Chapter 109: A Woman Full of Dangers

The Demon Blood Bee King turned his head to look at Mo Qilin after hearing the words of the blood kill.

“You rescued Big sis, how can Big sis thank you?” The devil blood king lay lazily next to Mo Qilin, because Mo Qilin had just sat on the ground and hadn’t stood up.

Mo Qilin suddenly jumped up, backed up again and again, and hurriedly waved his hand: “You don’t need to say thank you, don’t say thank you!”

God knows that Yimo Qilin’s early stage strength can’t see this woman’s Cultivation Base. At this moment, he just wants to get out of this space. This feeling of life and death is too scary.

“Hey, what are you afraid of, can Big sis still eat you?” She disappeared in the same place suddenly, came into the air, crossed her legs, and looked down at Mo Qilin.

“Big sis just killed a lot of cultivators with the same origin as you. You don’t hate Big sis, do you?” The Demon Blood King chuckled, but his expression seemed harmless to humans and animals.

Mo Qilin’s face was deep, but he still pretended to be indifferent and said, “No, senior, Junior dare not…”

Before he could finish speaking, Mo Qilin’s whole body was clamped by the neck with one hand and lifted up.

“Speaking of the name Big sis, doesn’t it mean that I am very old when called senior? Big sis is still Fanghua Zhengmao!” She tightened her hand, and Mo Qilin found that he had no resistance at all.

“I, cough cough… I know it was wrong, cough cough…” Mo Qilin’s voice was intermittent.

“Forget it, I don’t think you are young anymore. Call me Big sis and I will suffer too. Let’s forget it!” Mo Qilin slammed into the wall, covering his neck with his hands and gasping for breath.

“Blood Kill, who is the strongest now in Primordial Land, and what realm strength has it reached?” The Demon Blood Bee King asked the Blood Killer again.

“The strongest is the Western Demon Ancestor Luo Hu. The Cultivation Base Daluo Jinxian is complete, and there are thirteen Daluo Jinxian middle stage messengers. The most important thing is that the Demon Clan has the Xiantian Supreme Treasure Killing Spear, and it is lucky to the treasure town demon gate. , The ten second rank kills the world black lotus and so on!” Blood Kill explained one by one.

“Oh, are there any more?” The Devil Blood Bee King continued to ask.

The blood killer groaned for a while, and then said: “I heard that there is a phantom empty island on the East China Sea. The Qingxuan Supreme on the island was once known as the first person in the primordial land. I just don’t know how he is at the Cultivation Base. The subordinates are low in strength. clear!”

“Glitter~, interesting; Luohu, Qingxuan, you take the tribe back first, I will meet these two people first!” The Demon Blood King chuckled softly.

“Yes, king!” The blood killer respectfully took his orders.

Immediately, the Demon Blood King looked at Mo Qilin, who was still half-dead, and said: “Since my clan promised you, then what I promised you will be fulfilled. As for the king who wants to help you, you need to wait for the king to help you. Or when you are willing to help, do you have an opinion?”

“No, no comments!” Mo Qilin answered quickly.

The Devil Blood Bee King reached out his hand to take down the Emperor Fire Heavenly Sun Pearl, and threw it to Mo Qilin. Continue to speak: “You follow the blood to get the rest of the things from my clan. Okay, this king is gone.”

She directly turned into a red light and disappeared in this space, leaving behind the demonic blood beetle clan and an unbelievable pair of ink Qilin.

Mo Qilin didn’t expect that she would still keep her promise and give herself the best Xiantian Lingbao Emperor Fire Sky Sun Pearl, and she would take the rest of the things from the Demon Blood Thyme Clan by herself.


In the west, on the Sumeru mountain of the demon clan, a red escape light came here extremely fast. When the escape light stopped, the demon blood beetle king appeared.

Coming to the sky above the huge Sumeru Mountain, the red woman suddenly slapped her palm downward.


The guardian array of the Mozu Sumeru Mountain trembled violently, turning into a black barrier, but it did not break.

Seeing this, the woman in red slapped another palm, and dense cracks appeared in the formation. When the third palm of the woman was about to be photographed, a deep voice resounded.

“Who is so bold to attack Sumeru Mountain, my demon?” I saw a black streamer flying out of Sumeru Mountain, and then volleyed to stand in front of the red dress woman.

“Daluo Jinxian middle stage, you are the messenger of the demons? Big sis is here to find your boss, can you tell him to come out? Good!” The red-dressed woman chuckled lightly.

