He never did anything that violated his principles without reason, so he would not feel guilty or apologize!

To him, Yu Zhangxun was just a ghost from the past.

Moreover, this ghost still had many advantages that could be explored - what if he gave him some face?

Thinking of this, Ren Wang waved his hand and asked the other swords to leave first using the time-space converter.

"Lord——"Hasebe disagrees

"It's okay, I'll let Zong San follow me!"

The swords reluctantly agreed.


"You stayed alone, what do you want to say?"Since the other party sent one person to stay and fight against the king, Yu Zhangxun also waved his hand to let the other members of Scepter4 leave for the time being.

"This is amulet produced by our government.——"Despite Souzo Sawamonji's disapproving look, Niou handed the thing over,"It has no use, it's just a token of my appreciation!"

He thanked Yu Zhangxun for leading the main members of Scepter4 to fight against the rampaging Red King.

Although the final result was not good, it did not deny his original intention of risking his life to protect them!

The boy's eyes were clear, like a pool of emerald green water that you could see to the bottom at a glance. But Yu Zhangxun knew in his heart that under the emerald green water, there must be an abyss. This boy would never be as simple as he imagined... and... this mysterious feeling... the king-to-king posture made him doubt... the boy in front of him was also the same as him.——

"I accept it!"

For various reasons, Yu Zhangxun did not refuse the amulet of King Ren.

Then - the young man smiled at him calmly, and then said,"I want to trouble you with something - can you help me send this out?"

He raised a box and handed it to the Qingwang in front of him.

"This is——"Out of caution, Yu Zhang Xun opened it in front of Ren Wang.

Bang - a full box of amulets burst out directly from the box, almost drowning him!

"……"The rational and capable Qing Wang had a rare dull expression.

He blinked and said,"You are……"

"I heard that Gray King's troops are nearby, so send some of them as well.……"

The boy's face was full of smiles, and there was no sign of error.

But -

Yu Zhangxun:...If you want to give one to each person, just say so!

"You can leave now!"Hatakashi didn't understand Niou's behavior, so he chose to resist and waved his hand to signal him that he could leave. Niou smiled and left sensibly without saying anything more.

Later, when he was cleaning up the items, he found that the number of amulets was more than double that of the Gray King's subordinates.

And the extra number was exactly the number of Scepter 4!


What on earth does this kid want to do?


On the street. It was not until they left Yu Zhang Xun that Souzo Sawamonji spoke,"We can't interfere in the affairs of the real world - you crossed the line!"

Niou chuckled and said,"That amulet has no effect, I didn't cross the line.——"

He can ensure that any detection equipment of the government of time will not find any problems.

"It's useless, why send it?"Sou San Zuo Wenzi didn't understand

"yes……"The young man looked up and sighed,"I don't know, why should I send it if it's obviously useless?——"

Perhaps it was the last reluctance in his heart that he hoped it would work - even if it was just a tiny bit, he hoped that it could add up little by little, enough to support the life of even one person, what if?

But Ren Wang knew very clearly - if this result really happened, he would become the one who destroyed history! He would definitely be punished by the government of time - but so what, the expectation in his heart was like a raging fire, no matter how he extinguished it, it would not go out, and he was unwilling to do it... On the day when the punishment really came, he was willing to face the past and himself calmly!

"Let's go——"This era does not belong to him after all, it's time to leave

"Hmm!"Souzo Sawamonji looked at the boy in front of him with complicated eyes. The child he once was finally grown up.

Maybe the music lessons can be exempted a little bit - the courage to do something knowing that it is impossible, and the determination to do it as always even if you know the result, and not change your original intention!

It is worthy of praise from him as a [parent].

"My Lord, when will the Byodoin Phoenix be brought to Honmaru? I want to see him.——"

"What did you say?" This stunned Niou Masaharu. Did he hear correctly? Who did Sozo Sawamonji want to see?

"If he doesn't want to come, the gate of Honmaru will be closed to him forever!" He is the boss!

It's a rare opportunity for them to unleash their swords, and this is the only chance. If the other party doesn't cherish it... then he will be slapped to death and never see him again.

Souzo Sahmonji said this in a domineering and overbearing manner. Nioh was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said,"What if everyone in Honmaru disagrees?"

"I have the final say on such small matters——"

As the original sword and the half-father of the lord, he still has some power and prestige.

"A trivial matter?"Thinking of that group of bad-tempered and possessive swordsmen who didn't even help him avoid the music exam last time.

Nioh silently averted his eyes. Why did he feel that as long as it involved the Byodoin Phoenix, it seemed that it was not a trivial matter?

Souzo Sawamonji patted his head gently,"As long as you are fine, everything else is a trivial matter with me!"

"……"Pu Li~"

Well, I'm being treated like a child again.


For the Rikkai University Tennis Club, the summer vacation is long and quiet. Having won the national championship for two consecutive years, they are happily enjoying their vacation and preparing for the new year.

Before welcoming the new year, the most complicated thing for the tennis club has finally come, that is - bidding farewell to Mori Hisaburo!

Mori Hisaburo marks the end of an era for the people of the Rikkai University Tennis Club.

This person who belonged to the previous tennis group has helped them a lot. He is their qualified predecessor, guide, and helper...

Although, in the process, he also caused them a lot of trouble.


"Senior, don’t be so willful after you arrive at the high school department!"Liu gave him his notebook,"This is some of my thoughts on how to adjust the focus during the growth period... I give it to you!"

""Oh... Thank you!" He could accept other people's kindness calmly. But Yanagi Renji's kindness made him feel surprised and questioning, and he felt creepy and flattered.

There was nothing he could do - Yanagi Renji had nagged him a lot in the past two years, and his brain was almost forming a conditioned reflex!

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