But it does not matter--

"To tell you the truth, this time I came down for this baby... You want me to help you, after all, you have to pay a little bit!"

With fingertips standing upright, she shook it gently.

"You know...replacement at the same price! I help you, you help me...I want that baby, and you-go home..."


"No way!"

The bat ancestor and the one-horned dragon almost simultaneously rejected Ling Luoyu's proposal.

Feng Chenglin curled his lips: "Although I don't know what they are talking about, judging from the degree of this tacit understanding...San Shao, I'm afraid that things on your side are too optimistic!!"

Ling Luoyu's lips twitched slightly: "They both rejected me at the same time..."


"I also want to know!"

Two steps forward slightly, Ling Luoyu and the one-horned flood dragon almost stood side by side.

"You two, a rare understanding...what does this mean? Does it mean that the thing is precious and I don't deserve it, or is it...you have no right to decide who it belongs to?"


Her question caused neither of the beasts to answer.


Ling Luoyu closed the animal language dictionary.

"If this is the case, then I have nothing to say! Between us... there is nothing to say..."

Feng Chenglin looked forward to taking a step forward: "So, are we finally going to war?"

"Don't worry, they won't be stupid enough to take the initiative to confront us..." Ling Luoyu held his hand proudly, and continued forward without anyone else.

Sure enough, neither the one-horned dragon nor the big bat had any intention of stopping her.

Only when she was about to step out of the stone beam, the one-horned flood dragon shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Ling Luoyu hugged the beast language dictionary, did not turn the page or turn around: "I don't know what you are talking about, and don't want to know... Besides, you don't need to let me know!"


The tail of the one-horned water dragon burst out of the water.

Water drops dripped, and Void stopped in front of Ling Luoyu, cutting off the way.

As her eyes turned, she stood leisurely, squinting towards the unicorn dragon.

"Fat man, look at the sentence that a good dog is not in the way, how should it be translated..."

Feng Chenglin answered and opened the beast language dictionary.

Just before he could find the right word, he saw the unicorn flood dragon arched up, bent down, and his huge head met Ling Luoyu, talking a lot.

After turning for a long time, he found out the key words in it——

"Three young masters, the big snake said...you are not allowed to go! Unless you open the back door and let them go home..."

"You tell it that the premise that you want me to open the door is their equivalent substitution... If there is nothing I want, I won't give them what they want!"

Feng Chenglin searched for a meeting, and finally turned the key words over.

Although the pronunciation is not standard, the ancestors of the bat and the one-horned dragon all understand the meaning.

After both sides looked at each other, they fell silent.

After a long time, the one-horned flood dragon replied: "That thing...not that we don't want to give it, but we can't give it..."

"Can't give it?" Feng Chenglin sneered: "You don't want to give it at all, right?"

The ancestor of the bat was silent, but silently looked at the unicorn flood dragon.

The latter hesitated, then raised his head and pointed at the darkness, with a deep voice: "What you want is in there..."

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