“Bold, how can you see the Demon Ancestor if you want to see it? You quickly retreat. The Demon Envoy will not hold you accountable for attacking Sumeru!” Originally, the Demon Envoy wanted to take this bold person down, but God Nian Yiscan couldn’t even see the half-point Cultivation Base of the woman in front of him, which made him change his mind.

“Hey, this wild world dare to reprimand me for being bold and dead, but this king has just come out, and I am in a good mood. Let me give you a little lesson!” As soon as the red dress woman’s voice fell, the whole person hated the demon envoy. Disappear in front of you.

The hate demon was shocked and quickly began to defend. However, there was a sudden pain in his body. He lowered his head in disbelief and found a bloodstain on his abdomen. He was split in two without any resistance. , He didn’t even see the figure of the woman opposite. The red-dressed woman has returned to her previous position, licking her red lips, smiling especially at the corners of her mouth.

“Oh! Go call your boss, or you will die soon!” The woman in red covered her mouth and whispered.

The Hate Demon only knew how terrifying the woman in front of him was. He didn’t dare to make big movements, because once he exerted too much force, his body would break. No longer hesitate, took out the Sound Transmission Jade Talisman and began to send messages to the Demon Ancestor and other Demon Envoys.

Luo Hu, who is in the Closed Door Training of the Heavenly Demon Palace, and the other twelve magic envoys have received a voice from the hate envoy. The content is: “An unfathomable woman appeared in front of Sumeru Mountain. I didn’t even have the power to fight back in front of her. , Please Mozu and other magic envoys to act quickly!”

The other twelve magic envoys who received the sound transmission were shocked. They all knew that the strength of the hate magic envoy was ranked in the top five of them, but the sound transmission said there was no resistance. Luo Hu didn’t dare to neglect, grabbing the Killing Spear and Destroying Black Lotus, and went out of Closed Door Training.

In front of the envoy of hate, the woman in red dress crossed her legs and sat in the void, her mouth still full of playfulness.

At this moment, thirteen figures appeared in front of the Hate Demon Envoy, slowly revealing their figure.

“Who is your Excellency, did the ancestor ever offend you?” Luo Hu in the front said.

The other twelve envoys began to help the hate envoy to repair the damaged body.

The red-dressed woman put away her lazy appearance, stood up, looked at the 14 people opposite, and opened her mouth lightly: “Are you the demon ancestor? It’s not that good, it’s extremely boring!”

“Do you look down on the ancestor?” Luo Hu said furiously.

“Oh, don’t get angry, it scares others!” The red-dressed woman disappeared in front of Luo Hui’s eyes instantly.

Luo Hui was shocked, and quickly presented the ten second rank black lotus to defend himself.

Kacha~The defensive made by the black lotus was broken instantly, Luo Hu was shocked, and he hurriedly sacrificed a sharp spear and slammed into the woman’s direction.

An imaginary sharp tail suddenly appeared in Luo Hu’s eyes, and it pierced Luo Hu’s right hand for three points. Then he pulled it out and pulled out some bone scum. Luo Hu suffered a lot of pain, and back again and again. The right hand of the sharp gun trembles slightly.

The thirteen magic envoys in the distance were wide-eyed and couldn’t believe it. The ancestor was not an opponent, and it seemed that there was still a big gap. This…

“Hun…Hun…Hunyuan Jinxian!” Luo Hui’s pupils dilated and hesitated.

“Hey, you guessed it right, but unfortunately there is no reward!” The woman in red chuckled lightly.

Luo Hui thought anxiously in his heart. Heavenly Dao didn’t mean that the road to Hunyuan Jinxian was broken, and no one can advance to Hunyuan. Why is this woman a Hunyuan Jinxian?

“Use your highest defense, Big sis is going to kill people, giggle!” After speaking, her figure disappeared again.

Her figure suddenly appeared in front of Luo Hui, but at this moment, three pairs of transparent red wings stretched out behind her.

Luo Hu was shocked and quickly moved away from the woman, and sacrificed the Western plain cloud border flag, the Nine Devil Towers, and the Blood Transforming Sword one by one in an attempt to block the woman for a moment.



Luo Hui still took a blow from behind, the woman was too fast, and her strength was too much stronger than Luo Hui, even with the defense of the Destroying Black Lotus, she could still hurt him. Unless he refines all the Restrictions that destroy the black lotus, the Ascension power is to the extreme to resist the attack and killing of women.

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