Chapter 163-Alchemy and Dao

Above the East China Sea…

“Senior Sister is so amazing, it turns out that Taiyi Jinxian is invincible!” Long Ji looked at Qinghua in admiration.

“What really satisfies me is not the ranking, but the benefits brought by the ranking!” Qinghua was also very happy at the moment, as if waiting for a few hundred yuan meeting, Qing Lingjian could be promoted.

And when everyone in Honghuang calmed down, they all began to look at the three big characters on the Daojun list.

“Shuiqi fellow daoist, what realm do you think this Daoist is? Why is it not in my inheritance? Is it possible to be superior to Da Luo?”

“It should be, but I don’t know why some are Hunyuan Jinxian, and some are also called Zhuansheng?”

At this moment, everyone is thinking about Hunyuan Jinxian and Quasi-sage. Obviously, this is a Realm that surpasses Daluo Jinxian.

Coincidentally, Hong Huang remembered these six peak powerhouses in his heart, because these are the six taboos, and you must never offend them.

At this time, the Golden Dragon General of the Dragon Race came to Zulong and bowed and said, “Patriarch, when I returned to the East China Sea, I felt a terrifying pressure. I think it is the Azure Profound Supreme of Fantasy Sky Island!”

“Oh, can you describe how strong it is?” Zu Long asked with interest.

And Zhulong and Ying Long also heard the sound and walked over.

“Return to the three Dragon Kings, I feel that the breath is more than a thousand times stronger than that of Master Zulong. I half-step Da Luo’s Cultivation Base, I dare not even look directly at it!” General Jin Long recalled the pressure, still Somewhat frightened.


The three dragon kings took a breath, and their breath was a thousand times stronger than Dage. What kind of concept shows that the other party can easily kill them in seconds.

Just as they were feeling emotional, a shrimp soldier trot over quickly: “Report the three Dragon Kings, Princess Long Ji brought a strange woman to the Zulong Palace!”

“What are you talking about? Long’er is back?” Ying Longhuang exclaimed.

“Yes, Princess Longji is waiting outside the hall!” The shrimp soldier continued.

“Quickly, go and call them in!” Ying Long almost lost his temper excitedly.

“No need to call, I’ve come in by myself, it’s not that I haven’t been here!”

In Ying Long’s gaze, Long Ji hurried over with a young girl, and when Ying Long saw the person accompanying his daughter, his face was inconceivable.

At this time, Zhulong and Zulong also reacted, they knew Qinghua.

“Haha, the supreme first disciple came to my Zulong Palace, what a rare visitor! Golden Dragon, hurry up and prepare the banquet!” Zu Long said excitedly.

“The patriarch of the dragon clan doesn’t have to be so extravagant, I am ordered by my teacher to escort the younger sister back to the palace!” Qinghua said lightly.

“This is not extravagance, Fairy is named the number one in the extreme immortal list, it deserves it. According to the patriarch, even the ordinary Venerable is not the enemy of Fairy!” Zu Long complimented.

“Long clan chief is absurdly praised!” Qinghua responded neither humble nor overbearing.

“Oh, Father, Uncle Zulong, and Uncle Zhulong, can’t you see me?” Long Ji said sullenly.

“You child, the emperor father hasn’t punished you yet, who let you run so far, don’t you thank your senior sister for escorting you back!” Seeing that his daughter is safe, Emperor Ying Long began to pretend to be majestic again.

“I have already thanked you on the way here! I also used you to say, cut!” Long Ji curled his lips.

At this moment, from above the starry sky, a voice that spread throughout the entire wilderness sounded:

“The deity Qingxuan, after ten Yuanhui, tells three thousand Xiantian pill pill recipes on the East China Sea, three thousand ways of refining tools, anyone who is predestined can come and listen!”

With Qingxuan’s Cultivation Base, his voice cannot spread throughout the land, and the reason for this is the forcible blessing of Heavenly Dao.

The stronger the primordial spirit, the higher the strength of the primordial Heavenly Dao. This method of Ascension’s overall strength is naturally highly praised by Heavenly Dao.

In fact, this is the real reason why Qing Xuan came to the starry sky. As for the convening of the Heavenly Dao third ranking, he also unexpectedly didn’t expect it.

Among them, three thousand pill recipes are owned by Qiankun Ding, and three thousand refining methods are owned by Good Fortune Ding.

And all of this requires people who possess these two great spirit treasures, the strength to reach the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and the level of Lingbao Restrictions that refining Hunyuan Golden Immortal can manifest.

