Chapter 147

“Sister, when did you leave the customs?” Bai Xue started her inquiry journey again.

Qinghua didn’t bother to answer her anymore, but looked at Long Ji who was aside.

“Long Ji has seen the senior sister!” Long Ji was also shocked at the moment, is this also her senior sister? With such a strong strength, Da Luo Jinxian was so scared that he could only promise.

“Huh?” Qinghua was surprised.

“Senior Sister, this is the named disciple accepted by Master, Little Princess Longji of the Dragon Race!” Seeing this opportunity, Bai Xue began to interject again.

Hearing Bai Xue’s words, Qingyu began to close her eyes and feel, and nodded after a moment: “Little Junior Sister, don’t be polite!”

“Master Xie!” Long Ji replied obediently.

“What’s the strength of Ningshuang Big sis?” Bai Xue turned to look at Luo Ningshuang again.

“Uh, me, luckily just stepping into Taiyi Golden Immortal Consummation!” Luo Ningshuang said modestly.

“That’s great, so I can only use the two bottles of spirit quenching liquid!” Bai Xue said.

The corners of Jin Rui and Zichen’s mouth twitched slightly, and they kept cursing in their hearts: This Junior Sister Bai Xue is too dark, or Junior Sister Long Ji is cute.

“By the way, Senior Sister, do you know what’s the use of this thing?” Bai Xue took out the wordless heavenly book and wanted Qinghua to look at it for help.

Unexpectedly, Qinghua suddenly turned his head to look straight east, showing a hideous face, and shouted in a deep voice, “I’m looking for death!”

Under the shocked gaze of Bai Xue and others, Qinghua directly turned into stars and disappeared.

Bai Xue and the others stared with big eyes, what’s the situation?

“Senior Sister, this was the divine mind body just now?” Jin Rui and Zichen had seen Master’s divine mind body dissipate, so they recognized it at a glance.

“Huh, Divine Mind Body, I walked with Qingyu Big sis all the way, but I didn’t notice the slightest!” Luo Ningshuang was shocked.

“Did the spirit body alone kill the complete Qilin tribe leader of the Taiyi Golden Immortal?” Long Ji was shocked again.

“Senior Sister just looked at the direction of Dongfang, who offended Senior Sister?” Bai Xue asked in confusion.

“Dongfang? Dongfang? Ningshuang, you have been following Senior Sister, have you noticed anything?” Jin Rui also solemnly asked.

“No, there is only one weird thing to say. When Qingyu Big sis was about to leave the fantasy island, he suddenly looked around on the island and disappeared for a while!” Luo Ningshuang recalled.

“What? Fantasy Sky Island?” Jin Rui almost jumped up.

“Senior brother and sister, let’s go back quickly. There must be something wrong on the island, otherwise almost no one can make her so angry with her calm temperament!” Jin Rui said, ignoring a few people, and instantly set up a escape light and went straight to the fantasy island. .

Zi Chen and the others also understood the seriousness of the matter, and followed them at swift speed, even Bai Xue rarely had a word.

On Huan Kong Island, Bai Ran was holding Yukongjian in full force to suppress the Jiugong Banner. Although he was sweating profusely at this moment, he was still gritting his teeth because he couldn’t live up to the supreme trust.

When Qingyu left the island before, he had turned his head back and transmitted to him: There is a strange atmosphere sneaking in on the island, and Mr. Bai must be very careful.

At this moment, where the Jiugong Banner was located, all the nine banners left their original positions, shaking sharply in the air.

And under the Jiugong Banner, nine creatures covered with feathers and wings are robbing the control of the Jiugong Banner; because they want to use the Jiugong Banner for their own use, they can control the Illusion Sky Island and use it as theirs. Base camp.

At first, the nine aliens wanted to kill Bai Ran directly, but he didn’t expect Bai Ran to be like a prophet and then judge; they just wanted to make a move, Bai Ran had already urged the Jiugong Banner to expel the nine.

Yukongjian is the center of the entire fantasy island formation, so as long as he has Yukongjian, Bai Ran can forcibly drive them away.

In desperation, the Nine began to suppress the Jiugong Banner, which seemed to be an anxious battle.

However, due to the displacement of the Jiugong Banner, such a big movement instantly awakened the tens of thousands of cultivators on the island; they did not work together to fight the foreign invaders, and all escaped outside the island when the formation on the island was empty.

The original tens of thousands of creatures, but now there are less than a thousand.

Mr. Bai was very angry at first, and he directly scolded these people for not repaying his favor, but then he gave up; because all the nine figures who entered the island were all in the realm of Da Luo Jin, they would die if they stayed.

“Old guy, see how long you can hold on!” An alien from Li Gongqi sneered.

“You are so courageous, you dare to trespass into the illusory sky island without authorization, and when the supreme comes back, you will be crushed and ashes!” Bai Ran roared angrily.

“Haha, a little big Luo Jinxian is complete, I have countless Fei Xian domains, I advise you to stop struggling, take refuge in my Fei Xian domain to take care of your Cultivation Base and go further!” The alien under Kan Gong sneered.

“The island owner treats me as kind as a mountain, I can’t betray, you wait for this heart to die!” Bai Ran shouted.

“Then see who persists for longer, don’t forget that you are only one person, and we have ten!” The alien under Zhen Gong said with a sneer.

“What, ten people? Where is the other one now?” Bai Ran was extremely worried.

“Lao Bai, is there anything we can help?” Dozens of ghosts from the Illusion Sky Island came to the boundary monument, and one of them asked.

“It would be great if you could stay and defend the Sky Island together. You should leave quickly, otherwise life and death will be unpredictable!” Old Bai persuaded.

“No, Mr. Bai, the island owner has the grace of preaching to us, and the island is also our home; if the home is broken, how can people survive?”

“That is, it’s just a big deal. I’m used to living on the island, and I can’t adapt to other places, haha!”

“Well said!” In the distance, hundreds of people rushed over.

“Lao Bai, although our strength is low, we still ask Lao Bai to assign us tasks. We want to do something we can do!”

Bai Ran looked at the sincere eyes of these people and nodded fiercely: “I will tell you the right to use Yukongjian temporarily; remember, you must stabilize Yukongjian. This is the formation center of the entire island. If it fails, all Spiritual Qi on the entire island will be leaked. If you want to reunite again, I guess it will take at least a few times!”

“Please don’t worry, Mr. Bai, unless I wait for everything to fall, I will protect it with my life!” Hundreds of people shouted in unison.

“Okay!” So Bai Ran began to teach Yukongjian’s urging method.

After a hundred breaths…



Bai Ran shouted, and everyone immediately sacrificed Spirit Power one by one, shooting towards Yukongjian in midair.

Bai Ran started to withdraw Spirit Power slowly. He was very careful, and after a full breath, he finally took over smoothly.

Bai Ran continued to wait for dozens of breaths before leaving.

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