Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1308: Than half Xuan'er's fingernails

In the palace, Murong Yu gave Bai Qiyuan, Bai Tingxuan toasted a few glasses of wine, then sneaked back to Nuan Yiju.

Bai Yihan and they are all here, and they both understand him, so they opened their eyes and closed their eyes.


Qingzhuang seemed to be waiting for Murong Yu deliberately, and immediately greeted him when he came back.

Murong Yan frowned and looked at Qingzhuang, who was wearing something.

"Aunt, you're drunk." Qingzhuang went forward to help Rong Hui, and exposed his neck and collarbone to him intentionally.

Before she posted him, Murong Yi waved her away.

"Go down." Murong frowned, her voice a little cold.

Where is he drunk? For today's candlestick, he didn't drink a few glasses of wine at all, and wanted to seduce him without looking at what she was like, and how could it be compared with their half-nails.

Unexpectedly, Murong Hui would be so ruthless, Qingzhuang looked at him with red eyes.

"If there is no more thoughts, get out of the palace for the king." Seeing her motionless, Murong Yi entered the room with a wave of her sleeve.

She should be fortunate that she was not his maid. If it was his maid, he would have dragged her out and chopped it.

His mind was seen, and Qingzhuang looked at the closed door with shame and annoyance.

I can't compare myself to the young lady, who is only sixteen years old. She is still a green fruit.

The thrush stood under the eaves, looking at Qingzhuang's annoyed expression and sneering disdainfully.

Thinking that he was something, he seduced Wang Ye, and he didn't know the shame.

In the room, Bai Ruxuan had finished bathing and fell asleep.

Murong Yue walked into the room and saw that Bai Ruxuan really did not wait before he rested, some cried and laughed.

He kissed lovingly on her lips, and went to the atrial grooming.

When he left, Bai Ruxuan opened his eyes secretly.

She didn't pretend to sleep on purpose. She was really nervous. When she thought of doing that kind of thing with her, her heart fluttered.

Will he pretend to sleep when he comes over?

Bai Ruxuan turned over tangled.

Mu Rongyu finished washing, undressed, and went to bed.

Feeling he was lying beside him, Bai Ruxuan's body suddenly couldn't help but stiffen.

Murong Hui held her in her arms and realized her stiffness, he knew she was pretending to sleep.

A little disappointed and distressed, he sighed and kissed her forehead with pity: "Don't be afraid, I can wait for you, when you're not afraid, we'll round the room."

Bai Ruxuan's soft red eyes moved into her ears.

He really treats her very well. Obviously she likes him too, what is she afraid of?

Slowly adjusted to his embrace, Bai Ruxuan's stiff body gradually softened.


Feeling her change, Murong Yu gently embraced her.

He knew she was slowly adapting to him, and that was enough, waiting for so many years, not too bad for this moment.

Bai Ruxuan touched her heart while feeling a little guilty.

Today is their hole in the cave, and he was willing to wait for her, so why can't she be afraid of her restraint.

But what should I say? Still want her to take the initiative?

Bai Ruxuan tangled for a long time, then turned to face Murong Ye.

Turning around, Bai Ruxuan was afraid to move again.

But Murong Yue didn't understand her meaning, still just holding her.

A warm breath sprayed on her forehead, thinking that a feather brushed her heart lightly, and her body began to tighten again instantly.

Her breathing became more turbulent, and she froze, closing her eyes and kissing his lips.

A faint scent of wine drifted into the nose, and Bai Ruxuan's head went blank for a moment.

Unexpectedly, she would do this kind of thing. Bai Ruxuan was frightened. She opened her eyes and wanted to bounce, but Murong Min held her head and kissed him fiercely.

He originally wanted to be gentle, but it seemed as if all his restraints were useless as soon as he met her.

He had been patient for a while before he was holding her. When she turned over, he almost couldn't help it. He kept meditating on the Qingxin curse, just not wanting to react too much, terrified her.

But he didn't expect that she would kiss him on his own initiative. Where can he mess with him now, he couldn't even lighten up and slow down.

Bai Ruxuan originally thought she would be scared, but the fact was that she did n’t have time to be scared. The whole process was blank, she could n’t think of anything else, she was like a duckweed floating on the sea, only As he rises and falls.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that Murong Yu finally restrained herself and didn't let herself come back for the fourth time.

The man in his arms fell asleep, but Murong Yu was reluctant to sleep, and hugged her and kissed him happily.

She finally belonged to him completely, waited for five years, thought for five years, and loved for five years, and finally she was his.

Murong Xu kissed her brow, then got up to help her clean up.

After helping her clean up, she went to the hot bath again and hugged her to sleep again.

Early the next morning, Qingzhuang went into the house with a basin and wanted to freshen up.

When she heard the door opened, Murong looked at Bai Ruxuan subconsciously, and turned her head when she didn't wake up.

Seeing Qingzhuang, Murongyu frowned in disgust and yelled, "Get out and don't have the name of the king in the future. You are not allowed to enter the house at will."

Qingzhuang immediately redeemed her with grievances, put the basin on the table, and went out stingily.

Bai Ruxuan opened his eyes stupidly: "What time is it?"

"It's still early, keep going to sleep." Murong Yan hugged her and coaxed softly.

Bai Ruxuan also really wanted to sleep, and subconsciously arched into Murong's arms, and then continued to sleep.

Murong Yu looked at her with amusement and kissed her forehead lovingly.

Only when she fell asleep would she not be shy.

Bai Ruxuan woke up until it was almost midday.

When he saw the uncle, Bai Ruxuan was anxious: "Why don't you wake me up? You have to go to tea."

Murong Yan smiled and said, "It's okay, they will understand."

Bai Ruxuan's face turned red, and she immediately felt that her clothes would not be worn.

"I help you." Murong Ai stepped forward to take her lewd clothes and helped her to wear them.

Seeing him holding her intimate clothes, Bai Ruxuan felt ashamed.

"I'll do it myself." Bai Ruxuan wanted to get her clothes back and wear them on her own, but Murong Yu refused.

Murong leaned down jokingly and said something in her ears, and Bai Ruxuan was so ashamed from her fingers to her toes.

He gave her back ... she didn't even know it at all, she was so ashamed.

But after knowing what Murong Ye did to her last night, Bai Ruxuan was not so shy anymore.

Anyway, what should be seen is also seen, what else is so shy.

After Murong Ye helped Bai Ruxuan get dressed, she went to fetch water to freshen Bai Ruxuan.

He didn't call Qingzhuang and thrush from beginning to end. If not necessary, he didn't want them to serve.

After the two had groomed, they went to toast tea together.

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