The Byodoin Phoenix led the team in the front, and Irie Kanata, who was at the end, silently glanced in the direction the Byodoin Phoenix had just looked."……"

Nothing... Then... What was that man looking at just now?

The end of the game does not mean that everything is over. After an hour of combat readiness summary meeting, the players finally have a real rest time.

They are about to march to Germany, and before that——

"Go back to your rooms and rest. We will leave tomorrow. Don't do any extra training tonight. Get some sleep.……"After giving this instruction, Byodoin Phoenix left.

He was always like this, and no one suspected anything was wrong.

Only Irie Kanata

——Staring at the back of the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple

"Irie, you are not right today!" said the rough red-haired ghost Jujiro

"I just felt that the Byodoin Phoenix seemed to be a little distracted today... so I was more concerned!" He said frankly.

Oni Jujiro said,"Is that so? It should be your���He's always been like this, not very caring about people.——"

"I hope it's just my illusion!"

Irie Kanata murmured.


Knock, knock, knock!

The continuous knocks on the door woke up Ren Wang who was sleeping under the quilt.

""Puh~ Who is it? You disturbed my sweet dream in the afternoon!"

After yawning and opening the door, Niou covered his mouth and said with a complaint. The

Phoenix of Byodoin glanced at the dark sky outside the window inexplicably:"……"


Ren Wang followed his gaze and looked over. His hands, which were clapping their lips, suddenly stopped clapping.


No, not embarrassing.……

"Da, ahem, um,…is there anything I can help you with?"

"Why didn't you go to watch the game today? If you watch the game seriously and study the situation yesterday, your strength will improve rapidly and it will be helpful to you!"He said in a cold tone.

Ren Wang hugged his shoulders and sneered,"Whether my strength will improve or not? What does it have to do with you?"

Does anyone remember who beat him like a rag last night, lying on the ground and unable to get up!

It seems to be the person in front of him, right——

"You hit me without mercy, what are you doing now?"Ren Wang sneered,"You are not looking for someone who can withstand beatings as a sparring partner!"

Ren Wang really thought so.

Byodoin Phoenix's face turned black,"……Idiot!"

His thoughts were in vain.

He thought it was not easy to meet a genius with the same attributes, but he didn't expect that he was just an idiot.

The man stared at Ren Wang calmly for a second, then he turned and left. He never talked much to idiots - behind him, Ren Wang looked at his back as he left without hesitation, curled his lips,"Huh, you can't even stand a word I say... Really!"

"The destructive move you used today was not even as powerful as yesterday's, and you still have the nerve to show mercy to me? Tsk! Who cares!"

He said, grabbing the door with his hands and ready to close it.

"What did you say?"The departing figure suddenly stopped.

The man tilted his head and glanced at the boy with the corner of his sharp eyes,"You didn't go to watch the game, how do you know the situation?"

"I have my own way. What does it have to do with you?"Ren Wang also has a temper. This person comes when he wants and leaves when he wants. It's strange that his tone can be good.

"Aren't you leaving? Goodbye, take care, it's getting late, I won't see you off!"Ren Wang snorted coldly and was about to close the door.

"That move of destruction was just a deterrent - didn't you see that guy didn't dare to take it at all?"That's why he sent a fake ball with little power, even less powerful than the one he fought against Niou last night.

"International large-scale competitions are usually best of three games, which requires extremely high physical strength from the players. The exact amount of strength and time to use must be used with extreme precision to ensure victory in the end.——"

The man had nothing to say but continued to teach in a patient and persuasive manner. Ren Wang put his hand on the door, sighed in his heart, and held the door, but it seemed that he could not close it!

""Pu-li~" He said with his eyes lowered,"See you at the basement tennis court!"

He had slept for a whole day, and it was time for him to exercise.

Niwang strode forward, and the moment the two of them staggered past each other,"Tsk!" A voice that sounded sarcastic and funny came to his ears.

Niwang:"Pu-li~" Childish!


"Senior, today's move of destruction is quite interesting! Let's play another one!"Ryo looked around the tennis court. In order to witness the real destruction, he brought the Phoenix of Byodoin to the tennis court outside.

The main move is to be durable, resistant to falls and tossing!

"Senior?" Byodoin Phoenix paused juggling the ball, and said with a fake smile,"Didn't you call me uncle before?"

Niou froze, and said stiffly,"Why, do you think anyone expects to be called uncle?"

"Uncle Byodoin, your taste is very unique!"

Byodoin Phoenix looked at him inexplicably and sneered,"Oh, is that so?"

The competition officially began. Now that they were outside, the idiot in front of them had such an ignorant request. As the member who loved the younger generation the most, Byodoin Phoenix would of course meet his request.


It was already night. The surroundings were dark, with only the silent street lights and a faint light... and in the hands of the Phoenix of Byodoin, the brilliant ball of light absorbed energy, becoming brighter and bigger little by little. Lightning and thunder flashed around the man's palm, and the wanton light carried a terrifying power. Just by looking at it, Niou wanted to take a step back.

This ball looked terrifying.——

"Senior, full strength!" He pursed his lips and said seriously,"I don't want that kind of false appearance of the ball!"

He held the racket with his legs and stood firmly on the ground without a trace of trembling. The cold air at night gently drifted over his ankles, making the muscles more tense. Holding the racket with both hands, the boy had made up his mind.

Even if he would be taken away, he would catch this ball.——

"Humph, you don't know how high the sky is or how deep the earth is!"

Ren Wang did not answer him, but just looked at him firmly, proving everything with his attitude - the Phoenix of Byodoin loosened its grip slightly.

【[Destruction] Finally accomplished!

The controllable ball of light was hit by the racket, and it pierced the opposite side with a tyrannical force and speed. The light grew bigger and bigger, occupying the entire pupil. Stimulated by the light, Niwang's pupils couldn't help but shrink. But the remaining gap was still staring at the ball!

He remembered the angle of destruction - the body suddenly pounced to the left... Both hands exerted force at the same time, and hit the ball of light at 40 degrees to the lower left.

Bang- dong!

The first sound was the sound of the tennis ball hitting the racket heavily. The second sound was the sound of a white-haired figure being taken away by the tennis ball and the racket, and finally the body hit the wall behind him.

Niwang sat on the dusty ground with a dusty face. His right arm was bloodshot and the veins were exposed. The racket that was originally intact had a big hole in it. There was a huge pit on the concrete wall behind him, with layers of cracks around it. In the center of the pit, the golden tennis ball was torn and tattered.……

""Pu Li~" Using his habit to replace the pain that came out of his mouth, Ni Wang smiled helplessly with his lips curled,"Sure enough, the high-end version is different!"

This blow broadened his horizons! He chuckled and raised his arm, carefully looking at the blue veins and red threads on his arm. Ni Wang raised his eyes, his dark blue eyes were full of calmness,"Edōdōin Senior, thank you for fulfilling your promise!"

He originally thought that the Byōdōin Phoenix would be [kind] and give him a break according to his situation, but he didn't expect it to be a real blow. The Byōdōin

Phoenix looked at the white-haired boy in front of him, who was talking and laughing without a trace of haze, and even revealed a bit of excitement in his eyes,"……"


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