Princess Against the World

Chapter 5028: Potion

The old helmsman looked down at him, sighed silently, and shook his head: "This is why you are drunk, and you can't remember what I said tomorrow, otherwise I won't tell you... Our sickness is just to die... …You don’t know if you die!? Without the medicinal properties of potions, our people will die sooner and sooner! Only those who can maintain a pure marriage contract can live long..."

Fengchenglin's MMP——

Died early!


You are all really a hundred years old, and you are still called premature death! ?

Then what is the name of him who died after sixty or seventy? !

Let people live?

"You should have also heard that the life span of our Jangman tribe is different, some live to five hundred years old, and some are only a hundred years old... And as time goes by, our Jangman tribe has potions. There are fewer and fewer people with blood, and they are getting older and older, which has led to the demise of our scorpion race..."

"Oh..." Feng Chenglin suddenly prolonged the ending, and nodded suddenly, "I mean you...will die?! I will die too...we will all die... "

"The ways of death and death are different..." The old helmsman sighed silently, "You won't understand what kind of pain we cursed before death! Even people with potion blood, before death It will also be painful...because this is our curse! And in order not to be painful, when we perceive death coming, we will first stop ourselves and be free from superbirth!"

Feng Chenglin was confused at hearing, but he couldn't ask too obvious: "You...curse? Where did you...curse?!"

"Curse...that is the curse that cursed our ancestors, who treached our faith, threw down our master, and flees privately... This curse is the evil consequences of our human race and our retribution..."

Fengcheng Lin Xin said that he had finally reached the point, and the people also became more energetic: "What master? The master of the scorpion clan... does the scorpion clan still have a master? Isn't your master your... king? "

"Of course not!?" The old helmsman directly rejected without thinking: "Our king is..."

He suddenly stopped and glanced at Cha Mi's cabin vigilantly.

At this time, the sky was bright, and a touch of red appeared on the eastern horizon.

"It's going to dawn..."

Feng Chenglin: "..."

It’s bright at dawn?

Does this have anything to do with your story?

He drank so much wine that night, his belly almost burst.

If it hadn't been for taking the sober medicinal pill beforehand, I would have been drunk to death by this time!

"I am the king...when I marry the princess, I will be your...king!"

He waved his arm vigorously and raised his hand fiercely.

"I am your king... the king who submits... the king is me... I am the king..."

"You?" The old helmsman glanced at the limp Fengchenglin under his feet, and shook his head disdainfully: "If our king is a wild doctor like you, then I can be the king... even our current king, It's not as good as half of the ability of the Old City Lord, how can it be your turn to be a king?"

Thinking of something, he sighed again.

"If our king can have some ability, we will not have to go outside to ask for a living for nearly two hundred years..."

Fengcheng Lin suddenly thought of the things in the cabin they lived in--

A few days ago, the two of them were really bored, so they glanced through the contents of the cabin. They were all necessities such as salt puffs.

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