Princess Against the World

Chapter 3523: The routine is quite deep

"Yes! There is only one gate in the Sea Territory Banquet, but there are two roads! Each road has an open token! Without a token, you cannot enter the enchantment... and you cannot enter the gate!"

"Then the other way you said... is you sure?" Ling Luoyu looked at him quietly, with a playful look.

This Dingmiao, the routine is quite deep.

Can even break into the queen of the sea privately!

And Feng Chenglin also saw the clues of the Dingmiao: "The surname Miao, you can't see your path is quite wild! The people on the Queen of the Sea, you are all done!?"

Dingmiao's face moved slightly: "Miss Ling, Brother Feng... I will help you enter the sea banquet, but the matter..."

"We don't ask!"

Ling Luoyu suddenly raised his voice and interrupted him.

"Don't worry, we don't care about you and the things over there, just ask for results!"

Fengcheng Lin second understood her meaning: "Yes! You just let us in! As for what means you use in this, we don't care..."

This is also the result of Dingmiao's request: "I won't tell you, it's for your good... and for their good!"

Those people, those relationships, are the result of his years of management.

It was already an adventure for Ling Luoyu and others to use it!

If something happens to the two of them, confessing those people is not worth the gain!

Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin looked at each other and nodded together: "Understood!"

The three people tacitly reached a tacit agreement, and no one mentioned anything about the sacrament in the sea.

Along the way, you talk a word, I talk a word, especially the Fengchenglin, it is full of nonsense like the sky and the sky, and the Dingmiao who talks doubts life.

"What you said... Did you hear it or did you experience it in your own life?! Why haven't I heard it?!"

"What is it that you haven't heard?! The story of the Third Young Master, I'm afraid you have never heard of it!"

Feng Chenglin smiled and looked at Ling Luoyu in front of him.

"The stories about her are ones, compared with her, they are insignificant!"

Dingmiao looked at Ling Luoyu's back, his eyes were slightly wrong: "Brother Feng, you are telling me that all the things you said are true!?"

Feng Chenglin's heart suddenly moved, and immediately replied seriously: "What do you say!? These things, if you take these things seriously, then they are true!!"

Before Dingmiao could answer, he suddenly laughed and slapped Dingmiao on the back.

"Look at your little expression... It doesn't matter if what I said is really good? What matters is that what I said is not wonderful! How? Does my story touch your heart? Compared to your things...I The story is not inferior, right!?"

He grinned broadly, saying true or false, making Dingmiao even more confused.

But Feng Chenglin got involved in his own affairs, so he had to change the subject.

"My business...that's the same thing! To sum it up, it is a difficult escape route... These years, people chase, I run! People kill, I run! Anyway, I'm on the run... …"


Feng Chenglin laughed loudly, but didn't smile--

Dingmiao is good at Tai Chi!

I avoided the topic if I didn't make a difference!

Feng Chenglin didn't ask any questions, anyway, he didn't want to really inquire, so he just changed the topic and got involved in other things.

Ling Luoyu rarely participated in the dialogue between the two great masters.

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