Princess Against the World

Chapter 3393: Golden Armguards

Besides, they have been pulled underground, and there is no trace of those two people at all!

So, here comes the problem——

"What about people?!"

"How can people disappear?"

"Yeah? What about people?"



People changed from being indifferent at first to curious, muttering to each other, but rummaging more carefully.

They are all born as killers, and everyone's observation ability is amazing.

Even if there are some clues, it is difficult to escape their eyes easily!

But now, the **** is that they just couldn't find a trace of Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin!

There is no trace of them being buried in the ruins!

You know, those are two big people!

How could there be no trace of the living being buried?

Even if it is smashed into meat sauce, the flesh is blurred, and no one can be found, there must be some blood stains? !

Seeing that there is no blood at all, let them look for anything! ?

"Isn't it... they weren't buried at all?"

Someone murmured subconsciously, and frowned at his feet.

"Otherwise, there won't be even a little blood..."

Everyone: "..."


No corpse is not uncommon!

Surprisingly, there is not even a trace of blood!

"But if it's not buried... what about people?"

Someone followed suit and asked the doubts in their hearts.

"Among you... has anyone seen them escaped?!"


After a while, everyone who asked was speechless.

When things happened so urgently, their first instinctive reaction was to block their heads and save their lives.

Who can have the mind to observe the life and death of others! ?

Besides, no one would have thought that there would still be a chance for someone to follow the house collapse and take the opportunity to escape! !

Wuyingjian’s pupils shrank slightly, looking at Yan Zhen’s eyes, it was a little more intriguing——

"Yan Zhen, it seems that your two friends... are leaving you!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as they are alive, I will be happy!"

Yan Zhen wanted to sing the fake play to the end, smiling at the corners of his lips.

"Furthermore, the two of them here will only distract me!"

The wrists turned, he slowly raised his hands and clenched them into fists.

Early on his hands and arms, his clothes were torn and ragged, revealing the golden armguards.

"I have long heard that your Yan family has a heirloom that can be called a golden armour of armor... When I saw it today, it really deserves its reputation, and it can block my sword!!"

Wuyingjian waved the sword in his hand, dashing in the void, like a smile.

"But... with this pair of golden armguards, you want to defeat me... I'm afraid it's not that easy?!"


Yan Zhen laughed in disdain, tilted his head slightly, quite rebellious.

"Since you know who I am, you should know, the treasure that our Yan family...has is not just this armguard!!"

Shadowless Sword's pupils shrank visibly. At that moment, it seemed that he had understood something, and suddenly he drank--

"Be careful……"

With his deep warning, the "swish" sound of the sky came from all directions.

What followed was the piercing "chih" of people.

"It's gunpowder..."

Wuyingjian suddenly drank, instinctively crouched and hugged his head, turned and ran wildly.

"Hurry up..."

Following his warning, the killers also retreated.

When retreating, several thick smoke flew in from outside, rushing towards Yan Zhen.

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