Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1052: Go after it

Looking at the intimacy of the two of them, Guan Chao finally understood.

For a long time, it turned out that the two were a pair! No wonder this young lady is coming to help!

Nangong Qu looked at Nangong Ying with jealous expression, it turned out to be for him, **** it, she must go back and tell the mother!

What came to mind, Xue Qingying immediately looked up and said, "I heard that Qing Ye also sent troops to Beiyang."

With the participation of Qingye, Beiyang might be at the limit.

Nangong Ying looked up and comforted, "Relax, I have already sent Shu Yu."

"That's good." Xue Qingxi nodded silently, finally relieved. He didn't want to see Qing Ye and Zi Xiao go to war.

The Zixiao soldiers underneath were all relaxed, they already felt that the battle was about to end.

The soldiers of Qingyu were tangled, they came and went, they didn't understand what role they played in this battle.

The red soldiers were all defeated, their generals were gone, and they heard that their homeland had also been occupied. It seemed that they were losing.

Seeing that the situation was not good, some red soldiers secretly wanted to slip away. Unexpectedly, as soon as they moved, Nangong Ying on the city wall spoke, "Ground it up."

"Yes." The answer came from the soldiers of Qingyu.

As soon as Nangong Ying ordered, the original allies were instantly hostile.

Perhaps because they knew that they would lose, the Red Soldiers did not resist, and they lost their weapons directly, leaving them to be guarded by the soldiers.

After the battle was resolved, Nangong Sakura and Xue Qingyu went back to the city to exchange complaints.


At the same time in Beiyang, Shu Yu also arrived under Beiyang City with the order of Nangong Ying.

Although Shu Yuan did not understand the meaning of this, she still listened to Nangong Ying, and Shu Yu was her grandson grandson whom she valued most. She naturally listened to Shu Yu's opinions.

According to the meaning of Nangong Sakura, Shu Yuan led the soldiers withdrawing soldiers.

Shu Huan was under the city, and he looked playfully at Murongyu on the wall. "Murongyu, we will see you again."

Murong Ye's face turned red, and she wanted to say something, but was embarrassed to say it.

Shu Ying didn't wait for him to speak, then Ma Ma turned and chased the troops in front.

The battle finally came to an end. Fortunately, Her Royal Highness succeeded. She really did not want to live with you to death.

Murong Yan looked at the horse leaving with a look of perseverance, and a heart seemed to follow her away.

Seeing his son's mind, Murong Jinhong patted his shoulder jokingly, "Go after him if you like, that girl is good."

He knew his son's mind early in the morning, so these days, the Shu family girl has been watching in secret.

That girl has been neutral, she has rescued the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty, and the soldiers of the Zixiao, but she has not killed a few people, but she has been protecting the children secretly. You can see that she also cares for the children. If the children really marry After this girl, it can be regarded as a mutual affection.

Murong looked away shyly, watching Qing Jun's army that had gone away, and sighed silently.

This battle is not over yet, where can he think about it, besides that Zixiao and Qingying hate each other through family hatred, where can they be so easy.

Without Qingye's participation, Zixiao quickly captured all the blue magic troops. After all, the blue magic soldiers who were hungry for so many days couldn't even lift the sword.

Of course, Zixiao couldn't starve them all, they boiled them after they surrendered.

The blue magic soldier who re-eat the food suddenly moved to tears and sighed. I never expected that the last person to deliver them to the food was the Zixiao people. I knew that there was something to eat, and they had surrendered.

"Enough? Not enough. I'll get some more." Murong Ye also took the food and gave it to Zuo Yutao and Poyang Bingwei.

"Enough is enough, thank you!" Zuo Yutao handed buns to Liyang Bingwei and looked at Murong, feeling it. Thanks to him these days, or else the children in Weier's stomach may be hungry.

"Thank you ..." Murong Yan wanted to say something, but when she saw that Pu Yangxu said nothing, she left the food and left.

"Don't eat anything, too." Zuo Yutao handed the food to Yunyang Xu and Bai Ruoyu, and picked a soft bun and passed it to Grandpa Zuo, "Grandfather!"

Father Zuo stared at Zuo Yutao, took the bun and took a bite in silence.

"Why do you say you want to fight? What's so bad about being harmonious like this?" Poyang Bingwei sighed while eating white flour buns.

From the beginning of her war, she had the premonition that Blue Fantasy was about to lose, because she was the best example. None of the people who opposed Baijuer had a good end. Fortunately, she woke up in advance, but unfortunately neither the brother nor the father After her persuasion, there are countless calculations, and the result still cannot be changed.

Everyone listened to the words of Liyang Bingwei, and all lowered their heads in silence.

Those who lose often regret it, but unfortunately the king defeated the king. There is no regret medicine in this world.

Just as Zixiao soldiers cleaned up the battlefield, another unknown army came in front!

"Who is it?"

Looking at the flying dust in front, Murong Jinhong immediately became nervous again.

This one after another, there is no end, and in the end let them stop.

Listening to the sound of that heavy iron hoof, Mo Beichen had guessed who the man was.

Murong Jinhong only saw the ink flag before the army went near.

Turned out to be Mo Xue's person.

Murong Jinhong glanced silently at Beichen, this guy shouldn't be here to attack the city.

"See Lord Mo, Lord Chitose Chitose Chitose!"

Millions of soldiers saluted together at Mo Beichen, and that loud voice shook the entire Beiyang City.

"Brother Chen!"

Situ Yi came out from behind the army and looked at Mo Beichen on the wall with excitement.

Great, it looks like Brother Chen is fine.

Mo Beichen squinted his eyes, pointed his tiptoe, and flew directly to Situ Yi. "Why are you here?"

Situ Yi pouted, "I'm worried about you, but I seem to be late, I know you must have a way."

Mo Beichen raised his eyebrows, this time he really did nothing.

If Nangong Sakura does not retreat, he is afraid that there is only one way to kill the war.

Seeing Mo Xue ’s army coming over, Pu Yangxu was completely awakened. Even if there was no last rebellion by Qing Ye, their end would be the same, and maybe even worse. After all, this Mo Xue ’s million iron rider is not on the look .

At this time, Shu Yuan, who was hundreds of miles away, heard the news that Mo Xue's army was going to Beiyang, and his back was suddenly cold, and he was very grateful.

Fortunately, there is Her Royal Highness, otherwise they are afraid that the entire army will be wiped out.

Ningong Ying's wise decision this time left a deep impression on Shu Yuan's heart, so that in the years when she became king, the Shu family was loyal and loyal.

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