Princess Sets Poison Again

Chapter 1010: Grandpa's legacy

The **** converged and followed Huayan's gaze to the middle of the fire pond, and saw that the boiling magma seemed to be inserted into something.

"Is it a sword?" The **** stared at the weird sword in the middle of the fire pond, and Ye Ye's eyes became frantic instantly.

"Good eyesight, guess what sword is that?" Hua Yan smiled admiringly at Beaver.

Baitan raised her eyebrows. She didn't know what the sword was, but the boiling firepower in her body had proved that it must be a good sword.

"I want this sword." The **** laughed evilly and flew on the magma toward the sword.

Just as Baitan was going to grab the sword, a figure flickered over her, blocking her way.

Seeing Liyue, Baiju frowned frantically.

"What does Brother want to do?" Liyue stared at the **** with a somber face, but the question was Huayan on the shore.

"My brother dealt with my holy relics in such a private way, I'm afraid it's not good." Gu Qun also flew over slightly, apparently in a hurry.

The two followed Yang Jingfeng and Wen Yuner, and Yang Jingfeng was still dripping with water. It seemed that he was in a hurry, and even had no time to change his clothes.


Beaver raised his eyebrows, but did not expect that the sword was so important.

"What a sacred thing is not a sacred thing, I only remember the legacy of the ancestor." Hua Yan glanced at the moon and the valley, Liangliang Road.

Upon hearing Master Zu's last training, their faces suddenly changed.

Hua Yan sneered, expressionless, "The ancestor has a legacy before him, who can take Feng Mingjian from the fire pool, who is Feng Mingjian's destiny, that is, the owner of Feng Mingjian."

Fengming sword?

Bai Tan's eyes brightened, this Fengming sword would not be a pair with A Mo's Long Yinjian.

Baitan thought the eyes looking at Feng Mingjian became hotter in an instant, but she had long wanted a magic sword like Long Yinjian.

Gu Qunmu turned and said: "Since it is the legacy of the ancestors, it is not easy for us as disciples to violate it. Since the legacy is who can take Fengming Sword and who is the master of Fengming Sword, everyone has Opportunity, but should those who join our division have priority? "

Yang Jingfeng and Wen Yuner were delighted when they heard the words. There were two exquisite swords in the door of the division, one was Long Yin Sword used by Master Mo, and the other was the Fengming sword sealed in the fire pool. They were early. I stunned this artifact Fengming Sword, but I have been suffering and have no chance.

Hua Yan naturally understood the meaning of Gu Qun. After ticking the corners of his lips, he took a better posture.

He didn't have any opinion, provided that his two nephews had the ability to withstand Feng Mingjian.

"I heard it, but I can't pull the sword." Gu Qun's eyes beamed, and he immediately looked at Yang Jingfeng and Wen Yuner who were eager to try.

"Yes." The two responded aloud at the same time and flew into midair together.

Seeing Yang Jingfeng and Wen Yuner step forward, there was a moment of annoyance flashing from the moon's eyes.

Last night, Lan Qi ’s girl must have been stimulated. She has n’t seen anyone early in the morning, and she has n’t returned yet. If she ’s here, she ’s got a chance. If she knew this, she would n’t do anything to her last night.

When Yang Jingfeng saw the beaver, he narrowed his neck in fear.

Beaver gave him a cold look and gave way.

As a brother, Yang Jingfeng stepped forward to fetch his sword.

Looking at Fengming Sword standing still in the magma, Yang Jingfeng's eyes flashed with greedy fire for an instant, and he eagerly put his hand into the magma.

A scorching heat struck, and Yang Jingfeng's clothes were dried instantly, and the man was immediately screamed.

"It's hot! It's hot!" Yang Jingfeng drew back his hand, blowing desperately.

"Come again!" Gu Qun stared at Yang Jingfeng with a steel hate.

Yang Jingfeng looked at Gu Qun, and timidly stretched out his hand again.

"Ah!" Before he approached the Fengming Sword, his entire hand was burned into coke in an instant, and he was sore in a cold sweat that he cried in horror: "Master, save me!"

Gu Qun was startled, he did not expect that the lava in this fire pond was so powerful.

Looking at the sorrowful Yang Jingfeng, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed his hand, and pressed it into the ice pond next to it.

Feeling cold, Qin entered the palm of the hand, Yang Jingfeng felt better, but before he was relieved, the biting cold penetrated into his heart, and immediately he was trembling with freezing.

"Master, I ... cold ..." Yang Jingfeng frowned with hoarfrost, and turned to the valley group stiffly in the chill.

Gu Qun frowned and lifted him from the ice pond.

So hot and cold, Yang Jingfeng, who had been frightened by the beavers, was completely on the ground, and he couldn't move.

Gu Qun watched Yang Jingfeng who went to the two souls and shook his head in disappointment.

Seeing Yang Jingfeng's failure to take out Fengming Sword, Wen Yun'er was so happy that he couldn't wait to get up to the ground, "Master, let me try, I have firepower."

Wen Yun'er said, and fired the fire spirit to summon the flames.

As soon as Gu Qun's eyes lighted up, why didn't he realize that Yun'er did have a fire power, although her fire power was not too strong, but at least she would not burn in this magma.

"You go." Gu Qun nodded towards Wen Yuner, looking forward.

Wen Yuner was so happy that he flew forward immediately.

The flaming red phoenix sword made Wen Yuner's heart jump wildly. However, instead of being as eager as Yang Jingfeng, she slowly carried the fire power and tried to put her hand into the magma.

The burning sensation passed from the palm to her whole body, although it was very hot, but it was not tolerable.

"Take your time, don't worry." Seeing that Wen Yun's hands were not burned like Yang Jingfeng's, Gu Qun's heart instantly gave hope.

When Wen Yuner had the bottom of his heart, he slowly and boldly reached out his hand towards Feng Mingjian.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Wen Yun'er.

Even the **** was a little nervous, looking at Wen Yun'er and Feng Mingjian momentarily.

After a while of suffocating scorching heat, Wen Yuner was roasted with sweat all over her body, but she still desperately caught Fengming Sword.

"I got it!" Wen Yuner held the Fengming sword for a moment, rejoicing. She finally got the artifact, and she finally had Fengming Sword.

Gu Qun was also rejoicing, the **** frowned, but Hua Huan's face was expressionless.

As Hua Yan expected, before Wen Yuner was happy for a few minutes, Feng Mingjian who was clutched by her went crazy in her palm.

"Ah!" The burning scorching rushed to the apex of her heart, making Wen Yuner scream in pain, but she still seized Feng Mingjian and let go.

Feng Mingjian seemed to be angry, and broke away from Wen Yun's restraint and flew out. The red light flashed, and one arm fell into the red magma instantly. When everyone didn't fully react, he blinked. melted.

"Ah!" The scream screamed instantly across the ice-fire pool.

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