Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1045: Ruthless little emperor

After Xu Lingyang's death, Murong Yu stayed in prison for a long time before going out.

All the detainees' families were detained in the cells along the way. Those who should beheaded have been beheaded, and these people have been sentenced to exile.

"I don't know anything, emperor, I'm wrong."

"I have no conspiracy, emperor, please let me out."

"Let us go out."

Murong Yue walked through several cells, and all the people in the cell were crying. They may not know anything, or they may have helped to make a plan. But these are not important. Many things are never alone. thing.

Suddenly, Murong Yu stopped.

A woman shrank in the front corner, and looked particularly quiet among a group of crying and noisy women.

Fu Ruoshi's clothes were messy, and his neck was covered with scratches, as if he had been beaten severely.

This is also very easy to understand. These women are all in the third prince's palace. Before, they were guarded by the three princes. They did not dare to provoke Fu Ruoshi. The three princes loved Fu Ruoshi.

Fu Ruoshi never resisted from the beginning to the end, but just shrunk in the corner to protect his belly as much as possible.

Murong Xu frowned at Fu Ruoshi, only to think she was a little familiar, and he remembered who she was for a long time.

Finally, Fu Ruoshi also saw Murong Yu, she looked at him shiveringly. The light around him was like a god, and he always knew that he was good-looking. Today, this kind of character is clearly different from his current situation.

Looking at the bright yellow dragon robe on his body, Fu Ruoshi regained his mind instantly, holding his belly subconsciously, and turned to the corner.

Murong Yuan's deep eyes flashed, and he didn't stay long before leaving the prison.

Not long after Murong Huan left, Fu Ruoshi was released.

She stood blankly outside the prison, and that harsh sunlight made her feel like she was dreaming.

He let her go, but why?

Is it because of guilt?

Will he?

Fu Ruoshi raised his eyes, squinted at the sun in the sky, and suddenly smiled easily.

Anyway, the past is gone, she is free, and she has a new family, which is enough.

Fu Ruoshi didn't return to the Three Princes' House or Fu Family again, but left the Imperial City by himself and went away.


Huaiyi border.

After Qingye joined the battle, the situation that was about to be clear, and immediately fell into chaos.

Guan Chao looked at the soldier who was killing under his face, "General Snow, there is not much grain in the city, and we can't hold it for long."

Now Chilie and Qingye join forces. Their strength is twice theirs. I am afraid that this city of Huaiyi will not be able to keep it for long.

Xue Qingying looked at the general in front of Qingying with an expressionless expression. A young woman with a face similar to Nangong Ying should be her sister.

Xue Qingxun was worried about her wings, but also worried about Nangong Ying.

At the same time, at the Beiyang border, the soldiers of Shengtian and Zixiao also fell into a hard battle. Fortunately, the soldiers of Blue Magic were basically hungry and could not move.

However, in the face of hungry blue magic soldiers, Qing Ye had no intention to lend a helping hand. On the contrary, Murong Su secretly gave food to Zuo Yutao and Poyang Bingwei, and Bai Ruoyu, there was some blood relationship, Murong Su could not bear to see her starve to death.

In the face of Murong Hui's kindness, Zuo Yutao and Liyang Bingwei were not polite, but Bai Ruoyu seemed to be embarrassed, but in the end he still did not blow his kindness.

Murong Jinhong looked at the bottom of the city wall worriedly, "Fortunately, each of them has a ghost, otherwise we will be miserable."

Mo Beichen watched the battle below with no expression, and his heart was completely calm.

The current situation is getting worse and worse. If there is no other way, I am afraid that not only Zixiao, but even the holy heaven will be ruined.

Mo Beichen looked deep into Mo Xue's direction, and his firm heart lost his direction for the first time.


At this time in the Moxue Hall, Situ Yi was watching the congregations and arguing.

When he could not send troops to help Mo Beichen, there were two factions in the DPRK. One faction was led by Bei Xiao and the other was led by Nan Zhong.

"Mr. Mo's contribution to the battle of Mo Xuenan for me has made great contributions. Now that he is in danger, how can we not help each other?" Bei Xiao's sincere and heartfelt words instantly resonated with the officials.

"Yeah, yeah, Lord Mo is in trouble, we have to help."

"Master Mo, he is our master Moxue. They dare to touch Master Mo, that's absolutely not possible."

"Master Mo must be saved."

Nan Zhong narrowed his eyes and listened to the voices of the people. He immediately sneered and stood up and said: "Don't forget the general of Peking University. Lord Mo has now recruited to Zixiaobai's house. Where is our Mo Yeti?"

When the officials supporting Nanzhong heard this, they immediately got excited.

"That is, Lord Mo has recruited to Zixiao, and even if he is Zixiao's people, why should Mo Xue send troops to rescue him."

Bei Xiaoyan's eyes were cold and humming coldly, "General Nan is really forgetful. The emperor just sealed Lord Mo as a king side by side. Lord Mo has power with the emperor. Is it true that Lord Mo is in trouble, shouldn't we help? The general still felt that the emperor would be in trouble in the future, and we should not send troops. "

A big hat was buttoned down, and Nan Zhong's face suddenly became anxious. "What are you talking about, when did I say that, and how the Lord Mo can compare with the emperor."

This Beixiao simply doesn't have this reason, obviously he is talking about Mo Beichen now, and he wants to pull on the emperor.

"Enough, shut up for me." After listening to Nan Zhong's destruction of Mo Beichen, Situ Yi could not help but soared.

"Chen **** it." Nan Zhong shuddered and immediately fell to the ground.

Situ Yi looked at Nan Zhong with a black face, and said unpleasantly, "Yi said, Mo Beichen has the same power as Xie, why, do you want to resist one by one?"

Are these people taking his decrees to the ear? Brother Chen hasn't been away for a few days. All these people have seen the wind make the rudder like this. For people like them, what can he expect them to do for him in the future?

"Wei Chen dare not." The ministers kneeled.

Nan Zhong even wanted to explain with cold sweat, "The minister didn't mean this. The minister just thought that Lord Mo was no matter how the Lord Wang was, Mo Xue shouldn't risk him by himself."

Situ Yi raised his eyebrows displeasingly. "Why, do you think we will make Mo Xue dangerous when we send troops to Beiyang?"

The cold sweat on Nan Zhong's forehead suddenly hung down again, "The minister didn't mean this ... It was just that the ancestors had orders, and Mo Xue must not participate in the war for no reason."

Situ Yiwei squinted his eyes and said, "When did you say you want to join the war without reason?"

Hearing Situ Yi not participating in the battle, Bei Xiao frowned frantically, and anxious in his heart.

Nan Zhong was overjoyed, great, the emperor was finally unwilling.

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