Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1305: No mother does not love children

Royal palace, warm Italian residence.

"Our Xuaner is so beautiful." The second lady looked at the dressed Bai Ruxuan, her eyes were a little wet.

Obviously in her impression, she is still such a small person, but now she is going to get married.

"Auntie." Bai Ruxuan also had red eyes.

"Good boy, let's not cry, we're crying for makeup, but it's got to be heavy again." The second lady whispered Bai Ruxuan and comforted softly.

"The hour is here, and the sedan is up."

Chu Xiangjun took Xipa and covered Bai Ruxuan himself.

Although it is not necessary to get married, everyone still discusses letting Xiao Xuan'er go back to the sedan chair, and allows Murong Hui to lead her around the city of Shengtian City.

Bai Ruxuan closed her tears and was helped out by the second wife and Chu Xiangjun.

Outside, Murong Yan was already waiting.

Seeing Bai Ruxuan coming out, Murong Yu immediately stepped forward to pick up people.

The second lady and Chu Xiangjun handed over Xiao Xuan'er to Murong Yu.

Holding the hand by Murong Xuan, Bai Ruxuan's small face under Xipa suddenly became ashamed.

Murong Yu helped Bai Ruxuan to the sedan before turning over.

Murong Hui rode in front of the horse, and took the sedan and the welcoming team out of the palace.

The second lady looked at the fading sedan far away, and her eyes became red again: "I don't know if Xu's coming?"

Although Xuan'er said nothing, he definitely hoped that Xu could come, but unfortunately Xu did not show up.

Chu Xiangjun sighed softly: "She has her difficulties. Even if she doesn't come, she must still have Xuaner in her heart."

There is that mother who does not love herself, let alone Xuan Er is so good.

The second lady nodded with red eyes. She knew it, but she still hoped that she could come and meet Xiao Xuan'er.

The welcome team came out of the palace, and instantly attracted the onlookers of the people.

"This is King Zixiao Shu's welcome team.

"It is Princess Hexiao in the sedan chair. I heard that Baidi loves this sister very much."

"Have you ever seen Princess He Xiao? It is said that it looks as good as a begonia flower."

Everyone crowded forward, as if they could step forward to see the people in the sedan chair.

Bai Ruxuan nervously pinched her clothes and looked out through the slits in the curtains.

Unfamiliar faces swept across her eyes, but none of them were the faces she wanted to see.

Bai Ruxuan lowered her eyes in disappointment.

Obviously she didn't come back, what she was expecting.

Even Murong Yu, who was riding in front of her, kept looking into the crowd, as if looking for something.

It's a pity that he didn't see the person, and was disappointed while spreading his distress.

Murong Yan looked back at Huajiao, her eyes were firm.

He will give her happiness. People around the world don't care about her, he cares.

The welcome team walked along the long crowd.

Behind the sedan chair, a woman lay silently in the corner and wept.

Xuan Er, mother Xuan Er.

"Mother, don't cry."

A two or three year old baby was on her toes and wanted to wipe her tears.

The woman cried when she hugged the child.

The man next to him hugged the woman and the child distressed, and his eyes were red: "Go and meet her, she must be waiting for you."

The woman shook her head while crying.

She is not a responsible mother. How could she have any face to disturb her life now.

The man wiped her tears painfully: "She won't blame you."

That child is so smart and sensible, where can I blame her.

"I know," the woman answered dumbly.

Because she was sensible, she couldn't bother her.

She made the right decision. She is now a princess, and she will be happy.

After making a circle in Shengtian City, Huajiao returned to the palace.

Murong Xuan kicked the car door and helped Bai Ruxuan enter the main hall.

In the main hall, there are already many people at the moment. In addition to the Bai family, there are many ministers of civil and military affairs. Today Bai Chu and Zi Xiao are married.

"Why hasn't Qin Tian arrived yet?" Bai Ju was anxious when they saw Murong Hui returning to meet their relatives.

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows: "The calculation time should be coming soon."

At the gate of the city of Shengtian City at this time, a team of welcoming relatives entered the city.

"I'm coming."

Knowing that the princess and the dear will arrive today, the holy people are all gathered at the gate of the city, waiting to see the bride.

Everyone was excited when they saw Qin Tian riding a tall horse in front of him.

"General Qin is back."

"Congratulations, General Qin!"

"Also called General Qin, it's time to call Qin Yima."

Everyone was happy to Qin Tiandao.

Qin Tian had been in Shengtian City for a few years, and before he helped to kill the scourge left by the old city owner, it was considered a prestige.

Although he was unsmiling, the usual coldness did not prevent everyone from respecting him. Of course, Qin Lang was definitely more popular than Qin Tian.

"I heard that this bride is not only Zixiao's princess, but also Bai Chu's princess."

"Yes, I heard that it was Baidi's cousin. Baidi made the imperial decree and sealed the princess. The bride is a twin princess."

"That is really incredible. General Qin is really blessed."

Listening to the outside discussion, Murong Yuqin opened the curtain with curiosity.

The people who were staring at Huajiao outside and suddenly saw the little man popping up, suddenly eyes widened in surprise.

"What's going on, doesn't it mean that the princess is already late? How is it a little baby?"

"Well, it's a Peugeot baby, it looks really good."

The word "little baby" drifted into Murong Yu's ears, she lifted her hijab, and brought Murong Yu Qin to her.

"Do you still want to go to Qin Lang? I don't want to go. I'll kick you down now."

"Want to go." Murong Yuqin quickly hugged Murong Yu's thigh and laughed. "Sister can't kick me down, otherwise I'll be silly."

Murong Yu snorted coldly, jokingly: "It's not better to be stupid, it's better to match Qin Tian's stupid brother."

Murong Yuqin shook his head again: "No, I can't be as stupid as you."

Murong Yu was so stunned that she couldn't wait to hold the little man hanging on her lap.

The sisters grinded their lips, and Huajiao entered the palace.

"Crack!" The festive firecrackers sounded.

"I'm coming."

The old man and Bai Tingxuan Chu Xiangjun were all waiting for them. When Qin Tian came back to the sedan chair, they were immediately happy.

"Anyway, just wait for them both."

The second lady looked at Huajia and laughed.

Beaver's hooked lips: "It's not easy for Qin Tian to get people from his uncle."

Everyone laughed when they heard.

Qin Tian approached, and dismounted to salute everyone.

The old man waved his hand: "Okay, let's pick someone up."


Qin Tian responded and turned to prepare to kick the sedan.

Before he could lift his feet, a meat dumpling stumbled out of the car.

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