Princess Against the World

Chapter 1631: Blind maniac

The blind lunatic was there beckoning and shouting, screaming, slapped and beaten the girl in green.


Ling Luoyu called Feng Chenglin and got up to help.

Feng Chenglin was still in a daze, and didn't know what medicine Ling Luoyu was selling in the gourd.

But seeing her so diligent, I didn't dare to neglect, and pressed the blind man's hands three or five times.

"Girl, how about finding a rope to tie him up?!"

"No, thank you, I have it myself!!"

The green-clothed girl hurriedly thanked her and took out a rope woven with coarse cloth from the Qiankun bag.

She skillfully tied the blind lunatic and buckled one end to her wrist.

"Two, thank you!"

Thanks again to Feng Chenglin and Ling Luoyu, she took the blind man's hand to the door.

Feng Chenglin frowned, just about to ask, Ling Luoyu suddenly stopped the shopkeeper who came to clean up.

"Brother, please inquire about something, this blind lunatic... who is this?!"

"Oh, he... how to put it, I don't know who it is! He suddenly appeared in our city five days ago, sometimes like a normal person, he speaks and works in a gentle manner, as if he has read a few days He looks like, but sometimes he is crazy and crazy, talking crazy people here gave him a nickname, called blind crazy!"

"Then... when he is quiet, is it good or bad?!"

"It should be good...because he will come to me to drink tea at noon every day!!!"

What the shopkeeper thought of, he laughed.

"You said, it's weird! The blind lunatic comes here to drink tea every day, and then repeats the same things every day..."

"What did you say the same thing?" Feng Chenglin couldn't help interrupting him, his face full of curiosity.

"Oh, it's something about the Third Young Master's punishment..."


Feng Chenglin's curiosity froze on his face, and he looked at Ling Luoyu for unknown reasons.

"What three young masters... was punished by heaven?? What punished by heaven?!"

The shopkeeper replied as he cleaned up the bench: "This is too long to speak of. If you want to hear it, come here early tomorrow... He will say that paragraph every day when the time comes, and leave after speaking... But !"

He straightened up, beating his back, panting a little.

Ling Luoyu kicked Feng Chenglin: "Go and help!"

Feng Chenglin took two steps and didn't dare to go against him. He quickly helped with the cleaning, but he became more suspicious of Ling Luoyu's behavior.

Are these three young masters taking the wrong medicine? !

Good point, why are you crazy? !

Ling Luoyu took the opportunity to find a gold coin: "The shopkeeper, let my brother help you, and you can weigh some melon seeds for me and I will bring it back!"

The shopkeeper took it happily, and turned to weigh Guazi: "Seriously, since the blind maniac came, the business in my shop is much better than before! They are all for the blind maniac... Third Young Master is the woman we respect?! Isn’t it?"

Ling Luoyu agreed with a smile, absent-mindedly said: "Yes...but I understand what the previous tribulations are about, but the next few words...what is the god's way, what does it mean? What does it mean? ?!"

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Oh... what are the few words after him? I don't know that... because he said those words for the first time today, and he has never said them before. I've been..."

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