Princess Against the World

Chapter 5121: resentment

"Yes, Your Majesty, General Chen can do it for your Majesty..." Lan Shi winked while shaking his head at her husband.

Cha Sheng hesitated: "This..."

Taking advantage of his hesitation, Yan took the opportunity to **** the weapon and handed it to General Chen.

"General Chen, taking the place of your Majesty to fend off the enemy this time, he has a great responsibility..."

"The queen can rest assured, his subordinates will surely protect the majesty and the queen..."

Cha Sheng's eyes blinked, as if he was thinking of something: "No, not only to protect us, but to protect the entire Shaman clan..."

"Yes, yes, do you still need to say this truth?" Lan Shi patted his back tenderly, quietly soothing: "General Chen is your most powerful confidant. With him, he will come to plunder. Human Race is useless... Don't you believe him yet?"

"Naturally, this king believes... he is your cousin! You believe it, and this king believes too!!" Zha Sheng muttered, and was pushed into the apse by Yanshi.

General Chen led the order, bowed and slowly withdrew from the hall.

Only when he went out, he slowly raised his head to meet the queen's gaze.

She nodded calmly, and he would be surprised.

After leaving the hall, General Chen's waist straightened instantly, glanced at the weapon in his hand slightly, and handed it to his subordinates with a smile.

"Where is the Predator Race?"

"General Hui, we have already reached the sea area of ​​our scorpion race..."

"But look at the ship in front clearly, is it really the ship of our Shark Clan?"

The subordinate carefully glanced at the hall, and stood on tiptoe to approach General Chen: "General, that ship looks like a ship from Shibanqiao!"

"Shibanqiao?" General Chen took a breath: "The little prince brought words back and said, is the ship going on board the Shibanqiao ship?"


"Is the little prince in the hands of the predators?"

"This is not very clear...because the distance is too far, I can't see clearly!"

"Then see clearly!" General Chen sighed flatly, "If the little prince is really on board, remember not to act rashly..."

"The subordinates have ordered to go down, let all the brothers be steady, no one is allowed to act rashly, otherwise they will kill without mercy..."

General Chen nodded solemnly, and greeted the defensive point toward the sea.

At the defensive point, some people seemed to be crowded on the edge of the cliff, standing in the dark.

When I saw General Chen, he whispered one by one.

General Chen frowned slightly: "What are they talking about? Let them all go!"


Understandably, the soldiers ordered the soldiers to blast the surrounding people back again.

The arrogance of the soldiers aroused the anger of some people, and the voice of complaining inevitably became louder:

"Why let us go?"

"There must be another shameful deed..."

"This guy really considers himself a king!"

"General Chen, you don't want to attack us, do you?"


Look at this resentment, it seems to hate the predator race.

But the arm, after all, can't twist the thigh.

Amid the arrogant shouts of the soldiers, a group of people were moved far away.

However, after all, they couldn't kill these people. They could only go back to the rock without threatening them.

However, such threats have no effect.

They walked with their front feet, and people followed them with their back feet.

"Are these unsophisticated people specifically opposing this general?"

General Chen bit his hated teeth, but he was helpless.

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