Princess Against the World

Chapter 1899: Leave it to you

"Zhongding, Miss Ling, the deity will be trained by you!! If something happens to her, the deity will ask for you!!"

"Yes!!" Mrs. Zhongding knelt down and took the order.

Her eyes turned sharply, sweating like rain.

Although he didn't figure out the relationship between Demon God and Ling Luoyu, he saw a hint.

Regardless of whether the demon **** is acting on the scene or showing his true feelings, she must serve this girl Ling! !

Not to mention anything else, it was enough for her to be the owner of the reckless button, which was enough for her to be careful! !

If something happened to Ling Luoyu, it meant that there was a problem with the deduction.

At that time, the demon **** would treat her, I'm afraid it would not be like Madam Lian Zi, choking her neck to finish the job, but just wringing her head off.

An accusation meeting between the two ladies finally ended with Ling Luoyu as the guest of the demon god.

Whether it was Mrs. Lian Zi or Jiang Rong and others, they couldn't get it together.

No one dared to pester the demon god, claiming to ask for justice.

The Chonghoudian is a small auxiliary palace behind the Chongding Palace, with a vast and beautiful garden in the middle.

Madam Chongding asked Ling Luoyu to move everything out of it according to the configuration of her palace, making her furniture as luxurious as her own palace.

Not only that, Mrs. Chong Ding took out some from her collection and gave it to Ling Luoyu. Chunliu who saw it all felt jealous.

"Madam, do you need to be nice to her? She is not a true woman in God! Why should you lower your worth and please her?!"

"What do you know?? Ling Luoyu first has a wild button. That is one of the things that the gods most want to get. Second, can't you see that the gods are really interested in her..."

"Interested? Madam, your eyes are irritated by Mrs. Zi, right?! Just Ling Luoyu's ugly face, how can the gods be interested in her?"

"Ugly face?" Madam Chongding gave her a fierce look, "Don't you care about things outside of the Yaozu at all?"

Chun Liu didn't know where he was wrong, his face changed a little and quickly knelt down.

"The slave servant is dull, only knows to serve a good lady, but doesn't know what's going on outside... If you say something that upsets your lady..."

"Get up!!" Madam Chongding dragged her up angrily: "I didn't say anything about you!! I just want to tell you that Ling Luoyu is definitely not the ugly one you have seen... Someone around the demon **** has seen her. True appearance, it is said that it is beautiful and unparalleled..."

Suddenly she was a little bit stunned: "That Ling Luoyu said that we are gods, one thing is right! We gods, even if they are high, they are also men... as long as they are men, they have no resistance to beautiful women. I guess we are also bewitched by her beauty..."

"Whose beauty can confuse our gods?!" A charming smile interrupted Madam Zhongding's words.

Chunliu hurriedly knelt down to supply: "Welcome to Girl Dan!"

Mrs. Zhongding also quickly got up and laughed: "Miss Dan? What kind of wind is this today, why did you blow you here?!"

"What? Madam doesn't welcome me?!" Yao Danzi stepped in.

"How dare I? Girl Dan is one of the most respected disciples in the gods. Which of us ladies is not polite to see a girl?!"

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