Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1072: Beaver's anger

Father Leng narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you Yang Yang's disciple?"

"Yes, the master Bu Yangzi." Baici bowed again.

To this cold old man, Baitan doesn't have much feelings, but as the founder of Fengshen Academy, she should naturally respect others.

Father Leng looked at Baitan's eyes suddenly changed again. Others did not know the identity of Bu Yangzi. He knew it. Bu Yangzi's personal disciples were not the Jiugong descendants.

He thought he would never give the Jiugong to others in his life. After all, in such a lack of aura, there would be no one who could be regarded by him, but he did not expect to find him.

Seeing this girl's qualifications is really good, he can be considered blessed.

Just when the two eyes were wide and small, Leng Zhuoyu saw the beaver's appearance clearly, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Well, aren't you the woman who went to the Lan family to grab a relative?"

At this time, Leng Zhuoyu looked at Baiju's eyes full of heart. Today, he also attended the wedding banquet. He was shocked by her beauty before at the Lanjia. This woman was brought back by her older brother. Fairies are even more beautiful.

The **** glanced at Leng Zhuoyu with a dim glance, who was the second ancestor, so impolite.

With such a reminder from Leng Zhuoyu, Leng Yuewu finally recognized Bai Jue, and immediately stared at Bai Jue in disgust, "I said that you, a woman, won't finish Brother Lan, come and grab my brother."

The **** heard a sudden black line, did she look like a woman of this color? After grabbing the blue pheasant feathers, then grab the cold and cold?

"Don't misunderstand, we are not malicious." Seeing the atmosphere stiffened again, Lan Yanyu immediately held Murong Xuefei to explain.

Leng Yihan frowned, reaching out to meet Murong Xuefei, but the **** shoved suddenly, "Don't touch her."

Leng Yihan's face suddenly turned black, and Father Leng sank his face instantly. "What do you mean?"

Lan Yanyu yanked the corners of her lips, feeling that the hot potato in her hand was even hotter.

"I want to take my friend away." Bai Tan looked at Father Leng coldly, without timidity.

Leng Yihan was anxious for a moment. As soon as he was about to talk, he listened to Father Leng and said, "She is from my Leng family. You can't take it."

"Are you from the Leng family?" The **** laughed suddenly when he heard it, and that smile was full of ridicule and accusations. "You are so embarrassed to speak, are you Leng Jiaming married?

A word from the beaver, Father Leng suddenly froze.

Wen Xinmei and Leng Lewu are disdainful, as if mocking the identity of Baiju and Murong Xuefei.

Leng Yihan is pinching his fists with pain.

It's not that he didn't give her a name, but that she didn't want to marry him. If she wanted to, he would marry her even if she was out of the entire Leng family.

The **** swept the expressions of Leng's mother and daughter into her eyes, and immediately mocked: "How noble you think you are, in my opinion, you don't deserve to raise her shoes."

Wen Xinmei and Leng Lewu suddenly sank together.


Leng Lewu even pulled out the soft whip and threw it at the beaver.

Looking at the soft whip straight at her face, Bai Tan's eyes flickered and he threw the Fengming sword in his hand.

Fengming sword is like a sharp arrow off the string, straight through the soft whip, and it is opened in half, straight to the tiger's mouth of cold music and dance.

Leng Yuewu was startled, and quickly dropped Feng Mingjian in her hand, but Feng Mingjian did not let her go, rubbing her cheek straight in her horrified eyes.

"Ah!" Leng Lewu screamed desperately holding her **** face.


Wen Xinmei was also startled, and quickly stepped forward to look at Leng Yuewu's injuries.


When Leng Yuchun saw her daughter was injured, she immediately fought with her sword and beaver.

Baitan is also very angry. She just met Leng Yihan. She cares about her previous friendship, but if her opponent changes to Leng Yuchun, she will not be so polite.

The white raccoon picked up mysterious power and spiritual power at the same time, and directly kneaded into a golden Yuanli ball, hitting Leng Yuchun directly.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the super-strong golden Yuanli ball.

Is this Jinling?

Is this impossible? How old is this woman?

Father Leng's face was also full of wonder. How could he never imagine that Baijuan could combine the mysterious power and the aura. It was the first time he had seen such a play when he was so old.

What he didn't expect was that the beaver's mystic power and aura had even reached the **** level, and the power of this dual **** level was by no means less than that of a golden spirit.

Leng Yuchun was frightened by a cold sweat, and quickly put out mysterious resistance.

Silver Xuanli hit the golden Yuanli ball and was swallowed instantly. Just when the golden Yuanli ball was about to hit Leng Yuchun, Father Leng finally shot.

Xuanyu-like mysterious power, like a **** of light, instantly dispelled the golden Yuanli ball.

It's Yuling!

The raccoon stared wryly, and quickly turned around. Fortunately, Father Leng didn't want to hurt anyone, and his strength was just controlled.

"What on earth do you want?" Father Leng looked coldly at Baiju, with a faint look in his eyes.

The **** frowned and glanced at Murong Xuefei in the arms of Lan Yanyu: "I said I just wanted to take my friend away."


Leng Yimin did not want to go forward, and went to grab people.

The **** immediately became angry, with a punch of mysterious power, and slammed into his face fiercely.

Leng Yihan took a step and raised his eyes in anger.

"Do you really want to kill her?" Baitan gritted her teeth and stared at Leng Yihan, yelling: "Do you know that she hasn't eaten for a month? Look at her, you want to torture her Are you dead? "

Leng Yihan collapsed his shoulders suddenly. When his original angry face saw Murong Xuefei's thin-skinned body, he suddenly felt heartache and couldn't breathe.

When did she become like this? He didn't even know it at all, he was a **** god.

Father Leng looked at Leng Yihan's guilty blame and frowned, "Since you are determined to take her away, take it away."


Leng Yihan was shocked and stared at Master Leng in a complaint.

How could he let her go, that was his life.

Father Leng frowned and looked at Leng Yihan, his deep eyes flashed a pity.

He knew he wanted to stay with her, but looking at the child, the Leng family really wasn't suitable for her. He knew his suffering, but there were certain things that could not be forced, such as her mother.

Leng Yuchun on the side also seemed to be touched, standing rigidly, and his head was full of that stubborn face.

"Let's go." Father Leng looked at the **** again.

"Thank you very much." Beaver felt arched at Father Leng before turning around to take over Murong Xuefei in Lan Yuyu's hand and flew out.

"You can rest assured that nothing will happen to me." Lan Yanyu patted the cold and cold shoulder comfortably, and then followed.

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