Chapter 132 Chaos Clock Reappearance

On the sun star, a golden man with cold sweat on his forehead, then shouted: “Why? Why are all dead ends, I am not reconciled!”

He gave up the deduction, because he had calculated it tens of thousands of times, and the result was the same every time, and there was no doubt that he would die.

At this moment, a voice from far to near reached the Sun Star directly.

“Because you deserve to die, even if the immeasurable calamity comes at this moment, the deity will kill you first!”

As the sound fell, a cyan escape light appeared on the sun star.

“Why? Why is the Karma line between you and me so dense?” The golden man asked his doubts.

“Why? Haha, you still dare to ask why, for selfishness, forcibly plundering the great luck, is this not enough? Too~yang~zhu~zhao!” Qing Xuan paused.

“Well, you are for this? But what does this have to do with you? Besides, Heavenly Dao has already punished me!” Sun Candle’s face was ugly.

“I can’t control what Heavenly Dao does, but I must kill you!” Qing Xuan’s tone was cold.

“I just told Shenni the method, the real decision is him, he is the culprit!” Sun Candle still roared unwillingly.

“If you don’t tell the method, how did Shenni know? The deity does not allow anyone to destroy the prehistoric land, because this is related to my big brother’s return!” Qing Xuan’s tone was cold.

Although it is only a guess, Qing Xuan is 80% sure; the stronger the prehistoric world, the greater the hope of returning as its pioneer Pangu.

As for why the prehistoric world he had known before, Pangu fell after opening the sky, and now it seems that the Great Conferred War of later generations shattered the entire prehistoric world.

“Who is your eldest brother?” Sun Candle asked suspiciously.

“You don’t need to understand, accept it!” Qing Xuan shot with all his strength, the Shenhuan Pagoda merged, and the shadow of the sky quickly locked onto the sun candle.

Seeing Qingxuan’s attack, the sun was stunned, and the Cultivation Base was fully opened, and the momentum rose steadily; two top-quality Xiantian Lingbao appeared one after another, one picture and one book.

Xuan Huang Chi Ying met with Hetu Luoshu instantly. With a dull sound, Hetu Luoshu retreated a hundred meters away with the sun candle light. The star table marked two deep grooves, which were formed by the foot of the sun candle light. of.

“How could it be possible that the same great Luo Jinxian is consummated, why is the gap so big?” The sun candle shone inwardly roared.

Before he could relax his mind, a giant four-legged cauldron moved towards his skull, and the strong wind on it made his breathing a little bit difficult. The pure physical strength matched the hardness of the Xiantian treasure and gave the sun a candle. heavy pressure.

The sun candle light had to sacrifice the spirit treasure again to resist this strike; when the Qiankun Ding took another shot on the Hetu Luoshu, it instantly smashed the two spirit treasures into the air, and the sun candle light also imbedded his feet on the surface of the star.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Qing Xuan made another move without mercy. In a hurry, the sun was too late to summon Hetu Luoshu for defense, so he could only alternate his hands to cover the top of his head.



The sun shining on his feet were all sunken into the surface of the sun and stars, without his thighs; the terrifying real fire of the sun was scorching his feet, but as the sun’s chaos, he was naturally not afraid of the real fire of the sun.

What really made him clenched his teeth was the conical pain brought by his arms; at this moment, the inner bones of his hands had all shattered, and even his shoulder bones were cracking every inch.

Qingxuan’s eyes were indifferent, he retracted the Qiankun Ding, and Hongmeng’s measuring ruler smashed with all his strength. The strength contained in it made his cheeks hurt by the sun candle before he touched it; he gritted his teeth and pulled by the primordial spirit, and a big bell was suddenly blocked. In front of me.


The Hongmeng Measuring Ruler severely slashed on the Chaos Clock.

Because of the close distance, the horrible sound wave almost destroyed the sun candle shining on the flesh, and he instantly became a blood man.

Although Qing Xuan was physically tyrannical, he was also shaken back hundreds of feet, and the right hand that grasped the Hongmeng Tianzhi also trembled.

“Huh? So courageous, even dare to take the Chaos Clock?” Qing Xuan obviously did not expect the sun candle light to be so bold.

