Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 88 Oolong, open the floodgates

The mountains and seas have no form, and time waits for no one.

Qi, who was immersed in building the formation, had never thought that time would pass so quickly. He felt like he was in the period before the Candle Dragon was established, and he could not feel the passage of time.

When he sensed that the Phoenix Clan's waterway had been opened to Yunmengze, the refining of the innate star formation was only half completed.

One after another, the formation bases floated up on Yunmengze, and the spiritual light flickered. Although they were formation bases, the smallest piece stretched for thousands of miles, like an island in the water.

The spiritual light on these formation bases was like silk threads, attached to the surface with a wonderful pattern, faintly echoing with the stars in the sky, letting it hang down a wisp of starlight, and finally falling into Yunmengze.

These starlights were like chains, passing through the clouds in the sky, and they could flicker faintly even under the sun.

And there were tens of thousands of such chains hanging from the sky above Yunmengze, but they were invisible in the vast Yunmengze.

Even those with the divine power of the sky eye could hardly see the whole picture. They could only see spots of starlight inadvertently, and then they disappeared.

These array bases had not yet been activated. The starlight was only used for charging. Qi had just placed them randomly and had not yet arranged them in arrays. He let them change on their own and go with the flow.

Qi saw the Phoenix tribe coming, and the river had been opened up. He did not say much, but just asked them to present the documents.

The person sent by the Phoenix tribe to inform Qi was Xuanchu. Xuanchu was a little surprised. Yuanfeng asked him to come here but did not give him any documents?

He had questions and asked Qi:

"I am Xuanchu. I don't know what the documents that the great god mentioned are? The head of my family has not told me that this thing is needed. Please tell me so that I can ask the tribe to prepare it."

Seeing Xuanchu's sincere words, Qi was stunned for a moment. After so many years of discussion and preparation, and contacting so many water gods, didn't anyone tell Yuanfeng that the foreign gods needed documents to issue orders for water?

Qi was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to explain the purpose of the document.

Little did he know that the water gods thought Yuan Feng knew, or thought that others would tell Yuan Feng about these things, so they did not prepare or inform him.

Yuan Feng did not know these things. He was not a land god, did not understand these things, and even did not know about this matter at all, and had no reason to ask.

"Go back and tell Yuan Feng that the outer gods need to prepare documents and inform the heaven and earth to adjust the water. After waiting for the water god to issue the seal, the water can be adjusted. Let him prepare quickly."

Qi said unhappily. Although he knew that they did not understand the reason, but after so many years of preparation, no one took the initiative to understand these things, which also surprised Qi.

With the document, after issuing the seal, the heaven and earth will be informed of who borrowed the water and what it was used for, so that the heaven and earth can understand the reason, and if there is a problem, it is easy to distinguish the responsibilities, so as not to involve too many causes and effects.

Seeing that there was no document, Qi would not order the release of water, so he had to return to the southern continent first to find Yuan Feng and make plans after informing him of the matter.

Qi waited for ten thousand years before the Phoenix Clan came again, but this time it was no longer a phoenix chick, but one of the Phoenix Clan leaders, Yuan Huang.

Yuan Huang came this time and specially made a blank scroll with the feathers of the five types of phoenixes, because he was worried that there would be another ridiculous mistake and delay the Phoenix Clan's plan to divert the water from the world to the immortal volcano.

"Fellow Daoist Qi, I'm sorry that the Phoenix Clan didn't know about this before and delayed your time. It's just that my Phoenix Clan really doesn't understand this document. Please help me."

After Yuan Huang finished speaking, he handed the blank scroll in his hand to Qi, wanting Qi to help fill it out, after all, it took too much time to go back and forth.

Yuan Huang was worried that there would be some mistakes and omissions, and even prepared a few more, just hoping that the water diversion could be completed smoothly without any complications.

When she and Yuan Feng first learned about the document, they were almost angry and laughed, and hurriedly found the familiar Southern Water God to ask about it.

Finally, we realized that we had made such a low-level mistake, wasting ten thousand years in vain.

Yuan Huang came here this time because he was worried about other changes. Yuan Huang would have the right to make decisions and would not waste time.

