Princess Against the World

Chapter 2137: Animal farm

"Help me...Help..."


The long-tailed rat's tail whizzed to the woman's ankle, and instantly dragged her back.

"Do not……"

Her hands were firmly grasping the green grass in front of them, but they had no blocking power, and even the fingers were worn out with blood and the nails were worn away, and she didn't wait to stop the drag of the long-tailed rat.

"No... please, help me, help me..."


The claw of the long-tailed rat pierced her back again, and she screamed in pain, struggling to escape.

It's just that the more she struggled, the more excited the long-tailed split rat became. The two paws alternately stepped on her body, and in the blink of an eye she stepped on her into a blood man.

Feng Chenglin stood there with fierce eyes, clenching his fists.

She was cruelly tortured in front of him, but he was powerless and could only watch her dying and struggling to survive.


Blood spurted from the woman's mouth, but those eyes were still looking at Feng Chenglin pleadingly, waiting for him to help.

"help me……"

Her voice was getting smaller and smaller, and the expression in her eyes finally lost her brilliance. Only her body was still twitching as the long-tailed rat stepped on.


Perceiving that the person under his feet was motionless, the long-tailed rat screamed with boring teeth, but then, those small eyes slowly turned to Fengchenglin, the demonstration seemed to make a scream, and suddenly jumped, "swish" With a sound, he slammed into the one where he was.


The enchantment dispersed, and its body was knocked back instantly and fell to the ground.

"Bah Bah!!"

It seemed to be knocked out of his head, yelling, "呲呲" to get up, and walked around the place several times, only then did it seem to react, wrapping her long tail around the woman's ankle, dragging her corpse towards the woods deep.


Feng Chenglin punched the railing, causing a layer of enchantment ripples.

"You can't save him!!" Ling Luoyu's long sigh sounded behind him.

Feng Chenglin did not turn around, still looking at the direction the woman was being dragged away: "Do you know this place?"

"The place where we are is called the animal garden, this place is called the animal is a place specially used by Su Lingdong to domesticate beasts!!"


Feng Chenglin turned around suddenly, his eyes full of hatred.

"What's that just now?? Is it domestication or hunting? Is life so low in their eyes?!"

"Fatty, it's just a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong! Without strength, you are the ants! You only have to be slaughtered!! Just like that woman... In the eyes of some people, our human race's life is so low that it is even long. Split-tailed rats are worse!!"

Feng Chenglin slowly shook his head, his eyes looked a little different when he looked at Ling Luoyu.

"San Shao...You weren't like this before. When you encounter this kind of thing, you will always intervene..."

"That's because you don't have enough things!! When you are used to seeing life and death, you will understand when you look at more things. Sometimes, there are certain things you can't do!!!"


"For the sake of the overall situation!!" Ling Luoyu walked slowly to the railing and looked at the blood stains on the grass blades: "In this world, if you want to achieve a certain result, someone must sacrifice... Just like the girl just now, you can only watch Watching her die, but there is nothing she can do!!"

Feng Chenglin frowned: "San Shao...Are you planning something?!"

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