Holding a tennis racket - when you meet a bad guy, you can just use a tennis racket to beat him to death!

Niou opened the door with a calm breath. The moment he caught sight of a figure, he immediately became alert and raised his racket to hit the person.

The racket fell so fast that it made a loud bang. But it was perfectly blocked by an outstretched arm.

A rough hand grabbed his wrist, solving the problem at the root.

""It's late at night and you're still awake. How can you have so much energy?" The man sneered.

Niou was stunned, then chuckled,"I'm not the only one who's up late at night. Uncle Byodoin, you haven't slept yet either!""

"A guy has been staring at me all day. Isn't he looking forward to playing a game?"Byōdōin Phoenix snorted coldly and shook off Niō's arm.

"You are so energetic, I don't think you are sleepy, let's go to the underground stadium——"

After saying that , he turned and left."……Hey, I don’t think I’ve agreed yet!" The

Phoenix of Byodoin said without turning back,"Will you not agree?"


Good, no!

The court was already empty at midnight.

Niou followed the Phoenix of Byodoin Temple through several empty indoor tennis courts."The facilities here are quite good.……"

Although Neon has its own indoor tennis court, they are all large indoor courts with several courts put together.

It is rare to see a court in a separate room like this.

"The UK loves hosting tennis events – normal!"

"Are you ready?"Phoenix of Byodoin chose a place first and turned around to ask

"OK!"Since he followed, Nioh would not back down, so he would fight the game fairly.

"I have learned a lot of tricks today. Uncle, please try it with me.——"

Niou could see with his naked eyes that the corner of Byodoin Phoenix's mouth twitched again. Niou's heart moved. Does Byodoin Phoenix have a facial disease?

This is a very ordinary sentence. Why does this person look down on him?

Niou haha, he thinks this guy is very powerful.

But - he is the first person who dares to despise him like this!

Tsk! Unhappy! Very unhappy!

Niou didn't plan to hide, he went up and started to use his big moves.

The left hand is stronger than the right hand, but the right hand is more commonly used.

Hold the racket with the right hand and throw the ball with the left hand——

【Ichinoshita - Turbulence!

The tennis ball was lost the moment it was hit, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed to the center of the net. In the blink of an eye, the bright yellow tennis ball turned into thousands of mysterious sword shadows, passing through the narrow gap in the center of the net. With a whoosh, it flew in front of the face of the Byodoin Phoenix.

Niou looked at the Byodoin Phoenix who was still standing there and sneered,"Huh, I have never used this trick in front of others.——"

This was a move he had created privately. He had only just come to the Kanto tournament since the national tournament, and he hadn't met anyone strong enough for him to use his special move. He only used one move when he got on the court!

He looked at the tennis ball that was about to brush past the Byodoin Phoenix's cheek with pride, and then he wanted to see the shocked expression of the person opposite him and the hair that was about to break.——

"Is that all you have?"

Byodoin's sneer was particularly harsh."I thought you had some unique tricks, but I didn't expect it to be just a [almost】!"

The Phoenix of Byodoin looked at him coldly, and in his shocked eyes, she swung her racket. The next second, the light and shadow... bang - just fell at his feet.

The speed - so fast that it was frightening!

"How come... you can't even react?" It wasn't until the Byodoin Phoenix opened its mouth again that Niou blinked and responded.

……How is it possible!

It is possible that it is so fast. This is not the speed of a human being at all.——

"How could you——"He stared in disbelief, and the blue water in his eyes surged with huge waves, shocking his entire soul.

"Even if you have mystical powers, you can't fully integrate them into tennis.……"These are two completely different worlds!

Niou has always understood that this is the limit imposed on him by the world.

Therefore, he has always improved his tennis skills by sword skills, not his own spiritual power.

"This is - another dimension!" The Phoenix of Byodoin bared its teeth, and behind it there was a sea of ghosts howling and howling, carrying the ominous aura of ghosts. The entire indoor tennis court was instantly filled with a purple-black aura.


Niou curiously reached out and touched it.

Byodoin Phoenix:"……"Wasn’t this kid shocked just now?

"How did you combine the two together?"Ren Wang turned around and couldn't hide the shock in his eyes, but he said——"Another dimension——Can you teach me?"

Byodoin Phoenix:"……"

Tsk! Not happy!

"Let’s talk after the fight!"

""Okay!" Ren Wang agreed very straightforwardly. No one can resist the temptation of power. Since he chose to stand on the track of tennis, he naturally did not want to lose to others.

As for the man in front of him, even if he learned his skills, what would it matter - there are mountains stronger than mountains, and waves stronger than waves. For the back wave, isn't his role to beat the front wave to death on the beach?

As for whether the front wave died miserably, it has nothing to do with him. He will learn it first!

With this mentality, Ren Wang's eyes widened even more. He adjusted every muscle beat and breath, integrated his mental power into every corner of his body, and naturally radiated white light from his body.

This is the trick he realized after learning tennis for a year. It is the concentration when he practiced kendo. In tennis, it seems to be called the state of no self...

The Phoenix of Equal Court grinned, and his heart became more excited - the state of no self!


It happened to be the thing he hated the most...

The unhappiness in his heart intensified, and his shots became more sharp. Since this kid watched his game today, let's give him a live version.

【Destruction! 】The light gathered desperately in the palm of the Phoenix of Byodoin. The indoor tennis court, which was originally filled with smoke and dust by the pirate group behind him, suddenly shone brightly. Niou didn't dare to move his eyes, and stared with round eyes.

After only meeting twice and talking a few times, he already understood half of this man's nature... He is absolutely vindictive!

If he blinked, the ball would definitely fly back in the next second!

So, you have to hold back!

Bang -

Niou's ears moved, and his brain quickly ran various physical curves to scientifically plan a route for him.

Left - boom!

Unfortunately, the speed of operation is still not fast enough - the heart is there, but the body can't keep up.

"cough cough……"The dust kicked up by the tennis ball was more than a foot high, and Niou was choked by it.

"I have good news for you.——"Byodoin Phoenix said with a smile.

Niou, who was coughing hard with his mouth covered, paused for a moment,"You say!"

It always felt like something bad was going to happen.

"Considering that we were indoors, I only used 1/20 of my strength." He showed his standard 18 teeth,"Next time, let's fight outside. I'll show you what it means to destroy the world!"

"……"This is a threat—absolutely a threat!

And now……

"You did this on purpose, didn't you?" He covered his dry throat. If this move could be controlled, and the strength was controlled to this level, wouldn't it be to make him feel the cough caused by the dust entering his heart?

To this, Byodoin Phoenix could not deny,"You said I'm an uncle, so of course I have to do what an uncle should do!"

"Haha, the only thing a middle-aged man can do is to be narrow-minded!"

Although he can't beat her now, he must not talk nonsense.

Even if he risks being beaten, he must stick to the end - all night, in this indoor tennis court on the second floor of the basement, the sound of ping-pong and ding-dong continued.

After another half an hour, Ren Wang fell from the air like a rag, lying on the tennis court in a mess. He paid the price for his nonsense.

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