Princess Against the World

Chapter 2261: Crazy herb

"You are really smart!!"

Xue Jie took a deep look at her, turned the corridor, and opened the corner door of a small courtyard.

Behind the corner gate is a garden full of flowers.

However, during this period, there was still a faint smell of medicine.

"Scent of medicine?!"

Ling Luoyu frowned, her eyes falling on a herb.

"Weeping grass?"

Weeping grass, the fruit that bears is like a small lantern, and the wick of the small lantern is a good medicine for madness.

She looked around, her eyes darkened.

Among the various flower gardens, various herbs are planted.

And these herbs have the effect of curing madness!

As the Queen of the Devil, do I need to grow some medicine by myself? !

Xue Jie walked around the path around the courtyard wall, turning around and following her gaze.

"Miss Ling, you have seen it too! This is the medicine we planted for the master! I know what you are curious about. After seeing those things in a while, you will understand!!"

In the garden, there are two women weeding.

Seeing Xue Jie, he quickly got up to salute.

"Miss Xue!"

Xue Jie turned her jaw slightly and turned to introduce: "This is Miss Ling! Ling Luoyu!!"

For the three words "Ling Luoyu", she specially emphasized the pronunciation.

Sure enough, the eyes of the two women looked a little more intriguing.

"Hello Miss Ling!"

"Hello two mothers-in-law!"

Ling Luoyu nodded slightly, already knowing something in his heart.

This medicine garden is in a remote location, but the flowers in the flower garden are growing vigorously and the herbs are good. Obviously, it is specially managed by special personnel.

In the corner of the medicine garden, there is a small wooden house surrounded by weeds, and it seems that few people come.

Xue Jie glanced cautiously around, then pushed open the door.

Amidst the sound of "squeaky", a strong smell of rotting came out.

"What does it taste like?!"

Ling Luoyu covered his nose, but still followed Xue Jiesi without pause.

In the small wooden house, there are several large wooden boxes.

The outside of the box was mouldy and rotten, and it looked rotten.

Xue Jie walked into one of the boxes and opened it casually.

"Let's see for yourself!"

Ling Luoyu glanced at her faintly, then grabbed the contents of the wooden box.

"this is……"

What she grasped in her hand was a handful of herbs.

In other words, it is a poison.

"Aesculus, cedar roots, purple ling can these mix together?!"

Horse chestnut and purple water chestnut are herbs for treating mad diseases, but the roots of fir are very problematic.

The branches and leaves of cedar are a good medicine for treating madness, but its roots are psychedelic drugs that induce madness.

There are many herbs that contradict and restrain themselves!

Used well, it is a good medicine to cure diseases and save lives, but if it is not used well, it will become an invisible poison that kills people! !

"Who prescribed this?!"

"The first thing the master took was a refined pill, but the more he took it, the worse the effect, and the worse the condition. At the worst, the whole person was crazy. We had to tie her up to make her Be safe!"

Xue Jie grabbed the herb and crushed it into **** with a sneer.

"Later, we realized whether there was a problem with the pill, but we didn't know how to refine the pill, so we couldn't identify it! Later, we thought that instead of taking the pill, we might as well boil it by ourselves. Come, what herbs are there, we can still know about it!!"

Ling Luoyu's pupils shrank suddenly: "These herbs...are the herbs your master took?!"

If you eat so much, good people will go crazy! !

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