Pulling up his sleeves, Niou sat cross-legged like a master, with his chin raised high and a sharp look in his eyes, looking down at the entire stadium, and also looking down at the Byodoin Phoenix who was preparing for the game in the crowd...

Byodoin Phoenix noticed that he looked up and happened to meet the boy's provocative and arrogant gaze.


What's wrong with this kid? Is he looking for death?

He is in the middle of a competition and doesn't want to bother with a fool.

Thinking of this, Byodoin Phoenix looked away expressionlessly.

Niou curled his lips:"……"

He must be afraid of me - the silver fox said that the subordinate can feel the restraint of the king, so the Byodoin Phoenix must be restrained by him now!

Tsk - oh, it feels so good to oppress the Byodoin Phoenix!

The silver fox clenched its claws in the king's mind, [Kitsunesuke-kun, what should I do in this situation? ]

It didn't have time to tell the king the second half of the sentence——

【If you want to feel the restraint and oppression of the king, first the king must release the oppression, otherwise who can feel the energy out of thin air! 】

It didn't have time to say this sentence~

Kitsune nosuke: [So now the Byodoin Phoenix……】

【Do you simply think your master is a fool?】The silver-white fox smacked its lips.

Kitsunesuke silently glanced at his new colleague next to him:【……】

This colleague... is such a jerk!

Why don't we tell the swordsmen in Honmaru to destroy this jerk's fox sword... this useless guy——

【What should I do now?】The silver-white fox felt that the look in Kitsunesuke's eyes was not right.

Kitsunesuke said: [Well...it has already happened, let's just leave it at that.】

【OK!】The silver fox stretched out its claws.——】

No one is allowed to tell anyone...

Kitsunesuke looked at it silently.

Raises his paw: [Claw strike——】

The two white claws touched in the air, completely confirming the owner's behavior.

And Niwang... was still unaware of it.——


Another earth-shattering sea submerged the land. After defeating the opponent and never wanting to see him again, the Phoenix of Byodoin snorted coldly and walked away with the steps of a 450,000-yuan master.

"Hiss - Byodoin, you are getting better and better!" Coach Kurobe sighed after a hiss.

Although they have not yet encountered such powerful countries as Germany and France.

But... the consecutive victories also prove the strength of the Japanese team.

He touched his chin and said,"It seems that the training level of our Japanese U17 is really getting higher and higher.——"

After that, he added,"But I still hope you can be a little gentler next time.——"

He pointed to the opposite side, his dark eyes dimmed slightly,"An opponent of this level should still be treated with some respect.……"

The faces of the people on the opposite side were not very good, with gloomy mouths and fierce eyes. To put it bluntly - in the international arena, although no one can't afford to lose, there may be a stubborn idiot in any team.

They are not afraid of the strong, but they don't want to be surpassed by the latecomers...

Once they are over-exploited and turned into madmen, mad dogs will bite people indiscriminately.

Byodoin Phoenix followed his gaze and glanced back,"Do you think I'm afraid of that kind of thing?"

He laughed wildly and said,"If you look at me like that, it seems that I didn't hurt enough.——"

Coach Kurobe said speechlessly,"Hey, hey, hey, pay attention a little bit, have you forgotten the rules of an athlete?——"

You can’t fight, or you’ll be banned!

"Why not go to the tennis court?——"The Phoenix of Byodoin rolled her eyes at him.

Coach Kurobe:"……"

The mouth of the Phoenix of Byodoin~

The Phoenix of Byodoin said,"There is also——"

"What?"Coach Kurobe tilted his head.

"My improvement in strength has nothing to do with you, nor with the latest teaching of U17."Baiduin Phoenix still remembers his self-praising behavior just now.

The reason why he played so ruthlessly and manically in these two games is actually because……



The iron door of the indoor tennis court was pushed open, and the Byodoin Phoenix turned around. The white-haired boy appeared at the place they had agreed on as promised.

This was a closed tennis court. People outside could not see what was happening inside unless they opened the door...

The Byodoin Phoenix calmly watched the boy come in and lock the door, and take off his outer clothes, leaving only his sportswear.

The figure was calm and composed, and the Byodoin Phoenix looked up and saw the faint smile on the corner of the other person's mouth and the enthusiasm and excitement in his eyes.……


This guy seemed to be looking at him with this kind of eyes today - so what made him so excited?

The eyes of the Phoenix of Byodoin were dark, and the racket was tightly held. He was a little excited.——

"Phew~" Niou raised his chin and looked at the Phoenix of Byodoin with his chin,"I forgot to tell you one thing before.——"

Byodoin Phoenix frowned,"What's going on?"——"

"You should call me something else now.——"He bared his teeth,"Boss!"

"Are you going to call me boss?" As if deliberately misinterpreting the meaning, Byodoin Phoenix hugged his shoulders and looked the boy up and down,"You are at this level now.——"

"Not yet——"

A cold light flashed across Ren Wang's eyes,"I asked you to call me Boss!"

He touched his chin and said excitedly,"Or call me Boss, or boss is also OK."

He had long wanted to experience this kind of address...

Byodoin Phoenix:"……"Boss, I think you want to die?

I haven't seen this kid for a day, where does he get so many strange ideas? Who gives him the courage?

"Come on, let's see who is the boss!"The blond man grinned excitedly, and golden lightning surrounded him, and even the air around him began to become restless.

Facing this situation, Ni Wang was not panicked at all. He did not believe that the Byodoin Phoenix, which was bound by the power of the king, could still attack him...


"If you have the guts, call me and try.——"

This fox is getting too arrogant and doesn't know how high the sky is or how deep the earth is!

"Ah——"Since you don't know how high the sky is, you should be taught a lesson.

The Phoenix of Byodoin picked up the racket with his right hand, and lowered his left hand. A huge golden ball of light wrapped in lightning instantly illuminated the entire court.

The moment the energy overflowed, boom - even the surrounding air was distorted!

"OK, you can try it.——"

The man's pupils narrowed into a straight line, staring closely at Niou, and the next second~

"——【Destruction Ultimate Edition!】"

His latest special move - the true meaning of life and death in a split second!

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