Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 82: Yang Mei arrives and gives a wake-up call (please subscribe, updated for the leader of t


Qi was a little curious.

"I wonder if everyone still remembers the Taoist friend who turned into a Taoist and left because of the disaster of the beast."

Fuxi reminded.

"Of course I remember. The blood rain fell from the sky, and all things mourned together. Everyone's luck was suddenly lost. In such a situation, how could we forget it?"

Nuwa answered on the side.

"You mean, it was the impact brought by the Taoist friend's turning into a Taoist and leaving? But he is not an indispensable person in the world, and he should not have this ability."

Di Jun refuted.

"No, he is very important, at least to the innate sacred group. He is the first innate sacred to pass away."

Qi looked solemn, and Taiyi seemed to be thinking about something.

Fuxi began to explain his thoughts again, saying:

"His departure brought an indelible impact, otherwise it would not have led to the loss of the luck of many innate gods."

"There should be some tricks that we can't think of. It is also because of such changes that the innate gods today have become impatient under the influence of luck."

Everyone was thinking about what kind of changes would affect this group that has always been the pinnacle of the prehistoric world since ancient times.

Let this ancient and beautiful group lose its previous constant mentality and become restless.

Everyone was also comparing themselves with themselves and found that not only them, but also themselves, had become anxious without realizing it.

Began to constantly pursue power and force themselves to move forward, completely losing their previous calmness and appearance.

"The status of the innate gods is no longer unshakable, because all living beings have begun to realize that the innate gods will also die."

When Qi said this, the air became quiet, and Taiyi Dijun and the others all turned their eyes to Qi.

"Although everyone is not aware of this, everyone does this under the reminder of destiny."

"The prehistoric creatures may not know it yet, but the mountain that stops at the top of the human way is no longer unshakable."

"So everyone has become impatient. Although they don't know the reason, the subconscious from the bottom of their hearts is forcing us to move forward."

"Because no one wants to become the dust of the times and end up with a fate of turning into a way."

"In addition, the way of heaven is about to emerge, and our innate saints find that they can no longer grasp the changes in the future. This kind of change that has never happened before will naturally make everyone lose their sense of proportion."

After Qi finished speaking, everyone's face was extremely shocked and embarrassed, including Qi.

Because they found that only this way can explain the current changes.

Before the great catastrophe of the beasts, there would not be so many innate saints active in the prehistoric continent.

When Qi traveled in the prehistoric world, the first time he saw the other innate saints normally was when he met the brothers Taiyi Dijun in Buzhou Mountain.

This was also true for Fuxi and Nuwa, who met each other only in a special place like Buzhou Mountain.

How could there be so many innate gods walking in the wilderness like now?

Before the great catastrophe of the beasts, even the creatures in Yunmengze knew that there were people like Qi. How could everyone call out the names of several innate gods like now?

"So, everyone is afraid, right?"

Di Jun's voice was dry.

But no one was in the mood to answer now.

When everyone was silent, a willow branch hung down from the sky, and Yangmei descended.

The sudden change attracted everyone's attention and broke the dull atmosphere just now.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were all on him, with a little bloodshot in his eyes, Yangmei was startled.

He immediately examined his clothes to see if there was anything unreasonable.

Qi and the others reacted and immediately bowed their hands to greet him, saying in unison:

"Qi (Emperor Jun, Nuwa, Fuxi, Taiyi) greets the great god."

Yang Mei instinctively returned the greeting and then asked:

"What is wrong with you fellow Taoists? You all look like this. This is different from the fellow Taoists I know."

In Yang Mei's impression, Qi and Taiyi and others are the top innate saints of the new generation, full of vigor and vitality, just like they were back then.

They are a group of people full of vitality, and their roots, luck and talents are excellent. Now he is curious about what kind of problem can trap such a young man.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally raised this guess.

After hearing this, Yang Mei smiled and said:

"There are indeed reasons in this regard, but have you ever thought that the more important thing is that these innate sacreds have no way out."

"And they also want to make their own voices in the prehistoric world. After all, during the great catastrophe of the beasts, I remember that you young people were quite stimulated."

"How can you forget? It's just that they don't take it seriously. The most important thing about the gods is the three talents, because this is the manifestation of power and supernatural powers."

"When the power of power is stronger than oneself, then naturally it is extremely important to power. When one has a power stronger than power, how can it be possible to take power seriously as before?"

"At that time, power is no longer a means for you to protect the way, but a shackle that binds you."

"Qi boy, you have always been sober in the past, but in my opinion, do you really have a clear understanding of yourself?"

"You attach so much importance to authority and responsibility now, but it is because compared with your current strength, as the water god of Yunmeng Lake, holding the water-controlling staff, you have a special status among water gods."

"With these identities, you can make a more weighty voice in the prehistoric world, which is the fundamental reason why you attach importance to authority and responsibility now."

"But this is also human nature. Zulong and others were like this before, otherwise the Dragon Mother should be the first innate sacred to transform into Taoism."

"If it weren't for the protection of authority at that time, the dragon clan would have been destroyed at that time, then The dragons at that time were much more important than you. "

"Think about it, if there was no authority, do you think Zulong would really be willing to be beaten? It was just that he was protected by authority at the beginning, so he could not break the rules of authority."

"Do you think that with your strength now, you can really be on par with Zulong and others and talk about the Tao?"

"It's not you, Qi, who is talking about the Tao with them. It's Qi, the water god of Yunmengze, not Qi, the innate god. Do you understand?"

He raised his eyebrows and gave Qi a wake-up call, almost breaking Qi's cognition.

Seeing that Qi listened, he said to Fuxi:

"Fuxi is also a troublesome boy. You are not a god of the earth. Others set a trap for you and you just go in directly. "

"You are a god of the human way. What do you have to do with the affairs of the gods of the earth? Everything in the world is causally cyclical. The three talents are separate and interconnected without disturbing each other. This is the principle of the way of the gods."

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