As the words fell, the entire primordial land exploded. If the Heavenly Dao three list was held before, it was only beneficial to the people on the list; then this time, the pill and the weapon are vital to any creature. .

If you are familiar with these two ways, you will definitely get a huge Ascension in strength, not to mention that there are three thousand in each.

“Go, die too!” A mysterious creature in Beihuang gritted his teeth and said.

“This is so special that no one can stop me, I will set off tomorrow, no, I will leave now!” A creature in Nanhuang quickly prepared to pack and go.

“Even if I only know a small part, I can step into the golden fairyland! Oh, go quickly, don’t miss the hour when you are late!” A creature in Zhonghuang muttered to himself.

“Poor me, I don’t have any Lingbao to take advantage of, this time I must not miss it!” A cultivator from the early stage of the Golden Fairy in Xihuang also immediately took possessions and started to go.

East, Yujing Mountain…

“It seems that Poor Dao has to take a trip, and I don’t know where Qingxuan got the two pills from?”

At this moment, Heavenly Dao suddenly issued an idea that appeared in Hongjun’s mind…

In the West, Mount Sumeru…

“Eleven Demon Envoys, wait for me to go there. It is estimated that there will be a lot of people at that time, and the rest of the Demon Race let them choose whether to go or not!” Luo Hu said.

Demon Blood Butch…

“Damn, what kind of panacea did Qingxuan take? Ascension at Cultivation Base has reached the fifth level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, shouldn’t he seek revenge on me stingly?” Leng Yunxin held his forehead helplessly.

“Forget it, forgive him that he can’t help this king. I really made this king anxious and set off his lair directly; you and the six others will go with me!” Leng Yun said to the six blood generals.

“Yes, my king!” The six people in the audience took their orders one after another.

Dong Ling Tian…

Shi Chen is also extremely troublesome.

“Where did the shit from Qingxuan get the pill, and all the three spiritual treasures in this seat have been taken away. It seems that we have to go; what makes this seat most embarrassing is that I have offended him. He, shouldn’t he settle accounts after Autumn?”


“Patriarch, the East China Sea is the territory of the Dragon Clan, isn’t it uncomfortable for us to go there?” Feng Xueyan rushed towards Zufeng and said.

“No way, our clan can’t miss this kind of opportunity, and lead the clan with half a step above Daluo!” Zu Feng made a final decision.

Qilin family…

“Don’t quarrel, all Elders will go there. I don’t believe that the dragons dare to attack at this time, unless they want to offend the entire prehistoric!” Zu Qilin also made a decision.


“Father, my master said to let you and your two uncles build a large pulpit on the East China Sea. He also said that as long as it is not too excessive, his old man will keep one eye open!” Long Ji looked at the same. Said the father, who was in a daze.

“Uh, Longer, what did you just say? I’ll take the podium from the dragon family?” Ying Long obviously couldn’t turn around.

“Yes!” Long Ji nodded affirmatively.

“I see, Dage, third brother, I’m overjoyed!” Zhulong suddenly exclaimed.

“What’s so gratifying about this? Can’t everyone get what we can get? At most, our dragons have occupied a good position recently!” Zu Long said in doubt.

“The Dage pattern is getting smaller, haven’t you figured out why Qingxuan Supreme let us dragons build the podium?” Zhulong said while looking at Zulong.

“Second brother, you don’t want to sell it, just point it out!” Zu Long was also stunned by the candle dragon.

Zhulong organized the language, and then said: “Does Dage think that it is difficult to build a pulpit with the strength of Qingxuan Supreme now?”

“Naturally not difficult!” Zu Long replied quickly.

“Yes, since it’s not difficult, why did he let me do it? Combined with what the niece said just now, he will turn one eye and close one eye when the time comes, indicating that we can make a fuss about building the podium!”

“First of all, my dragon must be at the forefront to listen to the Tao, and secondly, we can properly charge some platform construction fees for all the cultivators who come to listen to the Tao, and we can attract some Rogue Cultivators to join the aquarium. Ascension the strength of my dragon!” Candle Dragon After speaking, Zu Long and Ying Long’s eyes gleamed.

“Wonderful, second brother!” Zu Long directly shot the case and exclaimed.

“Dage, the wonderful thing is not me, but the opportunity that Supreme gave us! Thanks to my niece worshipping at his door, I wait for this opportunity!” Zhulong said with a smile.

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