Seeing this, Qi did not say anything more, but unfolded the scroll and said:

"Qi, the water god of Yunmengze, feels deeply the difficulty of the prehistoric times. Today, I have adjusted a total of two million strands of water vapor to help the Phoenix clan solve the crisis of the immortal volcano. This is the only purpose."

As Qi spoke, golden divine patterns flickered on the blank scroll and floated in the sky.

Qi used the water-controlling divine staff to lightly touch the scroll, and the originally flickering divine patterns became solid.

The scroll floated to Yuan Huang's side. Qi saw that Yuan Huang did not move, so he reminded:

"Why don't you seal it yet?"

Yuan Huang did not know how to seal it, so he simply ejected a drop of divine blood from his fingertips and fell on the scroll.

After the blood of Yuan Huang fell, the scroll began to burn with a bright red light, and turned into a wisp of green smoke floating into the sky.

Yuan Huang was a little anxious when he saw this scene, but he didn't dare to do anything, so he could only let it burn.

Qi was also doing this for the first time, and he didn't understand what was going on, but as the scroll burned out, the sound of heaven and earth seemed to ring in his heart, and Qi knew that the matter was done.

Qi then said to Yuan Huang:

"Heaven and earth have already known about this matter, please follow me to adjust the water."

Yuan Huang's heart, which had been hanging for a long time, finally let go, and thanked Qi:

"Thank you, fellow Taoist."

"It's just a small matter. Although I know that I need to report to heaven and earth in writing, this is the first time I have done this. There is no mistake, so I will delay you."

Qi casually replied and took Yuanhuang towards Yunmengze Shuiyan.

Yunmengze's water eyes are not as violent as the four seas. They are like a clear spring, always quiet and crystal clear.

Yuanhuang saw that the water eyes were so small and not as violent as Donghai, so he couldn't help but asked in confusion:

"Fellow Daoist, is there really two million strands of water vapor in this clear spring?"

Yuanhuang had also seen the Eye of the South China Sea, which was like a whirlpool. The water vapor in it was extremely violent and huge. It was completely different from Yunmengze.

Qi smiled and explained:

"My fellow Taoists don't know that water vapors in the world are all different. Although they are all water vapors, they naturally change due to differences in environment."

"Don't look at this clear spring. Although it is small, the water in it is far larger than the river. It is just that it has the same properties as Yunmengze. It likes to be clear and pure."

"Just this clear spring can contain more than three million water vapors, most of which are brought together by various rivers to make this clear spring appear. According to the past, there is only that small pond at most."

Yuanhuang expressed his amazement. It was unbelievable to see such a small area, clean and quiet, far exceeding the water of the river.

Qi said again:

"Fellow Taoist, if you can reach out and touch it, you will know that the water vapor in Yunmengze is as strong as the world."

Yuanhuang was a little curious, and she also wanted to try it. She wanted to see how powerful Yunmengze Water Eye, known as the first water body in the wild, was.

The jade hand wrapped around the divine light and stretched into it, only to find that it was impossible to move, the water vapor was solidified, and each strand carried the weight of hundreds of millions of water, making it difficult to stir.

Qi used the water-bending staff to tap lightly on the water surface. Yuanhuang suddenly felt much more relaxed and was able to lift his hand out of the water eye.

Yuanhuang couldn't help but sigh:

"Yunmengze is the first water body in the wild, and its reputation is well-deserved. Such a blessed land and cave is rare in the world."

Qi smiled with satisfaction, and asked Yuanhuang to touch the water eyes, with a hint of showoff in mind. Although he felt a little childish, as long as he wanted to do it, it would be fine.

"Fellow Daoist Yuanhuang, can I transfer the water later?"

Qi did not forget the true purpose of this trip and reminded him.


The two came to the waterway opened by the Feng Clan. Yuanhuang stretched out his hand and broke the distance between the water and Yunmengze, and the tide immediately poured down.

The sound of surging water sounded and became more and more intense. The surface of the lake above Yunmengze's water eye made waves, as if a silver mirror was being pulled and flowed into the river.

The gap between the two forms a waterfall, carrying huge amounts of water and hitting the bottom of the river, washing out a bottomless pool.

Seeing this, Qi and Yuanhuang knew what was going on. They bowed to each other and turned into streams of light and flew away.

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