Princess Against the World

Chapter 4581: happy event

The afternoon sun fell on the window lattice, casting a flower-shaped silhouette.

Yang Bing was sitting at the window, his fingertips drew in circles following the silhouette of the window lattice, and his eyes were somewhat ethereal.

Since Yang Guang left with a weird expression three days ago, he has not reappeared.

She wanted to ask people around her, but was ashamed to speak.

Want to go find him, and it provokes criticism again.

For a while, she was impetuous, and the more she painted the graphics in her hands, the more chaotic she became.


There was a sudden sound of firecrackers.

She was taken aback.

It's not too soon, how can anyone set off firecrackers?

And listening to the sound, it seems that it is also in the direction of Yang Zhi's bedroom.

What will be the happy event?

Being puzzled in her heart, the maid trot all the way, rushing over quickly, her face bright.

"Girl Yang..."

"What's going on outside?"

"It seems that there is something happy on the young master's side... Girl Yang, why don't we go see it together?"

I heard that it was Yang Guang's business, how could Yang Bing sit still.

She didn't think too much, got up and followed the maid to Yang Guang's bedroom.

However, along the way, they met many people.

Seeing that they all looked happy, as if they were going to a banquet for a drink.

"What's the matter, this is?" The maid seemed to be confused, and grabbed a fellow maid: "Miss Sister, do you know what's going on?"

"Don't you know? Young Master's happy event... Hall Master Zhou greeted us all over to have a wedding wine..."

"Happy event for the young master?"

"Yes, it is said that the young master has decided to kiss..."

What else did the maid say behind, Yang Bing didn't hear a word.

For her, all the voices in the world seemed to disappear, and there was only one sentence in her ear.

"The young master has decided to kiss..."

Yang Guang...

Getting engaged? ?

Engaged! !

got engaged!

Yang Bing's footsteps staggered, he almost fell, and his face turned pale instantly.

The maid beside her seemed to have no liver and lungs, she didn't find anything unusual, but she came up to make up for the knife—

"Girl Yang, let's go quickly. The young master will make a wedding. The banquet is definitely a good one. If we go late, we probably won’t have any good seats... At that time, we’re afraid we won’t be able to see the future young man. Madam's appearance..."

Yang Bing's heart trembled inexplicably, and he barely curled his lips: "I...I'm a little uncomfortable. Go back and rest first. Go by yourself first!"

"I'll go there by myself?" The maid was startled, and she glanced at the direction of Yang Guang's bedroom: "That's fine, Young lady, you are uncomfortable, how can I go by myself? Or, I'll wait for you to go back. ..."

"No, I can do it myself!"

At this time, Yang Bing only wanted to be alone, not to have someone to accompany him.

Waved to let the maid leave, she went the other way and walked down the mountain.

Her loneliness and helplessness formed a sharp contrast with those who went up to the mountain to have a banquet with a smile.

He didn't know how long he walked until there was no way at his feet, before Yang Bing suddenly realized that he was standing on a cliff.

This discovery shocked her, and subconsciously took two steps back.

"Yang Bing, what's the matter with you? I don't know, I thought you were shocked and you want to jump off the cliff..."

She smiled self-deprecatingly, her lips curled slightly, but tears flowed down unconvincingly.

"What's the matter... The things you encountered before are even more ugly than now, haven't they survived? What's the matter..."

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