Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1039: No one can live forever

Purple Feather Hall.

Murong Shuofeng, who had been in a coma for several days, suddenly sat up cheerfully.

"Emperor, you are awake!"

Rong Gong came over quickly, but saw Murong Shuofeng put his finger to his lips and shouted.

Looking at the queen who was lying on the bed and still asleep, Rong Gong paused immediately.

Murong Shuofeng reached out and caressed the queen's quiet sleeping face, apparently no longer young face, no longer smooth skin, but at this moment, Murong Shuofeng seemed to be back to the time when they were in love.

They were all so young at the time. She was the only daughter of Tai Fu. They often read and attended classes together. He liked her quirky, cute and cute. He promised her that he couldn't do it. He owed her.

The queen woke quietly, raised her eyes to see Murong Shuofeng with red eyes, and immediately stood up. "What's wrong, isn't it uncomfortable?"

Murong Shuofeng shook her head, converged and held her hand, "I'm much better, don't worry about me."

When the queen heard him say that, she became even more flustered.

I couldn't wake up a few days ago, but I was able to sit up today, but suddenly I got better ...

The queen did not dare to think deeply, and hurriedly helped Murong Shuofeng to let him lie down.

"Don't worry, I still have things to do."

Murong Shuofeng refused to lie down, took the queen's hand, looked at Father Rong, "Bring the previous imperial edict."

Rong Gong immediately went to the table and took the imperial decree prepared by Murong Shuofeng before.

Murong Shuofeng glanced at the imperial edict, and after confirming that there was no problem, he asked Rong Gong to bring Zhubi over.

Holding a pen, Murong Shuofeng carefully drew a red lettering on the original seal.

"This is ..." Grandpa Rong opened his eyes in surprise when he saw the seal of Murong Shuofeng's painting. "This is too much."

After Murong Shuofeng painted the seal, he smiled with satisfaction. "Like, that's because the boy thought he stole his seal, and there is nothing he can do."

"Emperor, you are amazing!" Rong Gong immediately praised with a smile.

Murong Shuo harvested the pen and gave the imperial edict to the queen. "Take this away, and the rivers and mountains in Zixiao must not fall into the hands of the villain."

The queen looked at the imperial edict of Minghuang, and she burst into tears. "Why are you writing this? Do you want to leave me like that?"

In a word, Murong Shuofeng's eyes were instantly red, and he gently took her into his arms. "Why don't I want to go with you all the time, but heaven is fair. No one in this world can live forever." "

"But you promised me that you will stay with me forever. You also said that you want to teach children to practice martial arts." The queen shook her head desperately with red eyes, took his hand and covered it on her own Weilong belly. With you, do you feel it? "

Feeling the vitality connected by blood, the tears hanging in Murong Shuofeng's eyes instantly burst out like the flood of a dyke.

He wanted to see him born and watch him grow up, but he knew he couldn't wait.

The father-in-law, Rong, looked at each other and wept as if they were crying.

"Well! Isn't it time for sonchen to come?"

The sudden joking voice surprised both Murong Shuofeng and the Queen.

Rong Gong wiped her tears, and immediately turned around and stood in front of the bed.

Ignoring Father Rong, Murong Yu only stared at Murong Shuofeng and sneered, "I didn't expect that when the father and emperor still had such tenderness and honey, it was just that I had so many mother-in-laws, and I don't know if you can get here.

Murong Shuofeng closed her tears, and secretly shoved the imperial edict in her queen's pocket, then raised her eyes and said, "What do you want to do?"

Murong raised an eyebrow and grinned: "It's nothing, just come to see if your father and emperor have fallen apart. If you are gone, your son-in-law will be ready for you soon."

"Murongji, don't go too far." If the uprising turned out, the queen stood up in excitement instantly.

It was as if Murong Shuofeng was not angry at all. He quietly pulled the queen down and said coldly, "I am disappointed."

Murong's eyes flickered, and he smiled evilly, "It's not possible to be disappointed. Seeing you look so good today, son Chen is too late to be happy."

Murong Yan said, and then the words turned sharply, "Yes, to announce you a good news. Just now I was in a hurry, Murong beat him. He was seriously injured and died!"

The sudden news, hesitating to make a big hit, played Murong Shuofeng and the queen instantly knew nothing.

"Oh!" Murong Shuofeng was even more eager to attack, spitting out several blood bursts in a row, "keke ..."

The queen was anxious, and quickly patted Murong Shuofeng's back to appease: "Don't listen to him, there is a beaver, there will be nothing wrong with her."

Seeing Murong Shuofeng spitting blood, Murong Yu seemed to be happy, and he smiled at him in front of him, "Your beloved son is dead, are you disappointed?"

Murong Shuofeng coughed desperately, looking at him sadly.

Murong Shuofeng's eyes instantly irritated Murong Yu. He suddenly stood up and said vulgarly, "I will tell you another good news, because you are sick and the emperor is injured and healed. The prince decided to share his father's grief and get to the throne. "

Murong Shuo eyes widened, "You ... dare ..."

Murong Yan smiled evilly, "I dare you, open your eyes!"


Murong Shuofeng once again spit out the old blood, and the queen was immediately angry, and suddenly he got up and faced Murong Yu just slap hard, "Give me!"

"You wait for me."

Murong Yu stared angrily at the queen and Murong Shuofeng, raised his eyes to the dark, and led a group of people out.


Murong Shuofeng grabbed the queen's hand and evoked two words with difficulty.

The queen's abdomen was aching, but she stroked Murong Shuofeng's face comfortably, "Don't think about it, believe in my mother's consciousness, he's all right, he will come back."

Murong Shuofeng's eyes were bright, as if he had seen hope.

Purple Xiao Hall.

"Carried in Fengtian, the emperor said," I am very ill today, I am sick, and I ca n’t justify it. The prince is still alive and dead, so he named the three emperor Murong Ye as the new emperor, and he will be crowned today. "

On the jade steps, the **** finished the decree, and all the officials under him were stunned, even Xu Lingyang was stupid.

Without waiting for everyone to understand, a ritual music sounded outside, and Murong Xi came in with a yellow robe.

The ministers were all there, completely unaware of what to do.

Xue Yuen Long looked at Murong Yu in a dragon robe, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, which was so impatient.

Xu Lingyang also frowned, too anxious. The impeachment of the group of ministers has not been resolved yet, so how can he let people surrender.

Mu Rongzhen ignored the surprised eyes of the crowd, walked up to the jade steps, lifted the dragon robe, and sat on the dragon chair.

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