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"Always win Rikkai University! Always win Rikkai University!!"

As the players from both teams took to the court, the Hyotei cheerleaders who had occupied a corner of the audience seats officially transformed into the Rikkai cheerleaders, which invisibly made Jiangchuan and the others feel much more relaxed.

"Hyotei? They didn't even make it to the semifinals this year?"

Makinofuji's captain Kamiya Yuki looked over there in surprise and recognized their uniforms.

Why did Hyotei go to cheer for Rikkai? But when Kamiya Yuki thought of the love-hate relationship between Rikkai and Hyotei that has been circulating in middle schools and universities, he could understand it.

But this scene does seem a bit big.

"Well, they were eliminated in the quarter-finals! According to the information we received, Hyotei's main force this year is basically based on the first grade, and all the previous main force have graduated! All those who were selected before Ochi Tsukiko left were pulled down by the current director."

The coach next to him responded to Kamiya Yuki's words. He is now even more nervous than these players. Since the beginning of this competition, there has never been a school that has achieved three consecutive championships!

And now, they are only one step away!

Although he played a dispensable role in Byodoin and this year with Kamiya Yuki, he is Makino Teng's coach after all!

As long as he successfully wins this championship, his coaching career will be brighter!


The game begins!

"15 to 15!"


"30 to 15!"

The scores of both sides were rising alternately. The great pressure almost made both sides give up excessive probing and quickly fell into entanglement. Whether it was Jiangchuan and his buddy or Honda Ueki on the opposite side, they were good at playing by cooperating to eat away the opponent bit by bit.

So although there were no fancy moves in this game, the exquisite cooperation between the two sides made everyone in danger. Use the cover of teammates to create time difference, and use the blind spots of the opponents to change the ball path unexpectedly.

These inconspicuous but very useful cooperation made everyone stare, especially Marui and Jackal, who didn't want to blink. Perhaps it was due to the limitations of the previous opponents, Jiangchuan and his buddy either didn't need to play like this or couldn't play at all, so Marui and his buddy didn't know that the seemingly weakest seniors had this trick.


Niou was at least half as relaxed as the others. He knew that if something unexpected happened, the champion would be Rikkai University. He was much more relaxed than Yukimura and Sanada who were worried about the game.

He was in a good mood to appreciate the doubles cooperation of both sides. Although he knew most of them, the timing of these cooperation was also very important - a good cooperation at the wrong time might make his side lose the advantage.



"3 to 3! Both sides are tied!"



Time passed bit by bit, and the dazzling movements of both sides in the field began to slow down slowly, and Kamiya Yuki's heart became heavy!

"Oh no!"

Kamiya Yuki clasped his hands and tightened them,"Yukawa, Shibata, you two go warm up!"

""Okay, Minister."

The doubles players Yukawa Hitoshi and Shibata Shun stood up and responded, then left the player's seat. The match in the field was destined to be a protracted battle that neither side was very good at, but there was one thing that Jiangchuan and his team had a lot of advantages. In the morning match, the doubles team of Shitenhoji's Hara Tetsu and another person consumed a lot of their physical strength, and Jiangchuan and his team had little resistance against the doubles of Kabuto.

It was not obvious at the beginning, but as time went on, Honda Uki and his team would gradually fall into trouble.

"Hey, did you find anything?"

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Jiang Chuan whispered to Shan Nei

"It seems that the decline in physical strength is more serious than we expected?" Yamauchi was a little confused, was it intentional?

"Let's try it later, if it's true……"

Excitement flashed across their eyes.



"It seems that they have discovered the opponent's physical strength problem... Sanada, let's go warm up too."

Niou stood up and pulled Sanada away. The expressions on the faces of the others also obviously relaxed and were no longer tense.

For Yukimura and Niou, they could tell at a glance whether the two were real or pretending! As for acting, although Niou hasn't used it for a long time, the experience he learned from Irie is still there, and ordinary people can't hide it from him.

At the same time, Niou has also confirmed that in the doubles in the previous life, it should be the group of Jiangchuan senior who won and his group lost. Then Maori senior and Yukimura should be in the singles third and singles second positions. , it is also one win and one loss! The final victory or defeat depends on Liu.

However, this time, if both doubles games are won, then Mu Zhi Teng should be swept 3-0 or Rikkai will win 3-1! Thinking about it this way, Rikkai's targeted arrangement of tactics really played a lot of role in this year's competition. What Niwang didn't know was that it was because of this situation that it had attracted the attention of the officials. Even for this game, there were official personnel next to the venue who specialized in analyzing the lineups and strengths of both sides.

They didn't want this kind of game..._

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