Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 100: Enlightenment (I, the Phoenix King, am finally back)

As a large amount of water vapor poured back into the immortal volcano, the water vapor evaporated, and the steam turned into clouds, spreading throughout the prehistoric world.

More than two million wisps of water vapor evaporated and gradually returned to the prehistoric land, flooding all continents. Countless creatures continued to move to higher places, hoping that the flood would recede.

Unfortunately, there was only endless rainstorms waiting for them, and the clouds in the sky blocked the sunlight, as if there was no end in sight.

The previously peaceful Yunmeng Lake has now lost its scenery, and the waves are rolling and surging.

Countless turbid currents poured in, carrying mud, sand, grass and trees, and even some creatures that could not escape were swept into it.

Qi was alone at the water eye, doing his best to suppress the rioting water vapor.

The previous clear springs were gone, and water vapor continued to roll at the spring eye, trying to break free from Qi's bondage.

The Water Controlling God-Subduing Staff was shaken by the impact, and the innate 12th-grade Pure World White Lotus stood in the center of the lake, also swaying and constantly scattering clear light.

The array base that was refined before began to operate. Although it could not form a large array, it continued to guide the turbulent water flow and calm it down.

All of these relieved Qi of a lot of burden, but even so, Qi still felt the terrible pressure. The water vapor that used to be peaceful and well-behaved was now constantly tearing Qi's divine power.

Qi chanted "White Lotus Purifying the World and Universally Enlightening the Way" and the supreme divine power turned into clear light. Wherever he went, the sky was bright and the earth was clear.

Qi sat cross-legged on the water eye and sang the true words of the great way, like the wind supporting the water surface and the willows hanging down the branches.

The sudden rain stopped suddenly, highlighting the rosy clouds, and the sky and water were like waterfalls, hitting the water mirror.

The twelve-grade pure white lotus on the lake responded to Qi's voice, and he gained infinite purity, removed all the turbidity and evil desires, and said that the various karmas of heaven and earth were heard and transformed into pureness.

Qi's mind was immersed in the scriptures, and the water vapor in the water eye heard the meaning of the scriptures and naturally calmed down.

Yunmeng Lake seemed to be responding to Qi, and countless inspirations gathered, like a galaxy in the arms, and fell into the water.

The clouds in the sky were also drawn into the water, and the original Yunmeng formation was left to operate spontaneously, binding the clouds to the water surface.

The Yunmeng Lake, which was originally like a mirror, now really has the words of Yunmeng, and the clouds on the water surface are curling, and the thickness and lightness are turning with the wind.

A jade bead fell from Qi's arms, and the innate Yunmeng formation that was originally used to protect Qi slowly unfolded, hooking the clouds and mist.

Spontaneous operation, but this time it changed from covering only a small area of ​​water to covering the entire Yunmeng Lake.

Countless clouds turned into chains, constantly pulling the clouds in the sky into the lake, and the sunlight fell from the gaps, and the entire Yunmeng Lake was like a dream.

Taiyi and others saw this scene and were shocked by the heavens. There was such a landscape.

I saw the morning glow entering the water, reflecting with the water mist, like the clouds, water, and sky are all flying clouds.

Qi Yu waved his hand unintentionally, and a large amount of clouds restrained the turbid current.

With a slight stroke, the clear and turbid water were separated.

The Shuihua Awakening Drum appeared beside Qi by itself. Qi held the small hammer and tapped the drum lightly.

There was no thunder, only a brilliant light appeared on the water surface, and the water returned to calm without any waves.

The Ningxin Bell appeared in Qi's hand, and it was shaken slightly. The bell sound surrounded Yunmeng Lake, with the clear water on top and the turbid water on the bottom. Yunmeng Lake gradually returned to its previous peaceful appearance.

The Bi Shi Baiyu Festival also appeared by itself, but Qi hesitated for a moment and took it back into his mind.

The Xiantian Twelve-Grade Pure World White Lotus broke away from the water and shrank into a regular lotus platform. Qi sat cross-legged in it and said:


Qi opened his eyes and stood up from the Xiantian Twelve-Grade Pure World White Lotus. At this time, the sky was clear and the earth was peaceful. The water of Yunmeng Lake occupied the entire depression. Only scattered islands and array bases were left in the lake.

After a Yuanhui, the water disaster of heaven and earth ended.

The clouds in the sky seemed transparent. Although they were still in the sky, sunlight could see through them, but they were a little dim.

There were still a lot of water flowing into Yunmengze on the land, but they were no longer turbid. The water that had been spreading wantonly on the prehistoric land finally began to recede, revealing the long-lost land.

Countless creatures who escaped this disaster burst into cheers that resounded through the prehistoric land, one after another.

Qi looked up at the clouds in the sky and saw that although they were much dimmer, they still existed. He couldn't help thinking:

If we want to restore it to its previous appearance, it will take at least a hundred Yuanhui. After all, the remaining water vapor is the lightest and not easy to fall.

If the heaven mentioned by the great god Hongjun wants to really take shape, it may take thousands of Yuanhui.

And by that time, I am afraid that the way of heaven should also be born.

Taiyi and the others saw Qi waking up, and they could not help but gather around him and said:

"Qi, it seems that you have gained a lot this time. I wonder how much you have improved?"

Qi saw the curious eyes of the crowd, smiled slightly, and said:

"Luo Tianzun God, there is no more progress."

Everyone was shocked, and Taiyi was even more excited. They did not expect that Qi would be the first person to reach this step among the crowd.

Qi was also very satisfied in his heart. This time he had a huge harvest. Now, even if he faced Taiyi, he had enough confidence to suppress him head-on.

The Xiantian Twelve-grade Pure World White Lotus and the Water Flower Awakening World Drum were truly and thoroughly refined. Now what was stored in them was Qi's Tao.

As long as Qi was willing, he could even rename the Water Flower Awakening World Drum as the Qi Shen Drum, including the Xiantian Twelve-grade Pure World White Lotus.

Just like the Zulong and the Chaos Pearl, it was just that the name was not nice, so Qi was unwilling.

For the Xiantian God, such an opportunity is truly unattainable, and it can be called an opportunity.

The rest of the innate spiritual treasures and top-grade spiritual roots are not particularly important to the innate sacred now, and they can't be called opportunities.

In a long time, it is possible for them to encounter these things.

Rather than saying that those things are opportunities, it is better to say that they are destined to be used by him.

Qi carefully looked at the current Yunmeng Lake. The clouds and mists are lingering, and the water waves are light. Under the sunlight, it really has a dreamlike scene.

Qi couldn't help but sigh:

"Maybe this is the true appearance of Yunmeng Lake. Is it a coincidence or destiny?"

Qi's words made everyone fall into contemplation. After a while, Taiyi spoke everyone's voice.

"The great way is fifty, the simplest and most fair, and the changes are derived without omissions. It is a fixed number."

Everyone fell into silence.

"I don't think so. If it is really a fixed number, then why do we still practice? We just need to wait for the changes in the world."

"The so-called fixed number is nothing more than the best solution to the Tao. You and I coexist with the Tao. Without our own efforts, how can we be here today?"

"If it is really a fixed number, then how can the Great Dao in the ancient times and chaos be here today?"

Qi saw that everyone was a little depressed, and couldn't help but comfort them.

As Qi said, if everything does not change, then why do they still practice?

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