Princess Against the World

Chapter 3254: Can tell at a glance

He is having an uncomfortable free time, and he is naturally very happy to be able to participate in the game at this time.

Ling Luoyu saw the excitement in his eyes and turned his lips together.

"If you like this game... go to the back!"


Feng Chenglin looked behind him subconsciously.

"Which one is behind?"

"The back of the restaurant!!!"

Ling Luoyu turned out of the restaurant, jumped onto the ridge of the roof, and stood with his eyes down.

"If I guessed correctly, the people here are preparing to withdraw and retreat..."

The dormant people on the second floor were the ones Xie Dafang had sought to ambush Gu Lan.

Nowadays, there is a lot of noise down below, and the people on the second floor have never appeared.

As long as it is a little bit of a brain, after hearing the dialogue between Xie Daenya and others, he will withdraw in time.

Because they have the meaning of confessing these people to save their lives!

Right now, it was just because Xie Daeya, Boss Huo and others had not negotiated properly, so they did not confess them.

Once they confess, then waiting for these people will definitely not end well.

If it was her, she would also take the opportunity to escape.

Just as Fengchenglin jumped onto the roof, he heard a "creak" sound from the windows in the backyard.

His eyes lit up suddenly: "Here is..."

The window was pushed open, and someone inside looked at it left and right, then flew out, beckoning to the person inside.

Seeing the sign, the people inside swarmed out.

A uniform gray short shirt, a long sword behind him, and a gold line on the scabbard draw a figure of a beast.

Before they could stand firm, they suddenly heard a whistle——


Feng Chenglin's whistle hadn't landed yet, and the person who came out first on the ground turned around and pulled his hand, and then let out his right hand.


The long sword was unsheathed, slid with Qi, and cut straight to where Fengchenglin was.

"I'm fucking... I'll do it when I say it!"

Feng Chenglin yelled, spun around, jumped over everyone's heads, turned and jumped off.

However, Ling Luoyu pointed at the light sword body after the long sword arrived in front of him.


The long sword cicada cried and shattered with a "bang", shooting towards the surroundings, all falling into the surrounding walls and trees.

After Feng Chenglin landed, his expression was even stranger when he saw the person who shot him.

"Huh... it turned out to be a girl!!"

Dressed in the gray man's clothes, the girl has a delicate face.

After being uttered by Feng Chenglin, the whole person was obviously startled, and he looked down at himself subconsciously.

Seeing what she meant, it seemed that she hadn't expected that she could be seen through her real body, and she was stunned for a while, and even forgot what she wanted to do.

"What else are you looking at?!"

Feng Chenglin saw the clue in her expression and couldn't help but laugh.

"Look at you, girl... what is so obvious, you can tell at a glance..."

He swiped unscrupulously in the void and drew enchanting curves according to the girl's figure.

Seeing that the "murder weapon" is so obvious, full and tall, with a slim waist, it can be grasped with one hand, and its **** is tilted. As long as it is a man who is not blind, she can see her female body at a glance.

Feng Chenglin did not make a gesture, but with one gesture, the girl's pink face instantly burst into red, red to her neck.

"you shut up!!"

Annoyed into anger, her slender fingers pointed out and pointed at Feng Chenglin.

The fragments of the long sword that had just been broken and shot by Ling Luoyu sprang up and turned towards the girl in Cinderella.

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