scratched again, and Mo Yan quickly shrank his hand and sneered, "It's still so fierce, Ben Jun should see how fierce you are."

Mo Yan said and went out.

The **** only heard him say to the people outside: "Keep your guard, don't allow her to be fed, or even give her water to drink."

"Yes." The people outside responded.

The **** frowned, didn't she feed her? She's nothing, just her baby ...

The **** subconsciously touched his belly, worried about the baby in his heart.

The **** observed the cage and found that the iron cage was not large, but was locked.

The white raccoon tried to push the lock. He couldn't kick it and stunned again, and then flung it with his tail.

She even added spiritual power, but the big lock on the iron cage remained motionless.

The **** frowned. What strength should the person raise in the lock, and that strength was much higher than her. She now wants to go out with her own strength, I'm afraid it's difficult.

Beaver looked up at the room again, and found that it was just an empty house. There was nothing except a small ventilated window, and nothing was available.

The **** tossed for a while, and finally lay flat on the iron cage.

The iron cage filled with strength, and there were people guarding outside the house, she was afraid that it would be difficult to ascend to heaven.

Since she can't go out, she saves her energy. The person said that she wouldn't give her food or water.

Why can't I transform myself?

The **** raised her small paw and glanced at it. She should have been able to transform before. There is a girl in her memory, which should be what she looks like after transforming, but now why can't she transform?

If she is to run away, it ’s more convenient. At least she can make a beauty. After all, she looks pretty, but now she is a fox. How can she run out?

The white raccoon lowered his paw, lay lamented on his back, raised his little butt, and continued to sleep.

No food, she hibernates in advance.


Mo Beichen, who couldn't find Bai Tan, returned to Disappointment Peak with disappointment.

On the Qingqing Peak, Zi Xiuran was sitting by the cliff and playing the piano.

The sound of the piano is melodious and gentle, but there are deep concerns.

Mo Beichen stood quietly listening in the distance.

He was also worried about Tanuki, where would Tanuki go, neither returning to the demon world nor to the immortal world. He went back to the human world again, and she did not return.

The faint anxiety in his heart exaggerated day by day, he was afraid he would never find her like this.

"Xian Zun." An old man hurried over, but installed Mo Beichen.

Mo Beichen turned around and froze when he saw the old man's face.

Seeing Mo Beichen, the old man frowned.

"Old man ..."

After a while, Mo Beichen murmured.

This old man is not someone else, it is Huayan.

Huayan's brows trembled, some guilty.

Zi Xiuran stopped there. "What's the matter?"

Hua Yan returned to his heart, hurried to run over and bowed down, "The demon world and the demon world suddenly sent troops, and they have already hit the water and heaven."

Zi Xiu frowned frantically, and quickly got up and flew out.

Mo Beichen's eyes flickered and he followed.

"Well, this stinky boy, what fun is he going to do!"

Bi Xue and Mo Yan are looking for him.

Hua Yan worried about Mo Beichen, and hurried to follow him.

Water heaven.

Bi Xue and Mo Yan led the demon soldier and the demon soldier, respectively, and surrounded the peripheries of the immortal world firmly.

"Blood, Mo Yan, dare to attack my immortal world, you are so brave." An old man pointed at Bi Xue and Mo Yan angrily.

But Bi Xue didn't look at him: "Little **** mother made nonsense to the emperor, so let Xi Xiu dye out to see the emperor."

The old man was so annoyed by the impoliteness of Bi Xue that he was about to refute, but saw Zi Xiuran stepping in the air.

Seeing Zi Xiu dyed over, Bi Xue instantly regained her spirits.

Mo Yan saw Mo Beichen behind Zi Xiuran, squinting squintingly.

Mo Yan Mo Yan, after all these years, I finally met.

In the face of Mo Yan's attention, Mo Beichen seemed to not know him, only glanced at him, and then looked away as if he didn't see him.

Mo Beichen's indifference immediately made Mo Yan angry.

Damn Mo Yan, why not keep him in his eyes?

Zi Xiuran flew to the immortal soldiers and confronted Bi Xue Mo Yan.

"Want to fight?"

The indifferent eyes swept coldly at those magic soldiers and demon generals, and suddenly made them all tremble.

Even the blood was scared.

"Ah ..." He coughed quietly, pretending to be calm and calm, "As long as you can't deliver Mo Yan, we can retire."

Mo Beichen frowned frantically.

This is for him.

Subconsciously, Mo Beichen looked at Mo Yan again.

He had no interest in the position of the devil, why did he come to force him?

Seeing Mo Beichen come over, Mo Yan was finally proud.

I really thought he wasn't afraid. Now he's not afraid too.

"Who will let you retreat?" Zi Xiuran didn't eat the blue blood at all, and said blankly.

Does he think that their fairyland is where he wants to come and where he wants to go?

Bi Xue was struck lightly instantly, and her complexion suddenly didn't look good.

Isn't this initiative in their hands? When did you run away?

Mo Yan's face was also cold, and he looked at Zi Xiuran grimly.

Indifferent eyes moved to Mo Yan's face at once: "Even your father and gentleman would not dare to make such crazy words, your tone is not small, you look at a deity."

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