Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 77: Discussion

The Feng clan's troubles were temporarily resolved with Yuan Feng's sleep, but the impact of the immortal volcano has just begun.

The Feng Clan recalled the tribesmen who were out exploring the cave and asked them to quickly return to the immortal volcano in the south. Even the tribesmen in the northern continent, as long as they were not in crucial positions, were recalled to the south.

The scene of the Phoenix flying south can be seen everywhere in the ancient world. You can see it several times a year in Guangyun Mengze.

This phenomenon has also attracted the attention of many innate gods and puzzled all races in the ancient world.

"This is the ninth batch of Phoenix tribe that has passed through Yunmengze in ten thousand years. What happened to the southern continent that allowed them to continue to recall their tribe members?"

Qi was a little confused. Could it be that Yuanfeng Yuanhuang was about to break through and was preparing to preach?

I pray that they were born too late and have never set foot on the southern continent. They do not understand the dangers of undying volcanoes and the impact of large-scale eruptions of undying volcanoes.

He had never come into contact with the fire crystals flowing out of the Phoenix clan, so it was naturally impossible for him to think that there was something wrong with the immortal volcano.

What's more, the Water God incident happened before, and I don't think there will be any innate sacred people and ethnic groups who would dare to risk the disdain of heaven and earth and carry out such a heinous and unethical act.

"Maybe someone in Yuanfeng Yuanhuang is about to break through. After all, they have great luck, so it is normal for them to gather their clan members to prepare sermons."

Taiyi and Qi had the same idea. Neither thought that there was a big problem with the Phoenix clan and that the whole clan must be summoned to solve it.

Unless the Phoenix clan is now preparing to start a new round of catastrophe, provoking a war between the three clans.

But this is absolutely impossible. Today's three tribes have just begun to enjoy the gains of the last catastrophe. They have not yet reached the point of no return. Starting a war now is not worth the gain.

Therefore, most of the prehistoric creatures now believe that someone in Yuanfeng Yuanhuang may want to break through, so they start to gather their clan members.

In this way, we can not only prepare for the sermon, but also prevent someone from suddenly attacking and protecting the sermon.

Especially since Yuanfeng Yuanfeng has not been very active in the past few Yuanhui, it is normal for everyone to speculate like this.

"That's all, it has nothing to do with us. Just sit back and watch the clouds roll and relax in the sky and the earth. I think the next days should be peaceful for a while."

Qiu didn't think so. If the formation research hadn't hit a bottleneck, he wouldn't have worried about these trivial matters.

"How about going to practice in the starry sky? We have never fought against each other in more than ten Yuanhui."

Taiyi suggested slightly excitedly.

After hearing Taiyi's words, Qi also became a little interested. Indeed, they had not taken action for a long time.

It would be fine if no one mentioned it. Now that he heard Taiyi's suggestion, Qi suddenly felt a little itchy. He also wanted to see how Taiyi was progressing now.

"Let's go and see if your methods have improved to my satisfaction."

Seeing Qi agree, Taiyi's whole body became excited. He hadn't moved his muscles for so long that he felt like his body was rusty.

"Let's compete first to see who can reach the starry sky first without tearing apart the space."


The two of them turned into a stream of light and gradually disappeared into the sky.

Emperor Jun, Fuxi felt a little helpless when he saw this, and couldn't help but sigh:

"You are really high-spirited and do what you want!"

Nuwa stood up from the stone platform, rolled her eyes, and retorted:

"Isn't it because of such high spirits that we met today? It's just that you two are pretending to be old."

After saying this, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

"where you go?"

Fuxi shouted loudly.

After a while, I heard Nuwa's voice coming from the distance.

"Watch the battle."

Emperor Fuxi and Jun looked at each other and immediately chased after him.

It's unlikely that they will participate, but if they are allowed to watch, it will be fine.

Qi's clear light and Taiyi's golden light moved forward side by side. The two looked calm, and the barrier formed by a thin light continued to eliminate the traces of their passage.

At the same time, they separated the constraints of space, allowing the two of them to continuously increase their speed.

This allowed them to move forward at extremely high speeds without being affected by the scenery and moonlight around them, allowing them to maintain their dignity.

Qi's method of flying escape was developed from the technique of Golden Crow Transforming into Rainbow, and Qi improved it a lot, making this technique more suitable for his usage habits.

It only took a thousand years for the two of them to cross the gap between heaven and earth and reach the starry sky.

The vast starry sky, no matter how long it lasts, will make Qi Xin feel insignificant.

He lowered his head and looked in the direction of Yun Mengze, but he could no longer see it. There was a huge "curtain" between the starry sky and the ancient continent, dividing it into two worlds.

In the prehistoric times, apart from the stars transformed by the great god Pangu, no other stars could be seen.

The same is true in the starry sky. Apart from Buzhou Mountain, no other part of the prehistoric continent can be seen.

This seems to be a protection for both parties, but now, this curtain is starting to become thinner and thinner.

If you are on the prehistoric continent and look at the sky carefully, you can already see blurry star shadows. Although there are very few, it is still much better than before.

I don't know when the gap between them will disappear. Maybe heaven and earth have their own plans.

Not long after Qi and Taiyi arrived in the starry sky, Nuwa, Dijun, and Fuxi arrived one after another without saying anything, but the three of them gathered together.

Taiyi and Qi cupped their hands and said:



The two were concentrating until a small meteorite hit the other.

The sound of the Chaos Bell suddenly rang, and the powerful sound waves seemed to shake the entire space.

Under the rolling sound waves, everything turned into dust and spread to the surroundings.

Qi stood on the innate 12th-grade Pure World White Lotus, and the sound waves had no effect on him.

"Taiyi, you who have not completely refined the Chaos Bell should know that this kind of spreading sound waves have no effect on me."

Qi's voice was heard by Taiyi in the starry sky. Taiyi didn't care and said:

"It's just cleaning up the battlefield."

In response to Taiyi, the clear light of the Pi Shi White Jade Festival hit the Chaos Bell fiercely, knocking Taiyi away billions of miles.

"Be careful, don't be careless!"

Qi's voice came with the attack of the Pi Shi White Jade Festival, leaving a long space crack in the starry sky, proving that what Qi said was true.

Taiyi stopped talking, just manipulated the Chaos Bell to condense into a sound line, sweeping all the way to Qi, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Qi had no intention of taking it head-on. God knows if the Chaos Bell will suddenly respond to Taiyi again. The scene of his injury last time is still vivid in his mind.

Only when he really can't avoid it, will he use the innate 12th-grade Pure World White Lotus to resist it head-on.

The entire battlefield is empty. There is nothing that can withstand the aftermath of the two people's attack and still exist intact.

Within millions of light years around, there are space cracks everywhere. Except for Fuxi, Dijun, and Nuwa, there is no real object.

And this is when the two of them are more restrained in their strength, and the damage to the surrounding environment is relatively small.

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