Princess Against the World

Chapter 6018: Just come

"Before, when I was in the palace, I was waiting for darkness at dawn, and daytime at night...Because of the passage of time, I can feel that I am alive!"

Ling Luoyu ridiculed: "But how do I are not much different from you at that time?"

"Yeah, this is what made me find something wrong and think about it!"


"If I was in the palace before, living like years, waiting for the sunrise and sunset in a vague way, now I seem to be no different!"

Ling Luoyu raised his eyebrows——

Being able to understand this means that she is not hopeless!

"I'm staying in the tiny cottage, waiting for that man to appear in front of me one day. Isn't it also the expectation day after day, year after year? After all, it's still the same wasted years!"

It's just that she is willing to do this wastefulness.

The previous palace years were forced.

But, no matter what, speaking, the result is no different!

Therefore, Shui Niangniang made up her mind to change everything.

And all these changes started from burning the portrait.

As the last trace of smoke dissipated, Shui Niangniang took a long breath and suddenly stood up and stretched her waist.

"Miss Ling, let's go have fun!"

Ling Luoyu was pinching a bun, preparing to put it in his mouth: "Play?"

where to play?

playing what?

"Do you know why our place is called Treasure Box City? It is because the temple on the back of the mountain enshrines a treasure box that has been handed down in which dynasty and which generation is unknown. It is said that the treasure box has never been opened, but only people who are predestined, Only to open it, let's go, let's go there and play, maybe you are the one destined!"

Shui Niangniang smiled brightly, her tone relaxed.

But Ling Luoyu felt it out, she was actually panicked and helpless.

——The portrait of that man has been her spiritual sustenance for many years.

Now, the spiritual sustenance is suddenly gone, and the emptiness in her heart can be imagined.

This hesitation is also reasonable.

"I..." Ling Luoyu was a little embarrassed.

She still needs time to digest the things Junlai told her.

Hope to find useful information from it.

There is really no time and no mood to accompany Shui Niangniang to see some treasure box.

But, thinking about it, everything she has now seems to be caused by her.

Counting it up, she was considered half the culprit.

If Shui Niangniang is pushed aside, it seems a bit unkind.

"That...I haven't finished eating yet..."

Ling Luoyu forced a bun into his mouth, pursing his lips.

"Wait a minute..."


Shui Niangniang urgently needs something at this time to divert her attention.

"What to eat?"

Grabbing Ling Luoyu's hand, regardless of whether she had breakfast in her hand, she pulled up and left.

"These are all cold, how can they be delicious? When I get there, I will ask you to eat delicious...the fast food over there is not delicious..."

Ling Luoyu was pulled up, his breakfast was unstable, tilted to one side and knocked over.


She quickly grabbed the empty space with her left hand, and Chaos Yuanling captured the dishes.

It just so happened that Cui Bao and Yao Yue hurried in when they heard the movement.

"You are here just right..."

Ling Luoyu was worried that no one would catch things.

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