Princess Against the World

Chapter 2264: It's not your turn to show off

"What?? Isn't it right?!"

Ling Luoyu pointed his thumb to the apse behind him, his face trembling.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Xing, what is that place?!"

Madam Xing trembled in her heart, but she still squinted coldly: "Of course this madam knows that it is the apse..."

"Who lives in the back hall?!"

"Joke!! The apse is naturally for the demon's master mistress!!"

"Oh..." Ling Luoyu prolonged the ending sound, and suddenly turned forward, lowering his voice in front of Mrs. Xing: "So you still know that the queen of your demons lives there?!"

Mrs. Xing retreated back in disgust, frowned and looked at Ling Luoyu: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?!" Ling Luoyu frowned innocently: "Isn't it obvious what I said?!"

She took a step back, her smile was cold, her black eyes pointed at her feet mercilessly.

"Where is this place?! This is the apse of the queen, her place!! In her place, it is not your turn for a little lady to sway her, right?!"

"You..." Mrs. Xing's pretty face was instantly purple-red, as if she turned into anger, she opened her mouth and wanted to scream, but she didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Seeing that his master was at a loss, Haitang quickly stepped forward.

"This is the apse of the Queen, but it's not your turn to be a servant!? If you have the ability, you can let the Queen come out and drive us away..."

The queen is mad, and she still can't take care of it, so how can she have extra thoughts to worry about these idleness?

Haitang clearly defeated Ling Luoyu.

Xue Jie and others knew that Haitang was arguing and bullying others, but they had no choice but to stare and get angry.

No matter when, the master is radiant and the servant is full of confidence.

At this time, Haitang obviously took advantage of Mrs. Xing's momentum to crush the apse people down.

Looking at the people in the apse, no one answered, Haitang's arrogance grew a bit longer.

"Why? Nothing to say? If the queen doesn't say anything, what are you little-people talking about here?! Get out!"

She waved her hand fiercely, and her momentum was much stronger than that of Madam Xing.

"Roll to the side, don't use the Queen's reputation here to show off if you don't have the ability!!"

"You are too presumptuous!!" Ning Zi couldn't stand it anymore.

Her little pepper has a hot temper.

Now Haitang's unscrupulous involvement with the Queen of the Demon even challenged her bottom line.

"Begonia, what are you? You dare to point out the Queen's discussion here..."

"What am I? Ningzi, you are not a thing!!"

Haitang was already eloquent, but now coupled with Mrs. Xing's momentum, it is even more arrogant.

"There are so many medicines taken by the queen here, you haven't given her to eat! You wait, wait until our wife comes to Jun Shang to play with you, see if you dare to be rude with our wife at that time!"


Ning Zi had nothing to say for a while, her small face rose blue and purple, and finally turned to Ling Luoyu speechlessly.

"Why didn't you speak anymore, didn't you speak well just now..."

"You love performance so much, just let you talk..."

Ling Luoyu looked innocent, raised his hand and made an inviting gesture, beckoning Ning Zi to continue.

What she said just now is good, the wind is moving in their powerful direction,

But as for her, she insisted on arguing with others.

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