Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1258: Mother and daughter

Aunt Hua is totally unaware of her being suspended, and she is still teaching Bai Ruomeng how to hook up with Mo Beichen.

"I'll tell you, when you wait for the night, you will go to Mo Beichen again, this man will not be guilty of stealing, and your father was not dealt with by me at that time."

Bai Ting'an, who walked to the door of the room, heard this sentence and immediately stopped.

"You think Mo Beichen is as lascivious as Dad, he doesn't look at me at all."

Bai Ruomeng was very grieved. Yesterday, she went confidently. She didn't expect to seduce him without taking off her clothes. She was arrested by Mu Bingjun. It was a **** mold for eight lives.

Bai Ruomeng's words reached Bai Ting'an's ears, and his face turned dark.

"Why are you so stupid? What do you call seduce, this time you go straight and take off your clothes, I don't believe he can still hold it." Auntie Hua looked very experienced.

Bai Ruomeng frowned anxiously: "Does this work?"

That person is not an ordinary person, she can see her if she strips off?

Auntie Hua glanced at her: "Why not? That's how she used to seduce those men."

"Auntie ..." Bai Ruomen stared with amazement and looked at Auntie Hua in amazement.

Auntie Hua knew she was guilty, and waved her hand quickly: "No, it seduced your father."


As soon as Auntie Hua's voice fell, the door was snapped open.

The sudden noise surprised both of them in the room.

Seeing Bai Ting'an with a black face, Aunt Hua blinked her eyes in guilty conscience, and immediately stood up and said, "The second elder is just right, you must decide for us."

Auntie Hua said she went to La Baitingan.

Before he approached, Bai Tingan stepped back in disgust.

Feeling that Bai Tingan was not right, Auntie Hua was finally a little scared, and she winked at Bai Ruomeng.

Bai Ruomeng immediately stood up and knelt down in front of Bai Ting'an: "Dad, I truly love Wang Ye, and Meng Er will not marry in this life ..."

Before Bai Ruomeng's words were finished, Bai Tingan kicked her sharply.


Bai Ruomeng screamed and was turned over to the ground.

"Menger!" Aunt Hua was startled, and hurriedly hugged Bai Ruomeng, "Second Lord, what are you doing?"

Bai Ting'an stared at Aunt Hua with a dark look, and threw the distressed book directly to her face.

Auntie Hua picked up the distress book for unknown reasons, and her face turned pale in a moment.

Bai Ruomeng was frightened when he saw Xiu Shu.

"What did I do wrong, and you want to give me a break?" Auntie Hua held the book and stared at Bai Tingan in a complaint.

"Yeah, is there anything to say, why is it so serious to write a divorce book?" Bai Ruomeng was also anxious, and quickly got up and grabbed Bai Ting'an's corner.

Auntie Hua was also anxious: "Did you just hear something? That's all nonsense. Don't take it seriously. I didn't seduce any man at all."

"You still have a face to say!" Auntie Hua didn't mention this, but when she mentioned this, Bai Tingan came to the fire.

He raised his hand violently and fanned at Aunt Hua's face.

A "snap" sounded, and instantly hit Aunt Hua's lips.


Seeing Bai Tingan's anger, Bai Ruomeng was even more frightened.

Bai Ting'an gasped, and stared at Aunt Hua with a hate.

In recent years, he always thought that she was innocent with him, but it turned out not to be, but he never disliked her as an actress, he loved her so much that he did not expect this shameless woman to have given him a green hat .

The previous things were revealed, and Auntie Flower was really scared.

She lied to him with chicken blood, but what can she do, if she's born like that, if she didn't act like that, could she get into Baifu and live a life of Jinyiyushi?

He was stupid. He couldn't tell whether he was a virgin. Who could blame it?

As soon as Auntie Hua sat on the ground, she burst into tears and grabbed the ground: "You have been hit by a thousand swords. You will kill me. Even if I die, you are also a ghost of your Bai family. Don't you dare to let me go."

Since she entered Baifu, she must not be kicked out so easily. Even Lai she depends on Baifu.

Bai Ting'an looked coldly at Auntie Hua: "The divorce book has been given to you. You are no longer my Bai Tingan's uncle. If you don't go, someone will let you go naturally."

Bai Tingan said, waved Bai Ruomeng's hand in disgust, and turned to leave.

Auntie Hua was really anxious when she heard what she said. She rushed over and hugged Bai Ting'an's legs.

Bai Ting'an completely ignored Aunt Hua's cry and kicked her.

"Oops!" Aunt Hua rolled around the ground and mourned again. "Why is my life so hard? It's the woman of Su's family that's hurting me."

"It must be that woman." Auntie Hua, as if she was a magic wand, got up and pulled Bai Ting'an's clothes, "Did Su Su want you to rest me? Su Su's woman is not at all kind, you can't listen to her."

Seeing that she still had to stigmatize the second lady, Bai Tingan was so numb that he squatted down, staring at Aunt Hua, saying, "It's not the lady who wants to rest you, but the old man who gave the order personally and asked me to rest you."

Hearing it was Bai Qiyuan's order, Aunt Hua was frightened.

Bai Ruomeng also scared his face.

Turned out to be the grandfather's order from the beginning, then this matter is no longer possible.

Ignoring the frightened auntie Flower, Bai Ting'an pulled a sleeve robe and turned away.

Auntie Hua looked at Bai Tingan's back, and suddenly yelled, "I was born to the Bai family and died to be the Baijia ghost. If you want to force me, then I will die for you."

Bai Ting'an frowned and turned around, and saw Auntie Hua slamming on the pillar next to her.


The blood of Auntie Hua's head flowed instantly, and the person fell down softly.


Bai Ruomeng was startled and quickly went to hold Aunt Hua.

Auntie Hua stared at Bai Ting'an staggeringly: "Second Ye ... don't rush away, Er Shen doesn't want to leave Er Ye ..."

"Dad!" Bai Ruomeng cried and shouted at Bai Tingan.

Bai Ting'an frowned at Aunt Hua, not talking or moving.

"Is grandma Liu?"

The voice of Changsheng came from outside.

Bai Ruomo dreamed uprightly: "I am."

Longevity walked in and saw that Auntie Hua was covered with blood first, but then he stunned, but he didn't say anything, and passed a letter directly to Bai Ruomeng: "This is a letter from your aunt Liu."

Changsheng said and turned away.

Bai Ruomeng looked at the distressed book in his arms and fell to the ground.

As for Mu Bingjun, who sent the divorce to Tianluoyuan, at this moment, he has already left the city of Shengtian and headed for Zixiao.

He figured out that instead of keeping her harming the family, it would be better to leave her and live a good life with the family, regardless of whether Bai Ruomeng's life will be good or bad in the future.

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