Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1064: Newcomer

弑 God mainland, Wuhe City.

The **** was wearing a veil, sitting in a tea house and drinking tea.

She has been here for almost half a month and has basically figured out the general background here.

The continent of the God of God was originally a division of the Four Kingdoms, but two hundred years ago, because of the ambitions of the Western Wei Dynasty, Nan Qi was wiped out of the country. Finally, the Western Wei Dynasty also ate the evil results and was annexed by Dongteng and Beichu.

At present, only Dongteng and Beichu remain on the continent of the God of God, and the two dragons are driving together.

However, it is strange that the most famous continent is not the two countries of Dongteng and Beichu, but the four major families. These four families do not belong to any one of Dongteng and Beichu, and are not subject to the control of the two countries.

For the common people of the gods, the four families are far more mysterious than the Dongteng and Beichu royal families. They are said to be unable to marry any royal family, and the five families control the lifeblood of the royal families of the two countries.

"Xiao Er, come and make tea, and get a few baskets of snacks." An indignant, sharp voice pulled back the beaver's thoughts.

The **** raised his eyes, and saw a pair of handsome young men and women who happened to sit opposite her, and there were several waiter-like people behind them.

"Come here." Xiao Er responded, and immediately brought tea and snacks. "Good tea, snacks, please slow down, please."

"Yu Ning, eat snacks." The young man diligently filled the woman with tea and snacks.

Although the woman's face was arrogant, her eyebrows were also happy, and they could be seen as men's favorite.

The beaver's gaze stayed on them for only a few seconds, and he was attracted by the conversation at the table next to him.

"I heard that the little doctor is getting married, is it true?"

The **** keenly captures the word "little **** doctor" and immediately raises his ears and listens carefully.

"It's still fake. I heard that it was the owner of Shaogu who was a doctor of Yixiangu.

"Is it? I heard that Shaogu, the master of Yixiangu, not only looks beautiful, but also has superb medical skills. I really want to see him." There was a lot of admiration among the talking young people.

The woman opposite the **** seemed to be stimulated, and threw the tea cup sharply on the table. "Hmm, she looks a little bit pretty and will be a little bit medical. What ’s so great about it?"

"Well, who do you say to me!" The young man immediately stood up when he saw the woman vilify his favorite person.

"Presumptuous!" Before the woman spoke, several female guards behind her pulled out half-swords.

When the middle-aged man on the side saw the other party was wearing gorgeous clothes and guards, he immediately pulled the young man's sleeve upset, "Forget it."

The middle-aged man left a low-level mixed stone and pulled the youth away.

"Wait a minute." The **** immediately stood up when they saw the two going.

For a moment, everyone's eyes focused on Bai Jue. Before she wore a veil and sat in the corner again, so everyone didn't notice her.

"Is there something wrong with the girl?" The middle-aged man looked at the **** vigilantly, for fear that she and the men and women in front of her belonged to it.

The **** arched at the two and said, "Consult the two brothers, but the little doctor you just said is blue?"

The middle-aged man froze, as if he didn't expect Baiju to ask this.

Even the woman frowned, and the look at Beaver's eyes suddenly changed.

"Exactly, the little divine doctor is indeed named Lan, and the person is called the little blue divine doctor." The young man beside him answered enthusiastically.

"Thank Xiongtai." Bai Tan's eyes brightened, and he thanked him again.

The two did not stay much, and soon left the tea house.

This little blue doctor should be Lan Yuyu, but Lan Yuyu is going to get married?

The white raccoon didn't even think about drinking tea, so he took a low-level mixed stone from his waist and put it on the table, and he had to leave.

The woman across the corner narrowed her eyes, and deliberately poured a glass of water on the **** as she walked by.

The white raccoon's eyes flickered, and the sleeve robes waved suddenly, and all the tea returned instantly in the same way, with a "snap", all the drops fell on the woman's face.

All of a sudden, everyone was dumbfounded, and even the woman was holding her back. It seemed that the **** would fight back.

Other guests in the tea house saw the woman's wolf howling, and suddenly couldn't help whispering.

The woman turned back to her feet and raised her sleeves and raised her sleeves with annoyance on her face.

The **** was ignorant of her and turned away.


The woman was so humiliated. Where would she let the **** go, she immediately rushed to her curtains.

The **** slightly bowed her head, thinking that the woman was going to attack her, and quickly turned and turned, but was immediately caught and fell off the curtain.

For a moment, everyone in the teahouse stared blankly at the raccoon, poured the tea and spilled the tea, and dropped the vegetables. Everyone seemed to be ordered.

Even the pair of men and women were stunned, especially the man, the beaver's beauty seemed to hit his heart at once.

He admits that he has seen a lot of beauties. Not to mention others, his fiancee and his sister are already top-notch, but compared with the woman in front of them, they are like clouds and mud. The beauty he had thought was so ridiculous in front of her.

The woman also looked at the raccoon sullenly, only to find her looks a little familiar, but she was sure she had never seen her.

The **** looked at the woman coldly, "What do you want to do?"

The woman returned to God and immediately dropped the curtain in her hand jealously. "You shameless woman dared to pour my tea. If I didn't teach you today, you wouldn't know how many eyes Master Ma has. "

After the woman said arrogantly, she picked up her spirit and attacked the beaver.

Watching the black mysterious power of the woman, the raccoon lips sneered.

She was originally new and did not want to cause trouble, but if anyone had to force her, she wouldn't mind doing it.

Bai Jusu raised his hand, and a silver light flew out. The powerful force suddenly made everyone's eyes wide.

Turned out to be God's Order!

The man also widened his eyes in amazement, how old this woman is, it should be no more than twenty, and she has already reached the **** level, which is one of the few gods on the continent.

For a moment, the man's look at the **** became even more enthusiastic.

The silver mysterious power instantly swallowed the Mose spiritual power, "banging" and knocking the woman out.


The waiters were shocked and hurried over to lift up the woman.

The woman covered her chest and stared at the **** with a dark look.

Who is she, such a face, such a practice, she can not fail to know.

"Girl, your curtain." Instead of manipulating the woman, the man picked up the curtain on the ground and handed it to the **** diligently.

"Mo! West! Xiao!" The diligence of the man instantly made the woman furious.

The beaver's eyes were dazzling, and without looking at the man, he waved a ball of fire, burning the curtain in the man's hand.

"Good for yourself."

At last glance at the woman, the **** turned and left.

The man stared blankly at the beaver's back, and a heart seemed to be lost on her.

Looking at the look of the man, the woman was so angry that she wanted to kill.

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