“Haha, it’s all together, if that’s the case, what am I afraid of Heavenly Dao Karma!” The sun candles were obviously crazy.

However, at this moment, a crack appeared in the sky above the two of them, and a ruthless vertical eye looked at the sun candle.


A black thunder and lightning came to the head of the sun candle in an instant, and before its reaction, it had hit the chaotic clock.

The Chaos Bell rang once, but was knocked into the air after only three breaths at a stalemate. The black thunderbolt kept going on castration, smashing into the sun.

The sun’s candle gleamed in shock, and he quickly called Hetu Luoshu for defense. However, as soon as Hetu Luoshu appeared, he was smashed into the air by the Destroying God Thunder, and he didn’t even hold on to his breath.

The God of Exterminating Thunder even knocked the Chaos Clock into the air. How could the two Xiantian spirit treasures be able to withstand it? Moreover, even if the sun was shining on the injury at this moment, the ultimate Xiantian spirit treasure would not be able to exert much power.

The speed of the Extinguishing God Thunder continued to rush towards the sun candle.

The sun candle shining on his face showed extreme fear, and he watched as the God of Killing Thunder descended. With a distorted expression, he shouted: “Why, Heavenly Dao, I suppressed the Sun Star nearly nine calamities for the sake of stability, because I took a Xiantian treasure that shouldn’t be taken. Are you going to kill me? I’m not convinced! “The sun’s candles roared.

Hearing the roar of the sun candle shining, the offensive of the God of Extinguishing Thunder slowed down, and then it slowly dissipated.

Just when he thought Heavenly Dao would let him go…

With a ‘click’, a bolt of thunder and lightning struck the void, the void rippling slightly, and then slowly unfolding like a picture scroll. On the picture scroll is the formation of the Xiantian Zhiyang Zhi after the beginning of the world.

As soon as the screen turned, it came to the scene where Zhiyang Zhiqi suppressed the solar and star riot…

As the picture slowly changed, the face of the sun was getting more and more ugly, because he knew that it was Heavenly Dao that made him speechless.

And Qing Xuan finally knew the ins and outs.

Yes, the sun’s candle light is effective in suppressing the sun stars, but the prehistoric world has long compensated for it. Once he was born, he was the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, standing at the top of the prehistoric pyramid.

But he didn’t want to be grateful, and even instigated the gods to plunder the Ascension own Cultivation Base. Originally, this was mortal. However, the Eye of Heavenly Dao still gave him a glimmer of life. He should have directly faced him who killed the gods, Heavenly. Dao’s Eye was replaced by the Karma God Thunder. Although it was nine Dao Dao, it was far less powerful than killing the God Thunder.

But now he even dared to take Heavenly Dao’s default Demon King Supreme Treasure Chaos Clock, which is simply challenging Heavenly Dao’s bottom line time and time again.

“Even so, I was forced, I just want to protect myself!” Heavenly Dao roared with the sun shining upwards.

However, Heavenly Dao did not answer him. Instead, a black thunder and lightning sent out again; this time there was no barrier. When the thunder light dissipated, the sun candle shattered the true spirit, and disappeared forever in the predicament ever since.

The sun candle light is a sad reminder. Although he is not as strong as Qingxuan, he is good at the formation. Unfortunately, because of his inner fear, he only took care of pushing the derivatives. As a result, he didn’t even have time to arrange the formation. In the end, Heavenly Dao was killed.

After the sun candle fell, a golden gas appeared in the place where he had just disappeared. It began to circle in the void, and then fled to the distance.

Qing Xuan was puzzled, and then hurriedly followed. After a while, the golden gas stayed in front of a mulberry tree filled with real fire in the sun. It was a hibiscus tree.

A white thunder and lightning fell from the Eye of Heavenly Dao, quickly splitting the golden gas into two, and then entered the two giant eggs on the hibiscus tree.

“This? Is this the source of forcibly strengthening the two domes?” Qing Xuan was shocked.

At this moment, three streamers flew quickly from a distance and entered the two giant eggs. It was the Chaos Clock and the Hetu Luoshu; after all this was done, the Eye of Heavenly Dao slowly receded.

Qing Xuan scolded shamelessly, glanced at the hibiscus tree again, and then set up a escape light to the Lunar Star…

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