Princess Against the World

Chapter 4898: What do you think of me

Continuous mouth loss is a shame and shame for a dragon who is also a king!

Will it reconcile this shame?

Before the two of them were trying to figure out what new tricks the one-horned flood dragon would use, they suddenly felt the water flow under them shaking again.


"It wants to attack us from below..."


The two looked down at the same time.

This time, the one-horned flood dragon was really on fire, and instead of doing bottom-up tricks, it revolved and created a big vortex.

In the whirlpool, Fengchenglin and the old shopkeeper are like two leaves, rotating with the whirlpool, instead of leaving, they turn to the middle.

"I said, Feng Chenglin, you have to hurry up and think of a solution..."

The old shopkeeper looked at the huge black figure under the water, his face as gray as death.

"It's such a big physique, it doesn't take three or two laps to bring us down..."

That is to say, the two of them have a little bit of cultivation, and can press the small door panel under their feet.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have been involved in the whirlpool a long time ago, and would become the tooth sacrifice of the one-horned flood dragon.

How can I find a way to burn my eyebrows like I am now.

"Old man, what do you think of me? I am a god, and now I can't think of a way..."

Feng Chenglin tried his best to maintain the balance of his body, not to let himself be destroyed by the waves.

"If there is a way, what would Lao Tzu be like you being chased like a bereaved dog?"



Feng Chenglin is not much better than him!

"What about Mr. Ling?"

These two people have always been inseparable, how can they fly solo now?

What the old shopkeeper thought of, his face suddenly changed: "Is she going to have something wrong?"

"I'm pooh your crow's mouth...what do you fart?" Feng Chenglin maintained his balance awkwardly, his mouth still not forgiving: "If something happens to her, your old bone will be waiting to be buried in the belly of the dragon. Become a tuoxiang..."

Old shopkeeper: "..."

As for?

He just showed his concern!

As for this vicious curse?

Besides, nowadays, when life and death are at stake, you have such a curse, why don't you think about how to get out?

With the stirring of the one-horned dragon, the two have been rotated into the whirlpool.

The vortex hits the stone wall, splashing waves of water.

Below, the huge black shadow of the unicorn dragon swam entrenched.

"No...Why isn't this guy coming up to eat us?"

Feng Chenglin frowned and stared at the dark shadow underwater.

It stands to reason that now they have become its delicious dish.

As long as you hold your head up, you can swallow them both in one bite.

The old shopkeeper had only one thought in his mind at this time--

If you can go out alive this time, you will never work with the second person in this life again!

"Mr. Feng, if it rushes up now, we will definitely die...I think we should find a way to get out..."

"Who said we must die?" Feng Chenglin smirked, and there was another thing in his hand.

Looking at that thing, the old shopkeeper couldn't help frowning: "What is that?"


Feng Chenglin shook, very proud.

"When that guy shows his head, let's blow it up!"

Old shopkeeper: "..."

You have such a baby, why not use it earlier?

If you take it out earlier and blow up the tortoise and grandson earlier, would they still be so embarrassed?

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