Chapter 116

Just as everyone was preparing to kill the two of Xuan Mi together, Xuan Mi also took out the Xuan Yuan hammer and waited for it.

Suddenly, there were four screams, but the Haitian four turned Lingbao’s direction and killed them to the rear.

Then, ping-pong-pong-pong-gold and iron-clad sounds continued to sound, and the Haitian four manned Xiantian Lingbao to make a surprise attack, killing more than 70 Rogue Cultivators in a moment.

“Ah, you guys…”


“Damn it, your target is us?”

When they reacted, Haitian and the others were even more sharp.

The four of them were not fools, and they just gave up their hands. For them, the Taiyi Golden Immortal was perfect, but it was a small injury and a pain, so it was not worth mentioning that the dragon was not held accountable in exchange for it.

Before Haitian asked Xuan Min to be sure that he was not sure but he couldn’t believe it, the Dragon Clan let the four of them so easily. This was the reason they asked again and again.

As for besieging the dragon princess with everyone, the Haitian four just wanted to say: madness, can live freely, why do you want to live in flight every day.

This was also Xuan Mi’s calculation. For Long Ji’s safety, he promised the four of them to spend a small price in exchange for a chance to survive.

If it weren’t for Long Ji, Xuan Mi said that none of them would want to live and wait for the dragon army to suppress it.

The battle on the court continued, and Long Ji looked at this scene in disbelief.

She originally thought that she and Xuan Min were in a catastrophe, but she didn’t expect that these people would kill each other because of a word from Grandpa Xuan Min.

“Is this a real predicament? For the sake of profit by any means, I was still a fellow daoist at the first moment, and the next second was a battle against each other, and the shot would be fatal!” Long Ji muttered to himself.

“Little Princess, this is the cruelty of Hong Huang, so don’t blame the Dragon Emperor for keeping you in the Dragon Palace every day. This is to protect you, because you don’t understand the cruelty of Hong Huang!” Xuan Min looked at Long Ji, who was stupefied. Said softly.

“Grandpa Xuan Mi, I know!” Long Ji nodded.

In a blink of an eye, the killing on the opposite side was drawing to a close. Actually, the four people killed all of them. Instead, a group of cultivators scattered and fled after seeing the wrong situation.

When the fighting stopped, the four of them looked at Xuan Mi, and they gritted their teeth to spur Spirit Power to shatter their arms, and then looked at Xuan Mi.

Xuan Min nodded and waved to let them go.

The four people, as if they were amnesty, drove the escape light to evacuate from here, but they couldn’t think of it. Death was still waiting for them!

“Little Princess, let’s go back to the Dragon Palace!” Xuan Min said.

“Yeah!” Long Ji nodded.

The two began to rush towards the Dragon Palace, but at this moment, two extremely fast figures appeared in Xuan Mi’s line of sight, and quickly approached them. When the light dissipated, two cultivators, one fat and one thin, appeared in Xuan Mi. He Longji stood ten feet in front of him.

“Two fellow daoists, please stay. Both of us are the life scorpion Daoist and the water lizard Daoist of Surabaya Valley. This time we are here to find the culprit who killed the valley owner. I don’t know who did it?” The fat name Chao Xuan Min asked the water-calling lizard Daoist.

Xuan Min frowned, then looked at the two with strange eyes, and said in his heart: “This is so much an old birthday star hanging himself, it’s impossible to find death!”

However, out of the blue, he still threw a jade talisman to the two of them. He just wanted to take Little Princess back to the palace, not wanting to entangle with anyone.

The life scorpion Daoist took the picture jade charm, Divine Sense took a look inside. After a while, eyes reveal was shocked, and then his face was full of fear.

The water lizard looked at Ming Scorpion’s expression change inexplicably, and asked: “What’s the matter, the other party is very strong?”

Ming Xie recovered, did not speak, and handed the jade talisman to the water lizard. The water lizard took the inspection, then lost his face in shock, and said intermittently: “Yes…Yes…It’s her, how can it be?”

