"Is this Neon?" Niou took the Byodoin Phoenix to the pool next to the park, and during the process of washing and rinsing, he discovered that this man's spiritual power was not inferior to his. The original injury actually began to heal slowly under the nourishment of spiritual power. This level of spiritual power - is not low!

When the Byodoin Phoenix washed his face, a handsome face with some vicissitudes was revealed. This man is handsome, but there is a sense of the weight of time in his face and eyes. The golden hair makes him look a bit exotic, but there is only a little more strength in his aura and sharpness in his strategy.

With a beard at the corner of his mouth, he looks like a middle-aged man at first glance. Ah, no, he looks very experienced at first glance!

"You have been a Shinsengumi for a long time, right?"Ryou lowered his head and bowed slightly to his senior,"I have never heard of your name before, it's my fault!"

Speaking of which, Ryou also felt strange. Although he had never seen a Shinsengumi in reality, it was because most of the Shinsengumi came from different time and space and maintained different histories.

But——���Shinsengumi of the same level share information with each other. Even if they have never met, they have talked and communicated. But he has never seen the face in front of him.……

"What is the Shinsengumi?"Byodoin Phoenix paused as she wiped her face."And those are - aren't they monsters?"


"First of all, I mentioned the Time Travel Army, so this group of people has their own name! Right!"Byōdōin Phoenix grinned and patted Niō on the shoulder,"Little guy, tell me what you know.……"


Shit - what a weird development!

This guy is not a Shinsengumi? How could he have such a strong ability? Judging from his injuries, he had fought at least dozens of them.

He had never seen... this situation before!

Since he didn't know who was the enemy, Nio naturally didn't plan to tell him everything. A gleam flashed in his eyes, and he shrank down to break free from his hand, but this guy seemed to be born with a burst of strength, and his hand was tightly locked on his shoulder, and he couldn't dodge.

He held the other's arm with his elbow upwards,"Uncle, I'm sorry, I have something urgent here, why don't we talk next time!"

With both hands, he finally got rid of it completely with a hand knife. Byodoin Phoenix smiled coldly,"Not bad, let's see how strong you are... Then let me try, what on earth is this so-called Shinsengumi of yours!"

Suddenly, a bright light shone in his hand, and a weapon similar to a samurai sword condensed, and he slashed forward mercilessly -

Nio held the knife in his right hand and blocked it upwards. This man was incredibly strong, and even though he had practiced hard, he was beaten back a step.

"Shinsengumi is nothing!"The white-haired boy stared at him. No matter if this man came here to cause trouble or not, since the fight had already started, he was not going to let go!

His left hand was free, and his spiritual power gathered into a scabbard. The still straw in his hand turned, and like his extended arm, he stabbed it directly with ease.

The Byodoin Phoenix retreated to avoid it, and then the distance between the two was pulled apart.

Niou sneered, and was about to move forward when he heard a voice suddenly coming from behind him.

【This is all a misunderstanding, stop fighting!]

The chubby little fox ran between the two of them, sweating profusely as he looked at the two swords on the left and right. [Wait a minute! Please wait a minute!]】

"Kitsunesuke, what are you doing here? Get out of here!"Ryoou stared coldly at the man in front of him,"This uncle is a psychopath! Be careful that he doesn't hurt you!"

Byodoin Phoenix took a cold breath.

【Lord Shinsengumi, you misunderstood. I just wanted to tell you——】

Kitsunesuke explained hurriedly. [This sir is the next heir of the Byodoin family in Kyoto! He has strong spiritual power. Although he is not in the same system as our Time Government, they are both talents to fight against the Time Travel Army!】

"Really?"Ryoou was suspicious. This guy didn't know about the existence of the real-time government.

【Yes! He is still the heir, not the head of the family. Only the head of the family can know the truth about the Time Government and the Time Travel Army. To him, they are just monsters.——】

Kitsunesuke grabbed the fox's leg and explained in a panic, fearing that he would let something slip and cause another conflict between the two.

He turned his head to look at the Phoenix of Byodoin,"This Byodoin master has seen me, right?"

He smiled ingratiatingly, hoping that this person who had a bad temper the last time they met could restrain his temper and not provoke him again.

"It turns out it was all a misunderstanding - forget it!"Ryoou glanced at the Fox Helper, who looked like a loser, and snorted coldly.

He thought, forget it, he is a junior, and he won't continue to argue with the middle-aged uncle.

This uncle looks like someone who has been fighting against the Time Travel Army for many years. Considering that he has protected history for many years, it's just a small conflict!

Byodoin Phoenix raised an eyebrow in surprise and said bluntly,"……You don't look like such a generous person!"

Ren Wang also raised his eyebrows in the direction he was in, revealing an extremely well-behaved smile,"People must respect the elderly and love the young. I have no problem respecting uncles.——"

Byodoin Phoenix:"……"

Well, it turns out that he is a sharp-tongued fox.

He stretched out his hand,"Between-in Phoenix - the eldest son of the Byodoin family in Kyoto, the next heir!"

Niou took a look and calmly shook it,"Niou Masaharu - the Shinsengumi of the Time Government!"

Kitsunesuke shrank his neck aside. Why are these two people so hardcore when introducing themselves? It seems like they are going to fight in the next second!

But in the end, it was proved that all of Kitsunesuke's thoughts were illusions. The two of them actually sat together and started talking, and the content of the conversation had nothing to do with the Time Government and the Time Travel Army.

"Niou-kun, do you play tennis too?��

"Yes, I also noticed that a tennis ball just popped out of your package!"

"Let’s discuss it when we have time!"


"You look very young now. What grade are you in?"

"National Second——"

"Among junior high schools, the most famous school now should be Rikkai University! Look at your school uniform. Rikkai University……"


Kitsunesuke looked at the scene indifferently. Doesn't anyone find this conversation awkward? It reveals a normal, yet abnormal atmosphere. He always feels something is weird. A minute later, he finally found the answer to the question - oh~

First, the two people's hands have not been loosened!

Second, why did the flesh-pink hands turn blue?

Damn - what's normal is an illusion. Even when these two people are holding hands, they are secretly competing!

【Um...Sir, you still have to go to the competition! 】Byodoin

Phoenix does not belong to their system, Kitsunesuke can't control it, so he can only come to persuade his own Shinsengumi.

"Oh~ Really?" Ren Wang kept smiling,"You reminded me, I would have forgotten it if you hadn't said it.……"

He let go of his hand calmly and smiled politely,"Uncle Byodoin, it's nice to meet you, but let's forget about the game - and seeing your age, you must be in your thirties or forties. I'm a young boy in my prime, and I shouldn't bully the elderly!" The white-haired boy raised a well-behaved and polite smile, smiled at him and left.

Little did he know that the Byodoin Phoenix behind him……

"Haha, for so many years, no one dared to talk to me like this!"

His eyes were crackling, flashing bright sparks, staring closely at the back of the boy who was walking away from him.

Niou Masaharu, right? Very good, I will remember you!

"Kurobe, it's me, I'm back!" The blond man leaned back in his chair and curled his lips calmly,"The world round-robin tournament is about to start. Are there any extra assistant spots? Give me one!" You want to play a game with me?

Haha, I want you to play a game with me, so that you can feel what the peak of despair is!

——Niou Masaharu!

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