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"Let's get started!"

Sanada didn't hesitate at all, and was even a little eager.

Yukimura was the referee, and as for Yanagi... he would not let go of such a good opportunity to collect data.

"One set decides the outcome! Sanada serves!"

"Please give me more advice!"

Even in a normal competition, Sanada is stubborn and insists on completing the etiquette that should be completed.


Sanada on the opposite side threw the tennis ball to a high altitude, and then jumped high. Bang! The moment the tennis ball touched the racket, it turned into a light yellow beam of light and shot towards Niou.

So fast? Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to receive the return ball?

Niou looked at Sanada who had not yet landed, and he was surprised in his heart, but he didn't hesitate at all.

Although this kind of serve is equivalent to a weak smash, the ball is very straight and fast.

But there are two very obvious weaknesses.

The first is that it is easy to make a serve error, and the second is that because the ball speed is too fast, if the opponent can return the ball, the opponent's return ball will have landed when you just landed, resulting in the failure to receive the ball.


"Fast as the wind!"

When Niou thought that Sanada could not catch the ball, Sanada hit it back, and the wind made the tennis ball fly back at a faster speed.


"15 to 0!"

"Phew~ It's so much faster, is there any progress?……"

Niou looked at Sanada. Apart from the fact that he didn't bring any weights, it should be because he usually hides his strength, right?

But this is not difficult for Niou. Although he is currently unable to use illusion due to physical limitations, or his illusions are not that powerful, if he has to make a comparison, Niou feels that his current strength should be similar to Yukimura in U17, or similar to Byodoin that is currently reborn from the ashes. However, once Byodoin goes down the mountain, he will be beaten up.

To reach that realm, there is a world of difference once you step out of it.

It's a pity that he basically gave up tennis after college, and the window period was too long. Otherwise, he would dare to go to U17 to have a game with that red-haired guy.


Sanada said nothing and turned back to the serving area.



"Aggression is like fire!"

"1-0! Sanada is leading!"

That's why I hate musclemen! Niou felt that his condition was gradually improving, and he complained in his heart. Although he didn't try his best, it was not easy for Sanada to score a goal without losing a point.

Anyway, it can be summarized in two points. This is because Sanada took advantage of Niou's weakness.

"Hey, is this all you have? Where's your phantom?"Destroy Five" Sanada began to challenge. He knew at a glance that Nioh was joking.

""Pu Li~ You want to lose so quickly... Then let me lead you into the abyss of defeat!"

As he spoke, the field turned into a Sanada

"Whose mountain or fire is stronger?"In an instant, the so-called referee Yukimura discovered the wonderful part of this game.

Can the mountain, known as a copper wall and iron fortress, defend against Sanada's invincible fire?

Niou serves.


"Fast as the wind!"

"As still as a mountain!"

"Aggression is like fire!"

"Stand still like a mountain!"



"15 to 0!"



"40 to 30!"

"3 to 2! Sanada is leading!"

The score rose alternately for two rounds. When attacking, both of them used the wind and fire moves, and when defending, they used the mountain move. After more than ten rounds, someone would always break the mountain and score.


The two fought too fiercely and were both out of breath.

"No, Nioh's phantom Sanada is faster than Sanada, so why are the two of them exactly the same now? Is Nioh suppressing his strength again?"

"Perhaps it was because of the different weight restrictions that the two people who were originally different became the same after taking off the weights."

The two Sanadas were sweating profusely in the field, but Yukimura and Yanagi did not feel awkward at all, and they were studying hard.

"Well, I've had enough fun, Sanada, I've prepared a very powerful opponent for you, do you want to take a look?"

Ryooh twisted his neck, without any suppressed voice, which attracted Yukimura and Yanagi.

"Come on!"

Although he felt like punching Niou who was talking to him, Sanada began to hold back.

A powerful opponent? Yukimura? Or... Tezuka?!

"We are too lax!"

A roar suddenly emanated from the Niwang side of the field, startling the others.

Sanada and Yukimura's pupils shrank sharply, and Yanagi opened his eyes wide.

"This is impossible!"

Yukimura lost his composure a little. The opponent that appeared in the arena was the one that Nioh had specially prepared for Sanada, a"Sanada" that was almost exactly the same as Sanada!

That's right, it was still an illusion of Sanada! But why did it become almost exactly the same? It was the same just now!

"What a joke! Stop playing this kind of psychological warfare here, I won't be fooled!"

Sanada looked at the"Sanada" opposite him who was a little taller than himself, with darker skin, a more mature face, and wearing the regular team uniform. His voice trembled unconsciously.

Impossible! It must not be what he thought! How could there be such a person?

Not only Sanada, Yukimura and Yanagi also found it hard to accept. If Nioh was serious, then... their evaluation of him was not high enough!

"Let me lead you into the abyss of defeat!"


One word, quick!

"Can't you even catch this kind of ball? You are too lax! You are not qualified to challenge me, Sanada Genichirō!"

Sanada, the phantom of Niohsho, pointed his racket at the other side and said bluntly

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