Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1298: Xiaoren

The four sat and drank tea, and Murong Yuxi kept watching Qin Tian secretly.

Qin Tian also looked at her from time to time.

Sitting on the side of Murong Jinhong's face grew darker.

Seeing the two flirting with each other, like a lot of words, Bai Qingyan laughed: "Qin Tian is rare to come here. Let's take Qin Tian out and go around."

Murong Jin frowned frantically. Just when she was about to speak, Murong Yuxi stood up: "Okay."

Before Murong Jinhong retorted, Murong Yuxi pulled Qin Tian out.

Murong Jinhong looked at the back of the two, and the blue tendons in the forehead kept bursting.

Bai Qingyan looked at Murong Jinhong and poured a cup of tea for him. "Okay, don't be mad. In a few months, my daughter is from another family. What kind of anger is you?"

The family affairs have been settled, and the decree has come down. He is still waiting to see his son-in-law.

It's okay for Bai Qingyan not to mention this. When mentioning this, Murong Jinhong is like digging her heart: "You still said, wouldn't it be necessary for you to go to heaven?"

If I follow him to the house, I won't be able to see my daughter every day. After that, my house is indifferent.

Bai Qingyan gave him a white glance: "How can you blame me, Yuner himself is unwilling to stay at home, you have to force her to stay, don't you know that the big girl is not staying, staying staying to stay hostile?"

Murong Jinhong hummed twice and didn't answer her.

"What's the matter with my wife getting married, don't we still have Qin'er? My daughter-in-law is also pregnant, and let them have more births at that time, and you are afraid our house will not be lively." Bai Qingyan comforted him.

Listening to the younger daughter and future grandson, Murong Jinhong felt better.

Mu Rongyu took Qin Tian in a breath and ran back to his yard.

"Have you missed me?" Murong Yu stared at him with a frown, his eyes filled with thoughts.

Qin Tian did not answer, and leaned down and kissed her lips, letting her feel his thoughts.

Murong Yu trembled suddenly and couldn't help hugging him.

When Qin Tian forgot to kiss, he suddenly felt something.

Unwilling to stop, Qin Tian lowered, but saw a delicate female doll at her feet watching them with interest.

Qin Tian blinked and looked at Murong Yu.

Murong Yuzhe's little red face was darkened the moment she saw Murong Yuqin.

"Why did your girl come here?" Murong Yusao stunned Xiao Qin Er like a chick.

"My brother-in-law saves me." Murong Yuqin immediately pitifully asked Qin Tian for help.

A brother-in-law pleased Qin Tian instantly, Qin Tian took over and rescued Murong Yuqin to the ground.

"She is your sister." Qin Tian squatted down and rubbed Yu Qin's head.

Before Murong Yuxi answered, Xiao Qin'er started to introduce herself: "I'm Murong Yuqin, my sister's sister."

Listening to her cute child voice, Qin Tian couldn't help but hang her lips.

The little girl was kind of fun and just as interesting as her sister.

"Brother-in-law, you look so good, my sister's vision is good this time." Murong Yuqin carefully looked at Qin Tian's handsome face and made an evaluation.

Before Qin Tian had tasted it, Murong Yulian's face turned black.

What is this, she seems to have seen many times.

Qin Tian finally had a taste, and just wanted to ask a few words, Murong Yuqin said again: "I heard that there is a silly brother in your house that nobody wants."

Murong Yubi's face suddenly stiffened again.

What's this? It must be something that Dad told her.

Qin Tian did not expect that Murong Yuqin would suddenly say this. After stunning, he singularly drew his lips and said, "Yeah, there is a silly brother in my family that nobody wants."

"Is your brother as tall as you?" Murong Yuqin asked with a crooked head.

Qin Tian raised an eyebrow: "Almost."

"Then do you look good on you?" Murong Yuqin's eyes lit up and he asked again.


"Does he fight too?"


Qin Tian looked at her with interest, wondering what strange questions she would ask.

Murong Yuqin nodded with satisfaction, and suddenly reached out to Qin Tian: "Since no one wants him, then you give him to me."

Qin Tian looked at the chubby hand in front of him, and froze.

"Cough ..." Murong Yuchen couldn't help but cough.

This ancestor must have been sent torture her.

Murong Yu came forward and pulled Murong Yuqin into her arms: "What nonsense, what do you want other brothers to do?"

She thought Qin Lang was a toy, and said it would be necessary.

Murong Yuqin gave her a sideways glance: "Of course she is a husband."

In one sentence, Murong Yu was thundered out of Jiao Linen.

Who the **** was teaching her?

Qin Tian also narrowed his eyes uncontrollably.

Seeing Qin Tian never answering, Murong Yuqin insistedly stretched out his small hand: "Will you give it to me?"

Qin Tian turned back and stared at Murong Yuqin's little hand, frowning entangledly: "This is fine, but you can't abandon him in the future."

Qin Tian was serious about Qin Lang's life-long events with Murong Yuqin.

Murong Yuqin nodded earnestly: "You can rest assured, I don't think he is stupid."

Qin Tian winked again uncontrollably.

Murong Yuqin was also completely defeated by Murong Yuqin. She pulled her aside and seriously educated: "Murong Yuqin, do you know what you are talking about?"

She was a little fart and told herself to kiss her.

Murong Yuqin flew a small eyebrow: "I know, I'm talking about my life-long event."

Murong Yusong was sitting on the ground with Lei's buttocks directly.

Qin Tian was not stimulated too lightly.

It took a long time for Murong Yu to return to God.

"Well, I don't care if you understand it. In short, you must not premise this on your father." Murong Yuxi warned Murong Yuqin seriously.

If her father knew that she had set a life-long private order, the person who set the life-long private order would still be Qin Lang, it must be a thunderstorm, and it is estimated that she and Qin Tian would be hacked to death.

Murong Yuqin gave her a disgusting look: "I'm not you, I'm not as stupid as you."

The disappointed Murong Yuxi was aggrieved.

Where is she stupid? She is obviously the smartest of the three of their siblings.

"My brother-in-law can't regret it." Murong Yuqin looked back at Qin Tian uneasily.

"No regrets."

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows, without selling his brother's guilt at all.

Murong Yuqin frowned, and ran away as if grabbing a baby.

Murong Yu stared blankly at Qin Tian: "You don't really want to give her Qin Lang."

Qin Tian: "Do you think she's joking?"

Murong Yu shook his head.

After that, the little fart fancy Qin Lang, but she doesn't seem to have met Qin Lang yet.

Murong Yuxi immediately began to mourn for her father.

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