The score is 2:0 now. We won again. It feels pretty easy." "Yes, Hyotei is actually pretty good, but compared to our Rikkai University, it's still a bit worse." "Actually, I can't say that. Hyotei is still fun, hahaha." "..." After the referee announced the result of the game, several people from Rikkai University became excited again. Although Kabaji, Shishido, and Feng all tried hard, it was a fact that they lost the game. Compared with Rikkai University, Hyotei's morale was extremely low. Especially for the few people who hadn't played yet, "nervous" was written on their faces. "..."

Miyashita scanned the crowd and saw everyone with sad faces, which made him laugh.

Now Shishido and Feng are indeed not as strong as Rikkai University.

But it is not absolute.

Hyotei still has some chances of winning. The game is not really over yet, and anything can happen.


"Singles 3 is about to start. Please prepare Hyotei Miyashita Rin and Rikkai University Kirihara Akaya..."


"Miyashita Rin?"


Both Rikkai University and Hyotei were a little surprised.

Especially Rikkai University.

They felt a little confused about Hyotei sending Miyashita Rin for singles 2. If Atobe does not take action, shouldn't Oshitari and Akutagawa's matches be before a freshman!

What the hell is sending a freshman? Does this mean they are not going to win? Are they going to raise a sign to admit defeat? !

"Interesting, a first-year kid, watch me finish the game in ten minutes!"

Kirihara moved his wrist and raised a confident smile.

Miyashita didn't feel too much pressure. He picked up the racket and moved it a little, then walked into the court.


"Please give me more advice!"

On the court, Miyashita Rin smiled and stretched out her hand to Kirihara.

"No need, kid, finish the game early, we still have to go to a big meal, otherwise... you can just admit defeat later."

Kirihara didn't take Miyashita Rin to heart, and said a little wantonly.

"Well... okay, if the senior makes me feel pressured, then I will just admit defeat."

Miyashita Rin thought about it and smiled seriously.

"Hmph, you know what's good for you!"


The two quickly guessed the edge, and then Miyashita Rin came to the serving area with a racket and a smile on her face.

"The game begins, Hyotei Miyashita Rin serves!"

Pah, pah, pah!

Miyashita tapped the tennis ball a few times, then held the racket horizontally, and as he waved his hand, the tennis ball chopped down at Kirihara like a golden battle axe!


A crisp sound was heard, and then the tennis ball exploded at the baseline behind Kirihara like an afterimage, and ricocheted out of the court!

"15-0! Miyashita Rin scores!"

"Huh? So fast...?"

Kirihara Akaya was stunned, and didn't react for a while, staring at Miyashita blankly.

This guy... what's going on? ! The serve just now was too fast, and he didn't see it clearly at all!

"Ryu, did you see it clearly just now?"

Marui of Rikkai University also widened his eyes and scratched his head in confusion.

Why did that ball just now feel faster than Hou Chotaro?

Was this a ball hit by a freshman?

"The ball speed is very fast! It has reached 205, and even the center of gravity of the tennis ball is slightly offset. It is speculated that some kind of power-enhancing method should be used..." Yanagi Renji frowned again, "It seems that he plays very easily. This guy is a bit weird!"

"It's really weird, what a pity, I really want to play with him."

When Niou Masaharu heard this, his eyes lit up and he instantly became interested.

His Niou Phantom Database has added some things today, so he must observe it carefully later.

"Is this your Hyotei's trump card? The strength is quite good. It seems that you have accepted a good freshman."

Sanada looked at Miyashita Rin expressionlessly, and then said to Atobe.

"It's really good, but my goal is this year's national competition, and he has more than one trump card." Atobe Keigo smiled slowly.

Although Miyashita may expose some of his strength, Atobe is not too worried now.

Miyashita is growing too fast.

Before the Kanto Grand Prix and the National Grand Prix, the strength can definitely be improved a lot.

Today, Liu and Ren Wang collected some information.

It may be useless in the future.


"30-0, Hyotei, Miyashita Rin scores!"

"Senior, I'm here again!"



"Senior, I'm here again!"

"Game, 1-0, Hyotei Miyashita Rin wins this game!"

Several crisp and high-speed serves hit the baseline of Kirihara Akaya, and Miyashita didn't seem to use much force.

In fact, it was true.

This week, he did not make no progress. He borrowed some tennis power techniques, and the serve speed of the golden battle axe was far more than 200, even close to 210.

This speed is faster than the current heavy artillery serve, and it is difficult for Kirihara to receive it now.

"Interesting, you've got me completely excited."

Kirihara Akaya's body suddenly trembled slightly, and then a sense of tyranny suddenly rose in his heart.

However, he turned around and glanced at Sanada, and quickly suppressed the tyranny in his heart, "Hmph! I underestimated you, but don't be complacent!"


"The game continues, Kirihara serves!"



Kirihara's knuckles creaked, and then he threw the tennis ball violently and hit it quickly.

The next moment, after the tennis ball landed, it quickly and strangely rotated half a circle and hit it towards the swollen position of Miyashita's right arm!

The speed of this ball was also very fast, and it would be difficult for ordinary people to react.

However, this did not include Miyashita Rin.

He just wrapped his arm strength casually, and then this outspin ball was directly wrapped in it.

"Nice serve, but it's a pity, senior, you didn't make me feel much pressure."


Miyashita smiled slightly, and then quickly cut the tennis ball!

Young birds return to the forest!

Zizi Zi...

After the tennis ball landed, it rolled quickly on the ground for a circle, and then did not bounce.

"15-0, Miyashita Rin scored!"

"Well done, Miyashita!"

"Rin is still quite strong, I think we may win this game."

"We will definitely win!"

"Come on!"


Seeing Miyashita's strong lead, Hibiki and Akutagawa felt relieved and smiled again.

Strength is revealed through comparison.

Seeing Kirihara not getting a single point and being suppressed by Miyashita, they suddenly felt that Rikkai University was not a monolithic entity, and there were also weak players!

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