The two have also participated in the battle of fierce beasts, and they are the survivors of that battle. They have witnessed the peerless Tianjiao with their own eyes. That was the existence of a sword that crossed the border to slay Da Luo Jinxian, and the two of them had just used Heavenly Dao’s merits to advance Da Luo for a half step. This…

The two looked at each other, and they were ready to retreat in unison. Where is this coming to seek revenge, it is clear that they are coming to die.

Thinking of this, the two spoke to Xuan Mi’s cupped hands and said, “Thank you fellow daoist, we are going to say goodbye!”

But right here, the life scorpion Daoist glanced down and saw the bracelet in Long Ji’s hand. His eyes were squirming around, and he said to the water lizard: “The bracelet in the girl’s hand seems to be the best Xiantian Lingbao. Let’s come out. Going back like this seems to be a waste of work!”

Hearing the voice transmission of Daoist, the water lizard also condensed his eyes, looked at Longji, and then glanced at the Cultivation Base of the two opposite people again, and his heart was fiery.

Xuan Mi was about to take Long Ji to continue on the road, and suddenly a spear stabbed at Long Ji, and then a dagger came to him.

Xuan Mi was shocked, and quickly took out Xuan Yuan’s hammer and hit the spear…


There was a sound of gold, iron, and sound, and Xuan Mi repelled the spear, but the sound of a sharp weapon piercing into the flesh also sounded, but it was for the scorpion to pierce Xuan Mi’s forearm with a dagger.

Xuan Mi was preparing to fight back, but the life scorpion and the water lizard retreated at the same time.

“Grandpa Xuan Mi, how are you doing?” Long Ji only recovered at this moment, grabbing Xuan Mi’s arm and asked worriedly.

“Grandpa Xuan Min is okay, Little Princess don’t have to worry!” Xuan Min endured the severe pain and said, then looked at the two opposite people.

“What do you two mean, even En avenging my grudge against me, do you know who she is?” Xuan Min pointed to Long Ji.

“Hey, I don’t care who you are. If you are caught by my emperor scorpion venom, if you don’t seize the time to suppress it, the toxin will spread. Even if you are half a step, you will kill you half your life!” Daoist said playfully. road.

“Grandpa Xuan Mi, are you poisoned?” Long Ji said worriedly.

“You are so courageous, this is the youngest daughter of His Majesty Ying Longhuang, you dare to make a shot at Little Princess, the greatness of the land has no place for you!” Xuan Min shouted.

“Dragon princess!” Daoist looked at the life scorpion with an ugly expression, hesitated for a while.

The life scorpion Daoist gritted his teeth and said, “Since I’ve been offended, I just rush to kill them all. The big deal is that you and my brother will join the Qilin clan!”

After hearing this, the water lizard also stared fiercely, apparently he also agreed with the words of the scorpion.

“Then you know that the great primordial Qingxuan, Little Princess is the disciple of his old man, and the girl who killed your Viper’s ancestor, it is the same elder sister of Little Princess. Can the Qilin clan protect you?” Xuan Mi said again. . He has also participated in the battle of fierce beasts, and naturally also knows the relationship between Qingyu and Qingxuan.

“What, Qingxuan Supreme!” Ming Scorpion and Water Lizard were shocked. It was a move that killed the Gu Carved Beast King of the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian. Not to mention the Qilin Clan, even the Demon Clan would not provoke this for their own two. Wait for a strong enemy.

Thinking of this, Mingxie Daoist replied: “What do you have to prove that she is a disciple of Qingxuan Supreme?”

It was these words that made Xuan Min stunned for a while, let alone, he really couldn’t prove it.

However, Xuan Mi’s silence seemed to be a lie to be revealed in the eyes of both Ming Xie and Shui Li.

“Okay, you veteran, you dare to fabricate lies and lie to me, die!” Ming Scorpion held double daggers and rushed towards Xuan Mi again, while the water lizard attacked Long Ji…

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