Princess Against the World

Chapter 5036: Flee before fighting



After Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin looked at each other, they shook their heads in denial, making the sailor speechless.

"Then you are really lucky!!"

Look at that little innocent expression, it seems that I really don't know.

"This predator race is a race living on the sea. They make a living by killing people and overcoming goods..."

"Isn't that a pirate?"

"Pirates? They are not as good as pirates!" The sailor gritted his teeth and sipped: "At the very least, pirates are just killing people and surrendering goods, leaving people with a whole corpse... But what about humans? Us ordinary people are they who prey on humans. Food..."

Feng Chenglin puffed his mouth: "So...the looting people, arresting people and looting, just because they want to treat them as food..."

Just as the sailor was about to reply, he suddenly noticed the ship turning.

The old helmsman was turning at full rudder, turning the bow to leave.

The sailor was thrown off and almost fell off, and quickly grabbed the side of the ship, his face changed greatly: "I have to go back and do something..."

Nodding hurriedly, he rushed to his post.

On the boat, except for Ling Luoyu and the uncles of Matcha, the other sailors all stood up.

"Left full rudder, raise the sails, start oars!"

The sails rose, but failed to accelerate—

The sea breeze is not strong!

This caused their escape to become very passive.

Ling Luoyu and others rushed to the stern, watching the fleet under the sun——

"Three young masters, we can't run away!" Feng Chenglin shook his head quietly and looked behind him.

Not to mention that there is no wind now, and the sails have little effect.

Even if it is windy, it can't run--

"Look at their sails, which are higher than ours and bigger than ours... If it is windy, it is estimated that our boat will not be able to run!"

"Did you not listen to them? These predators are a race that specializes in living on the sea...Since they make a living on the sea, the equipment on board is naturally more adequate than any other ship..."

Ling Luoyu lightly chins his head, pointing to the stone bridge and others at the bow of the ship.

"And these shark tribes, after encountering the predators, they turned the bow without any hesitation..."

If we talk about understanding, who else knows the Predator Race better than the Shark Race! ?

After seeing the momentum of the Predator Race, they turned and fled without hesitation. What did they show?

Explaining that they know that in front of the Predator Race, the people on their boat are all giving away their heads.

The end result is either dead to become a feast for others, or a delicacy for them while alive!

Therefore, after the encounter, the ship of the scorpion race turned and fled without hesitation.

"In my opinion, turning the bow of the ship is useless..." Feng Chenglin smiled and turned to Cha Mi: "I said Little Prince Cha Mi, you are also the prince of the Shaman tribe anyway. Since you have met an opponent, it is for the sake of face You have to stay and fight! If we can't fight, it's not too late for us to leave, isn't it? It doesn't make sense that this hasn't started yet, just retreat first, right?"

"Mr. Feng, you don't have a backache while standing and talking!"

Tea Mi means a long way to look at the wind into the forest, and finally his eyes fell on Ling Luoyu.

"As for the few of us from the human race, how are the opponents of the predatory human race?! Of course...if Mr. Feng and Miss Ling are willing to help, we will have a better chance of winning..."

"Yeah, Miss Ling, you promised me..." Matcha stood on the same line with his brother for the first time: "You said you want to make sure that I live safe and sound..."

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