Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 17: Innate Divine and Ferocious Beasts

One Yuan of time passed in a flash, and Yunmengze was now covered by the barrier formed by the formation.

The beasts outside continued to bombard the formation with their magical powers. At this time, the formation used the spiritual power of the water veins of Yunmengze as its energy supply.

Even if the beasts outside attacked for several Yuans, it would have no effect on everyone.

At that time, we only need to let a group of beasts in, kill and purify them to fill the water veins.

It can be said that it is inexhaustible.

The innate saints outside the fierce tide also found that the formation was blocking the beasts, so they attacked the main force of the beasts more vigorously.

Moreover, the beasts could not stop attacking the formation. As long as they stopped attacking, Qi would accumulate strength and manipulate the formation to attack the dense areas of the fierce tide.

This was not like the attack of the innate saints. Although the distance was limited, the power was extremely great!

After a stalemate of a thousand years, the beasts finally began to bypass Yunmengze.

But because Yunmengze was too vast, the fierce tide that kept coming was eventually blocked by Yunmengze.

At this time, Yunmengze was like a natural moat, blocking the evil tide and making it insurmountable.

This also caused a huge gap in the evil tide that continued to gather to the north.

And this gap also allowed countless creatures to live and the sacred mountain to be preserved.

The entrance to the northern road at this time.

Almost all the innate gods present had ugly faces, looking at the fierce beasts that continued to land from the seaport, and one of them couldn't help but say:

"Are we just going to watch like this?"

"What else can we do?" Another innate god replied.

"This is our home!" The man couldn't help but say, his voice full of anger.

"Yes, this is our home!" An innate god replied.

The person who answered had a gloomy face and a very gloomy face. He was the best in the northern innate gods, Kunpeng.

"But what can we do? Compared with the other continents, the northern continent is too barren."

"There are too few strong people who can make the final decision, spiritual treasures are scarce, and there is no great law."

"The only race that can be used in the prehistoric world, the Xuanwu tribe, has suffered heavy losses now."

"Everyone, we are powerless."

Kunpeng's words were very calm, but everyone felt the pain in it.

Precisely because the north is barren, although there are many spiritual machines, most of them are under the ice and snow, in the deep sea.

It has never been a particularly habitable continent, but at the same time, the innate sacreds who can stay on this land have deep feelings for the land under their feet.

"Everyone, since you have made up your mind, you should cut it off immediately. We will come back eventually!"

After hearing what Kunpeng said, everyone stopped talking and left the northern continent in silence.

Kunpeng was right. They will come back eventually, with the harvest of their travels!

Most of them entered the eastern continent, and only a few went to the western continent.

After all, the Eastern Continent has the most spiritual energy.

They will go there to strive for opportunities, accumulate strength, and leave behind a Taoist tradition.

Then, they will set off on their journey home.


"Qi, when do you think we can go out? I always feel that the current life is too decadent."

Nuwa sighed.

Qi was also thinking about this problem. He also felt that the current life was too comfortable.

Since the formation was built, there is nothing to worry about. Just follow the routine.

Now she is either on the way to a banquet or playing in the marsh every day.

The current world is not suitable for discussing Taoism and retreating. She doesn't want to participate in the management of those miscellaneous matters, and she doesn't have any other hobbies.

Therefore, among the five people now, Nuwa is the most idle.

Among the five people now, Di Jun is obsessed with managing the affairs of various tribes, developing water and wood, and planning the development of various tribes.

Taiyi is obsessed with creating spells. If he wants to move around, he will take the Chaos Bell out to kill some fierce beasts, test its power, and improve the direction.

Fuxi and Qi are now close friends, and they spend the whole day together discussing formations, music, and chess.

When Fuxi encounters formation problems in communication, he often studies them without sleep.

As a result, he often forgets the invitation to travel promised to Nuwa, and Nuwa nags at him.

Qi is fine now, after all, it is his own temple that is under attack, so he still has to worry a little.

Today's trip is just the two of them.

Fuxi is studying formations, and Taiyi is testing spells.

Dijun was originally going to come, but was called away by the patriarch of a small tribe.

He said that some spiritual mine was discovered, and then he took Dijun to an enthusiastic field investigation.

Nuwa sat on the bow of the boat, fiddling with the lotus leaves with her bored fingers.

Qi stood at the stern to answer Nuwa's previous questions.

"One epoch at most. The beast tide is now accelerating."

"After one epoch, the beasts in the south should have crossed Yunmengze."

Nuwa thought for a while and said:

"The place where the catastrophe will happen is in the northern continent. Once this epoch is over, the catastrophe in the southern continent will probably be over safely."

"According to your previous speculation, the beasts in the east and west continents will all enter the north within three epochs."

"Now the place where the catastrophe will happen is clear. The party that will happen to happen is Shen Ni and the beasts. What about the other party? Why haven't they appeared yet?"

Faced with Nuwa's question, Qi was a little helpless, but then he thought that he was a bystander and they didn't know the inside story.

Qi explained:

"The other party has already appeared. It is us, the innate sacred beings."

Nuwa was a little confused.

Seeing this, Qi said again:

"Nowadays, only we, the innate sacred beings, can match the strength of the fierce beasts. The other races are not capable enough to bear the calamity."

"There are many creatures in the prehistoric world, but most of them are ordinary people and cannot be used."

"And the fierce beasts are naturally opposed to us, the innate sacred beings. Their survival and evolution consume too much energy."

"They have no spiritual intelligence, so they don't know how to restrain themselves. Their spiritual consciousness is obscured and they don't understand the time of heaven. They have caused too much damage to the prehistoric world."

"And we are born from the innate world, born and raised by the earth, so we naturally owe the cause and effect of the prehistoric world."

"At the same time, we also have the luck of heaven and earth. The fierce beasts destroy the prehistoric world, which means they destroy our practice."

"Such things are useless to the sentient beings of heaven and earth, and they also ruin your practice. What's the point of keeping them?"

"Moreover, only the innate sacred beings have the ability to solve this disaster."

Facing Qi's explanation, Nuwa asked:

"Is there no way to coexist?"

Hearing this question, Qi felt that Nuwa seemed a little too naive.

"Of course there are. As long as the fierce beasts are obedient and have a certain strength, they will sacrifice themselves and replenish the heaven and earth. I am still happy to see them."

Faced with Qi's answer, Nuwa said in disbelief:

"Isn't this just livestock?"

"Yes, it is livestock. For creatures like them who have no intelligence and are of no use to the heaven and earth except for replenishing the qi of heaven and earth, can't they only be livestock?"

"And this is the fundamental contradiction between the innate sacred and the fierce beasts."

Hearing this, Nuwa looked at Qi with a very strange look.

But Qi didn't care and continued to sail on the water.

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